Chapter 29
Huang Han's life and death are unpredictable, but Jianu has almost died.

Because Ba Yala didn't expect that the Ming army would speed up the charge without dodging or evading. When the two riders were about to collide, Ba Yala faltered. One life.

His mind was on avoiding the impact of the Ming army's horses, but he didn't expect the Ming army, who was not afraid of death, to launch a close-range projection with a saber.

It was too close, the saber weighed [-] jin, the force of the impact plus the force of the gravity shot it, and it hit the white armored soldier's stomach all at once, and the blade protruded from his back.

Huang Han didn't get a good fruit either, he fell from the galloping horse, the huge impact made him feel heartbroken, he rolled a few feet away, and then he didn't know anything.

Seeing that Fa Xiao fell off the horse, the fool was furious. He roared and rushed forward with the 24-jin long-handled battle ax in his hand, and slashed at a Jiannu, who also waved a tiger spear to block.

However, the fool is a strong man, and the ax is a heavy weapon. The chopping by horsepower may exceed [-] catties.

In fact, Jiannu should choose to dodge instead of head-to-head. Of course, if he made a wrong move on the battlefield, he would have to pay the price of his life.

There were only eleven slaves, and when Huang Han launched an attack, he shot down one of them, and chopped the Jian slave whose face was cut off by the idiot's throwing axe into two pieces, and Ba Yala was also pierced by Huang Han's saber. Can't die anymore.

The fool, who was full of enthusiasm for the battle, threw three spears and nailed a Jiannu infantry on the spot. He used the last throwing ax to severely damage a infantry, and he repaired another ax to end the Jiannu. Jiannu Yu Ding was disembowelled.

Yang Hanwei, Yang Danian, and Huang Sifang shot nine heavy arrows in total, resulting in the death of one Jiannu on the spot and the injury of two Jiannu, and then the three of them rushed up to fight in groups, paying the price of Yang Danian being slashed in the chest by Jiannu. Killed the two Jian slaves.

In the blink of an eye, nine of the eleven Jiannu had turned into corpses. At this time, Jianu Yu Ding, who had been chopped up by a flying ax and caused the horse to jump wildly and fell off the horse, got up.

It's only half a breath since the attack was launched, and it's about 3 minutes according to the time of later generations.
There was no longer a Jiannu riding on the horse on the battlefield, and Yu Ding, who got up, was frightened, and he didn't dare to revel in the battle and run to the spare horse tied up.

At this moment, Song Pengfei rushed in. He found that the horses running around had already taken out their lassoes and waved them, and he found a fleeing Jiannu and regained his spirits.

He drove his horse forward and at the same time the rope snare in his hand fell, and the sad Jiannu fell into the trap and struggled hastily, only feeling a strong force coming, Jiannu lost his footing and fell on his back.

Song Pengfei trapped Jiannu, and it wasn't enough to drag that kid down. He dragged him to continue galloping, and soon bloodstains began to appear on the ground...

At this moment, the two horses rushed over and saw that they were about to pass the entrance of the village. Jiannu Yu Ding, who was looking after the spare horses, found that the Ming army was fierce and his family horses were killed instantly. He hurriedly pulled the two horses to try to escape. , Yang Hanwei and Huang Sifang hurriedly drew their bows and shot arrows to block them.

The frightened Jiannu didn't think about going all out, he took out his leather shield and fled on his horse. How could Yang Hanwei and others let him go and chased after him.

Of course, Jiannu didn't know that the Ming army had follow-up troops to launch a second wave of attacks. Huang Yizhou rushed forward, and he saw Jiannu who fled from the desert from a distance, and when he approached thirty steps, he shot three arrows in succession. .

At this time, Jiannu was protecting his back with a leather shield. Of course he couldn't take care of the front. Fortunately, he lowered his body and crawled on the horse's back, so he was not shot in the vitals. He was hit by two armor-piercing cones on his shoulder, causing him to grin his teeth in pain. .

In the blink of an eye, Huang Yizhou arrived, and Jiannu hurriedly picked up the ghost-headed knife to resist, but because of the arrow in the shoulder, he was unable to wield his eleven-jin heavy ghost-headed sword.

At this moment, Huang Yizhou's red-tasseled spear accurately pierced Jiannu's chest. The force was so strong that the tip of the gun directly penetrated Jiannu's body and emerged from his back.

After attacking and killing a Jin army, Huang Yizhou was inexplicably excited and was about to laugh, when suddenly there was an earth-shattering howl: "Brother Han, open your eyes! Don't scare me! Uncle! Come on!" , Come see what happened to Brother Han?"

Hearing it was Hanzi's voice, Huang Yizhou could only feel the hairs on his back stand up, his hands couldn't help shaking, he hurriedly galloped to Hanzi's place and got off the saddle, "What's wrong with Han'er? What's wrong with him?"

"Uncle, I don't know! I didn't see where the injury was, but he just didn't open his eyes."

"What's wrong with my master? What's wrong with him." Song Pengfei, who was about to drag Jianu to death, had no time to juggle. He jumped off his horse and pierced the dying Jianu's neck with a gun, and immediately rushed to Huang Han's place.

At this time, Huang Yizhou was sitting on the ground holding his son in tears, and he was in a state of desperation.

Song Pengfei quickly checked Huang Han's breath, felt his pulse, and then pinched Huang Han's chest with his thumb.

At this time, everyone arrived, even Yang Danian, who was seriously injured and still bleeding, was worried, so Yang Hanwei helped him to see the situation.

Song Pengfei couldn't wake Huang Han up, so he cried out in anxiety, tears fell on Huang Han's face.

"Master, you won't die, you definitely won't die, woo woo woo..."

"Brother Han, you can't die, you can't be dishonest, why do you take me to be a general after you die! Wow..."

Hanzi couldn't take it anymore, and cried out loudly.

It's still the same feeling, it's just that the weather has changed, it should be raining instead of snowing, Huang Han started to think when he became conscious, but how could the rain be hot?

Suspicious Huang Han dared not open his eyes, because God knows what age and who his soul will appear in this time.

"Huh? That's not right! Why is Xiao Song crying here? Dizzy! There are fools howling."

Huang Han suddenly opened his eyes, and all the concerned faces burst into smiles, even though their faces were still full of tears.

He wiped the liquid from his face, it was obviously not the rain but the tears of his father and Paozawa.

Huang Han blamed: "Why are you all surrounding me? Did you arrange the sentry in time? This is a battlefield! It's not a place for mothers-in-law."

Huang Yizhou is the leader of this team, just now he thought that his son's death in battle caused chaos, but now he was reminded of his responsibility by Huang Han and blushed with embarrassment.

He wiped away the tears on his face, got up quickly and said, "Huang Sifang got on the horse and followed me to patrol, the rest bandaged the wounds and cleaned the battlefield."

Hanzi was a little embarrassed to let Huang Han see his embarrassing appearance of tears, he jumped up and said: "I'm going to fight the fire, how will the villagers live this winter when their houses are destroyed?"

(End of this chapter)

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