Chapter 304 Siege of Fuzhou City

That afternoon, when the "Red Banner Army" who besieged the city learned that the reinforcements sent by Jiannu in Gaizhou had been defeated by cavalry brothers and lost more than [-] people, they burst into bursts of cheers.

Watching the Ming army at the top of the city, the Hou Jin army suddenly heard a huge movement from the Ming army and tensed up one by one. They drew their bows and knives out of their sheaths and silently waited for the upcoming offensive and defensive battle.

Later, the Jin army did not see the Ming army aggressively attacking, but only saw the excited Liu Zaiqi shouting with a big trumpet made of tin-plated iron.

Liu Zaiqi exaggerated three times the fact that the Ming army defeated the Gaizhou reinforcements. He told the Fuzhou defenders that more than a thousand Jiannu who came to Gaizhou for reinforcements were defeated by the "Red Banner Army" cavalry battalion.

Just when the defenders of Fuzhou were doubtful, about 27 bloody Jiannu heads appeared on three hundred or so Ming army bayonets holding blunderbusses, holding two Niuluezhen banners, and escorting [-] captives. .

Liu Zaiqi, who used to be as timid as a mouse, straightened his body, held up a loudspeaker and followed the team towards Fuzhou City. He pointed at the flag of Jiannu and shouted:

"What is this? This is your Niulu'er real battle flag. If the Ming army hadn't defeated more than a thousand reinforcements, would they have captured two battle flags?"

Liu Zaiqi picked up another head that was still bleeding and continued: "This is the real head of Niu Lue, his name is Geerdugua, and he belongs to Zhenglan Banner. Shiku's head is called..."

He was spitting out his speech, and he even looked at Jiannu's badge and read out the contents one by one. The bloody facts were in front of him. Not only the Han people in Fuzhou believed it, but even Jiannu believed it. Nahai suddenly felt very sad. Knot.

The 27 Jiannu captives who were tied up in a string were led by the Ming army around Fuzhou City, and the braids behind their heads swayed in the wind, which looked extremely funny.Ming Jun was laughing.

Fuzhou City, which was already a fluctuating military spirit, was even worse. Most of the Han people had the intention of waiting for the Ming army to attack the city. Find your own horse in the first place.

Nahai didn't know that Fuzhou City was difficult to defend. He already regretted not making the decision to abandon Fuzhou in time and concentrate his troops to defend Jinzhou.He was actually one of the chief generals of the slave garrison in southern Liaoning, and both Fuzhou and Jinzhou were under his jurisdiction.

Jiannu's food was in short supply, and the generals of all walks of life attached great importance to the autumn harvest, and Nahai was no exception. He left Jinzhou and came to Fuzhou to direct the storage of autumn grain because he wanted to organize the autumn harvest.

Who would have thought that the hateful "Red Banner Army" would kill and run to Fuzhou, which should belong to the rear, when the soldiers and civilians in Fuzhou had just finished the autumn harvest after working day and night to grab the farming season. Of course, Nahai couldn't just give up Fuzhou and go to Jinzhou at this time.

Originally, he still had fantasies that he would stick to Fuzhou City. The garrisons in the direction of Jinzhou and Gaizhou should not be indifferent.

Such expectations were shattered this afternoon, and the two Niulu'erzhen banners were captured by the Ming army, which meant that the reinforcements in the direction of Gaizhou had lost a lot, and it may not be possible to provide support to Fuzhou in the short term.

After receiving the news that the reinforcements were defeated by the Ming army, the Han army should be everywhere.The defenders in Fuzhou City can't be trusted except for the Eight Banners, and the number of these people is several times that of the Dajin Army, and Nahai is like a light on their backs.

After finally staying up until the sun went down and watching the Ming army retreat to Nahai, he felt a little relieved. In order to prevent the Ming army from launching a sneak attack at night, he ordered the soldiers of the Eight Banners to watch the night in person, and he could not believe those Ahha.

Nahai stayed up all night. He has been through battles for a long time. When the Jin army seized the city of Liaodong, most of them used the combination of inside and outside to attack the city at night. Of course, he was worried that the Han army would let the Ming army enter the city at night. Anyone who makes a noise and finds that there are Han people walking around at night will kill without mercy.

Huang Han didn't intend to launch a night attack at all, because the gunners of the "Red Banner Army" can shoot accurately, and the effective killing distance is far greater than that of Jiannu's infantry bow. It is beneficial to our army to launch a battle to seize the city with good visibility.

The "Red Banner Army" was short of troops, Huang Han did not plan to besiege Fuzhou City from all sides, but chose to break through the Zhenhai Gate in the north.

The other two sects all adopted the method of setting up roadblocks to prevent the Jiannu cavalry from fleeing. They did not demand to wipe out all the troops who broke through the siege, but to kill the Jiannu in large numbers while reducing the casualties of our army.

This is completely within our means. The total number of people dispatched by the "Red Banner Army" is less than 3000, minus the sailors, gunners, and military service, and minus the mobile cavalry, only [-] can participate in the attack during the siege people only.

In the early morning of the next day, the Ming army still displayed the captives and heads as yesterday afternoon, and kept yelling to remind the Han people and Yehe tribe Jurchen to fight back.

Because the Ming army escorted the captives and kept wandering around, the two Hongyi cannons and several Franco cannons deployed in the northern city wall of Fuzhou could not be aimed at. It didn't start.

Jiannu also knew that firing artillery was not easy, and it was best to strike when the Ming army was charging intensively, so he did not strictly order the Han army gunners to fire.

In fact, they were also wary. After all, there were dozens of captured Eight Banners soldiers there, and the shells had no eyes. If they really killed the tribesmen, they might cause trouble, so they chose to do more than do less.

Unexpectedly, what Song Pengfei wanted was for the enemy to be paralyzed so that he would not easily fire. He was the commander of the infantry battalion, and he often watched artillery training to understand the power and range of artillery fire.

He had already estimated by observing the position and elevation angle of the Hongyi cannon at the head of the city that if Jiannu fired the cannon, the approximate impact point of the shell would be. In fact, he and his subordinates did not stay within the impact range of the shell at all.

Song Pengfei had been approaching Fuzhou Zhenhai Gate with [-] first-level shooters, and had been closely observing the artillery positions at the top of the city. He found that Jiannu didn't know to order the Han army gunners to adjust their elevation angles to aim at them. The team was overjoyed.

Liu Zaiqi knew Song Pengfei very well. It was Song Pengfei who pleaded for him last spring, so he was able to save his life. Song Pengfei was one of the benefactors in his heart.

Seeing that Song Pengfei, who was already the commander of the third-rank guard of the imperial court, personally led the team to carry out the psychological attack, Liu Zaiqi immediately understood that today is definitely not as simple as continuing to propagate and disintegrate the enemy army, and our army will definitely take action.

Liu Zaiqi was very active, still running in front of the team holding a loudspeaker to shout.The slave-building guards in Fuzhou city watched Liu Zaiqi's performance with cold eyes. The Han people were being driven away by the slave-building at this time, and few of them could watch the excitement from the top of the city.

At noon, the Ming army marching with the captives suddenly launched an attack. It was more than a hundred Ming soldiers holding guns that suddenly aimed at the direction of Zhenhai Gate and crackled, and more than a hundred people ran towards the city gate at high speed.

(End of this chapter)

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