Chapter 306

The Jiannu veterans knew that long-range attacks with infantry were no longer possible, so they could only choose to hide and prepare to jump out and inflict damage when the Ming army ants attacked the city.

Although it is known that they will not be able to defend Fuzhou City with only a few people like them, but they want to use this old bone to slow down the speed of the Ming army's breach of the city as much as possible to buy time for the young people to escape.

The old Jian slaves lying behind the crenel had no idea that the Ming army had no intention of climbing the city wall with ladders at all. The Ming army was going to blow up Zhenhai Gate and enter the city in one go.

Escorted by miniguns, flintlock guns, and blunderbusses, lead bullets poured uninterruptedly at the head of Fuzhou city, and the city guards and slaves had no way to fight back. Therefore, the engineering brothers came to the moat without being attacked.

The moat in Fuzhou is four feet five feet wide and one foot five feet deep. Huang Kezao, Zanhua of the Engineer Battalion, had already visually measured the width of the moat. He didn’t need to worry about the depth, because building a pontoon bridge on such a small river does not require dropping anchor chains to fix it. Wooden buoys.

How many pontoons and how many planks to use to build the pontoon bridge was decided the day before yesterday. When the gunfire of the attack sounded, the wheelbarrow loaded with pontoons and planks was jointly pushed by four engineers and ran wildly.

When they came to the river, the engineers tacitly picked up the pontoons and planks that they had agreed to assemble and spliced ​​them together. In less than half a quarter, the four pontoon bridges were completed.

The engineer blasting team was very satisfied, because they were able to quickly push the wheelbarrow loaded with black powder directly to the gate hole of Zhenhaimen through the pontoon bridge.

After too many drills, they placed ten [-]-jin gunpowder packs in the preset positions as quickly as possible.

An engineer responsible for lighting the fire was one of the three people Wang Zhanpeng specially wanted to come. They were all archers with perfect arrows.

The rocket crossed an arc and hit the gunpowder package accurately at a distance of [-] steps, and there was an earth-shattering explosion, and the weak gate of Fuzhou North City was blown down.

The sword and shield players and spearmen who followed up pushed them flat like human tanks because they were wrapped in iron armor.

Most of the few cold-armed infantrymen in the "Red Banner Army" were born in Huijiazi, and all of them were of the powerful type. They formed an formation and marched forward to kill the Quartet, with blood flying and heads rolling along the way...

No matter whether the first-level shooter has a "Mini gun" in his hand or not, he is always vigilant around his surroundings. He often jumps out of a Jiannu who is trying to do his best. Blood, crashing to the ground.

Excited Liu Zaiqi's voice was a little hoarse, but he still shouted hoarsely with a trumpet:
"The city is broken, Han brothers, you are saved, kill Jiannu to avenge your revenge!..."

Shouting, shouting, all the past came to his mind, he was sobbing, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolate

Fulang Yalanda, Fang Sigu and other four Frang machine instructors followed the artillery trainees pushing the artillery carts to a distance of less than two miles from the city wall of Fuzhou.

Of course, they were preparing for shelling. The first goal was to destroy the Hongyi cannons deployed on the northern city wall of Fuzhou. Unexpectedly, their speed could not keep up with the pace of the infantry attack.

In order to achieve the effect of a surprise attack, the artillery positions cannot be exposed prematurely.

The artillery battalion, which had been hidden in the camp for a long time, could only start to act when they heard Song Pengfei's sneak attack gunshots. When they were deployed, everyone found that it was impossible to fire.

It was a scuffle taking place at the city of Fuzhou, and it was difficult to distinguish between the enemy and us, and at a glance, most of the city of Fuzhou were Ming soldiers in red shirts, and it seemed that there was no need to destroy the enemy's artillery emplacements, because their cannons had no People will go to the ring.

Fulang Yalanda exclaimed: "Oh my God! This army is so brave that it killed the top of the city without artillery cover."

Fang Sigu said: "Fulang Yalanda, they are not only brave, but also impeccable in discipline, and their weapons are also the most advanced."

Fulang Yalanda nodded and said: "Yes! The twelve six-pound field guns we brought are very unusual. They are [-] pounds lighter than the same model made in Macau, and the range is [-] to [-] yards longer. "

Fang Sigu said: "The main reason is that the cannons they cast are much more refined, and the bores of the guns have been carefully processed to better turbulence the shells, thus increasing the airtightness and increasing the firing range."

Gong Sao said greedily: "If we can know what materials and techniques the Ming army used, and how to produce such good guns, we will get rich. Unfortunately, they don't want us to go to the factory where the guns are produced."

Fulang Yalanda warned: "Gong Sao, you must not pry into the secrets of the Ming army, otherwise we will be killed. No country will tolerate the leakage of advanced artillery technology."

Fang Sigu agreed: "Yes! If you still want to go home, it's better not to know anything, just teach these students how to shoot."

E Honglue is a real person, he said: "The young people who learn how to shoot cannons in the Ming Dynasty are very smart, even if we don't teach them seriously, they can slowly find out the experience.

Now they are earnestly compiling a booklet called Artillery Drills. I believe that after summing up their experience, they will record it in the booklet, so that it will be easier for young people who come to study in the future to get started. "

Fang Sigu said seriously: "Da Ming has a long history of civilization, and now it is about to have the most advanced army. What will they do in the future?"

Looking at the city of Fuzhou, Fulang Yalanda was full of emotions. He said leisurely: "The population of the Ming Dynasty may exceed that of the whole of Europe. They have the most advanced cannons and advanced warships. In the future, this empire will become the largest empire in Europe. possible enemy."

Then he turned his head to Christine and said seriously: "So no matter what, you must not try to spy on the secrets of the Ming army's artillery. We still think that we can return to our hometown in our lifetime."

Nahai, the guard of Fuzhou, was lucky. He left the north gate after his patrol just now, when he heard a huge explosion and saw dust flying in the direction of Zhenhai Gate.

Then there was a burst of shouting and killing, and then the red flag was fluttering, and many disgraced subordinates were running around.

He knew that the Ming army had no hope of entering the city, so he immediately ordered all the soldiers and civilians to break through as quickly as possible, and run away as many people as possible.

At this time, the battle in Fuzhou City was in full swing. While the Ming army killed the Jin army, the Han people who broke out also started killing with red eyes. They were retaliatory killings. They were extremely cruel, regardless of whether they were young or old. Many former slaves The master was wiped out.

Realizing that the situation was over, General Nahai, the slave master, hurriedly took less than a hundred of his subordinates and fled from the unattacked south gate. When they reached the south gate, they found that many soldiers and civilians who had been notified also flocked here.

(End of this chapter)

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