Chapter 280 Flintlock

There were a lot of vaccinations collected, Huang Han didn't want to destroy them for nothing, so he decided to vaccinate his general Zuo and his family members himself.

The "Tiger's Cave" city gathering will beat the drum, and the "Red Banner Army" system test with more than a hundred high-ranking officials and assistants will come in droves.

Huang Han didn't have any nonsense, and said straightforwardly: "Everyone, I want to vaccinate you so that you will never be infected with smallpox epidemics. Those who trust me to vaccinate voluntarily will show their left arms and let me get an injection."

All of a sudden, there was a clattering sound, and all the officers and officers were taking off their armor. After a while, all the officers and officers, including the soldiers on duty, exposed their left arms.

Huang Hanzha's first one is of course Hanzi, the second one is Song Pengfei, and the third one is Yang Danian...

Seeing that none of the officers under his command frowned, Huang Han asked with a smile: "Why don't you worry that my secret skills will not work and will cause everyone to get sick?"

Hanzi said: "Brother Han, we all believe in you wholeheartedly. If it really doesn't work, no one will blame you. Don't you also have good intentions!"

Song Pengfei said: "Master's secret technique is definitely not a problem, not to mention pricking it with a needle, even if I gouged out a piece of meat with a knife, I wouldn't blink."

The rest of the officials laughed, and no one was worried. They all expressed one meaning: "Trust the Patriarch, trust the mentor, and it doesn't matter if you are unlucky and there is no effect..."

Huang Han said: "Xiao Song, don't just watch, you have seen how I got the pox liquid and got the needle."

Song Pengfei was very clever, and said loudly, "This officer already knows how to get vaccinated, so I'm here to help."

At this time, the three old apprentices also rolled up their sleeves and joined in the needle injection process. While talking, they had already injected all the officers and soldiers present.

Huang Han said: "Hanzi, Song Pengfei, you are responsible for notifying the brothers who couldn't come because they were on duty, and let them come to Li Zhonghua Xun for vaccinations.

Those who have already been pierced should pay attention to the hygiene of the wound, it may be a little itchy, please refrain from scratching, and do not use alcohol to disinfect.If anyone has unbearable discomfort, come to the official or Li Xun immediately. "

The three of Li Zhonghua saw that Huang Han had finished piercing them, and they pierced them again, and then pierced them for more than 100 years. Without waiting to see how the effect would be, they called up the officers and assistants under their command to pierc them again. The confidence in the rate doubled.

What Huang Han did next made them feel more at ease, because Huang Han personally vaccinated his wife Zheng Xiu'e, and then vaccinated Qin Yuyi and Chu Chu.

It was okay to give Zheng Xiu'e an injection, although she was afraid, she gritted her teeth and held back.

Of course, Qin Yuyi didn't even frown, but Mama Chu Chu, who was watching beside her, fled away with a yell, and she refused to get the needle anyway.

In the end, Huang Han got angry and went to catch it himself, and Chu Chu cried and trembled with her eyes closed, and Huang Han stabbed her.

Next, under the guidance of Huang Han, Qin Yuyi vaccinated 22 female soldiers under Qin Rong who followed her. over again.

The males in Huang Han's family were all the men in Huang Han's family. After the demonstration by himself as the head of the family, the clever Huang Kezao and Liu Zaiqi went to tie them one by one.

Five days later, the three of Li Zhonghua and Li Zhonghua couldn't wait to prepare a wide range of vaccinia, because they found that it was just as Huang Han said, and there was only a slight pain in the arm.

The arms of Li Zhonghua and Li Zhongzi have healed, leaving a faint scar. Wu Youxing felt a little unwell the next day after the vaccination. After a day of rest, there is no problem. Now the position of the ulcer on the arm is not completely healed.

Hundreds of people have been vaccinated, and no more than [-]% of them felt mild discomfort. It has been four or five days since no one really fell ill because of the vaccination, which shows that there is no problem with safety.

Li Zhonghua and Li Zhonghua are all well-known contemporary doctors. Of course they realized that they would have smallpox immunity from now on. When they were excited, they wanted to protect more people from smallpox.

The three of them reached a consensus that all the vaccinations were planted on the outside of the left arm, so that the success of the vaccination could be checked and the non-vaccination could be distinguished.

How to collect the vaccinia is also relatively simple. They personally took the apprentices and young apprentices to squeeze the pus of the vaccinia with a knife and store it in porcelain.

There were three famous doctors, Li Zhonghua, Li Zhongzi, and Wu Youxing, who were in charge of inoculating the soldiers and civilians with a radius of eighty miles. Of course, Huang Han didn't need to worry about it. After all, vaccination with vaccinia was a fully-fledged preventive method.

Besides, Huang Han would not make a profit on this matter at all, all the expenses were borne by the imperial court, and Huang Han subsidized the insufficient part with money, and the vaccinations for ordinary people were completely free.

There is no interest here, so there should be no Han people who come to peek at the secrets of vaccines. After the reputation spreads, nine out of ten who come to steal secret skills should be enemies.

In order to extend the period of secrecy as much as possible, brothers Li Zhongzi and Wu Youxing spared no effort to remind the teenagers and apprentices to be vigilant when they were teaching the lessons, so as to prevent this secret technique of living millions from being obtained by foreigners.

Huang Han devoted his energies to military training, and opened his golden fingers to make the technology suitable for the emergence of contemporary technological conditions come out ahead of schedule.

The arsenal in "Tiger's Cave" city is a forbidden place for idlers to enter. As time goes by, the workers who have been subdivided into different types of work have become more and more standardized in their operations, and their movements have become more and more skilled.

At the end of last year, many master blacksmiths were added for production, and now the monthly output of bird guns has exceeded [-] pieces.

In the first month of the lunar year, Huang Han personally inspected the research and development results of the flintlock gun. Under Huang Han's guidance, more than a dozen prototype guns have been made by more than a dozen master blacksmiths. They selected three most satisfactory ones. Let the owner comment on the work.

After loading and unloading, Huang Han asked Song Pengfei and Zhao Kun to try their hands, and finally jointly decided on the standard of flintlock guns for the "Red Banner Army" bird musketeers in the future.

In the long and complicated history of flintlock guns, the Charleville musket is a shining gold star, and it is this type of gun that Huang Han opened his golden finger to let the master craftsmen develop.

This gun weighs nine catties, is just over 1.5 meters long, and has a caliber of [-] millimeters, or just over half an inch.

The fire rate of the matchlock musket is much higher than that of the flintlock musket, and because the flintlock has just been finalized, it needs to be further upgraded and improved.

The current production control is about 150 pieces per month, so Huang Han will not eliminate the bird guns for the time being when equipping the troops with flintlock guns, and still prepares to adopt a mixed army formation to meet the enemy.

Shen Cunli, the leader of the blacksmith, brought more than 100 blacksmiths rescued from Qingcheng into the "Tiger Cave" city arsenal. Soon he was promoted due to his good craftsmanship and literacy, and now he is the number two person in the development of flintlock guns.

Huang Han called more than [-] masters from the arsenal to hold a new product development meeting, including Yang Laoshi and his son Yang Dachui, Shen Cunli, and more than a dozen people who were recruited from the capital.

(End of this chapter)

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