Chapter 31
Huang Han didn't believe that with him, a traveler who knew 5000 years ago and 380 years later, to unite, arm and lead the Han people, whether the mere Tunguska savages would still be as lucky as history.

How to unite the Han nationality?Of course, there is historical experience that can be used for reference. It should be true that "the right is more helpful than the wrong".

First of all, we must let the common people see that our army is strictly disciplined, will never disturb the people, let alone deceive them, and establish an image of loving the people.

The thirty days of education was not in vain, and all the servants consciously did not enter the homes of ordinary people, even if it was obvious that there was a big family in the village, the servants did not go in to search for gold and silver treasures.

"Don't rob the common people to starve to death." Don't just stay in the mouth, the common people don't distinguish between rich and poor.

If the discipline is relaxed today, and the servants are tacitly allowed to rush into the rich people's houses to rummaging through boxes and cabinets, then the army's military spirit will be gone, and it is not known whether it will eventually become Zuo Liangyu's ilk.

Huang Han wants to build an iron army with strict discipline, and to make his troops deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and win the support of the people, strict self-discipline is essential.

Hanzi is a warm-hearted person. He and Huang Chunsheng, Yang Jiahe, Yang Gu, and Huang Nongsheng have been fighting the fire. It may be that their actions have reassured the common people, or the owner is really reluctant to let go of the house that was set on fire by Jiannu.

One, two, four, seven or eight... the common people finally ran out from their hiding places, and young and middle-aged men who were hiding in the forest outside the village rushed back to Zhuangzi one after another.

Gradually, more and more people participated in the firefighting, and I don't know where they were hiding just a moment ago?

Soon there were cries, and then there were cries of mourning. After all, no less than 100 people were killed in this village, and almost every household had lost relatives, so weeping was unavoidable.

Annihilating Jiannu is equivalent to saving the village. Although there is no food, Huang Han is very happy. He thinks that as long as he can help the Han people, it will be meaningful.

Huang Han left quietly with his men and horses, without taking any property belonging to the common people, not even the three cows, four mules, and a dozen sheep brought out by Jiannu.

An old man with white beard and hair was holding his grandson who was shot to death by Jiannu. still alive.

The old man woke up like a dream when he saw the Ming army leaving the village. He kicked his second son who was kneeling on the ground and crying, and said hysterically, "Howling is nothing, you hurry up and catch up with that Ming army. From now on, don't come back, follow them as soldiers and kill Jiannu to avenge the whole family."

"Father, we are the only ones left in our family. What will you do if I leave?"

"I'm an old bone, and the soil has already buried half of it. Don't worry about it. As long as you can chop off the head of a Jian slave, you will be worthy of our family."


"Stop talking nonsense, why don't you go after them? If you miss them, I'm afraid you'll never meet these good soldiers again. I've lived most of my life, and I've never seen such men and horses. If you follow them, you're guaranteed to have great success."

Many people heard the conversation between the two men, and at this time, seven or eight young and middle-aged men ran wildly in the direction where Huang Han disappeared.

Just as Huang Han turned around the mountain pass, he heard shouts from behind: "My lord, my lord, wait for the little ones..."

After getting the equipment again, Huang Han was about to take in some servants, when he found that eight men had chased after him, saying that they wanted to join the army, and they all expressed their willingness to follow the army to kill Tartars from now on.

With such a good thing delivered to your door, how could Huang Han refuse these hot-blooded men?

Huang Han immediately got off his horse and chatted with them to understand the situation, and found out that two of the eight people were hunters, who belonged to natural archers.

The last time the servant was the township party, this time the servant was a victim of looting by the Houjin army who had suffered a lot and was deeply vengeful. He was Hao Erlang who volunteered to join the army.

These eight men can basically ride horses, but only Chen Song and Ma Fulin have riding skills. They got on the horse and ran two laps. Huang Han thinks that their skills are not bad. With such a foundation, practicing riding and fighting is twice the result with half the effort.

Wang Zhaoxiang and Zhu Lianshan know how to shoot arrows, and they are very confident in their shooting skills.Wang Zhanpeng is a martial artist who knows how to use throwing knives and is used to using machetes. Huang Han asked him to choose the weapons he had captured.

There are three other people who don't have special skills, but they all said that they have a deep hatred with Hou Jin's army, and they only want to kill the Tartars. They are strong and not afraid of hardships.

Among the three was Zhao Kun, who was ordered by his father to catch up with Huang Han and asked to join the army. He actually had special skills, because he had studied in a private school for three years and was able to write and count.

Because there were too many captured and the wounded needed to recuperate, Huang Han asked his father to bring Yang Jiahe, Huang Nongsheng and the four people who volunteered to send the captured and seriously injured Yang Danian back to Jiulitai.

After Wang Zhanpeng, Chen Song, Wang Zhaoxiang, and Zhu Lianshan made up for Huang Han, he still maintained sixteen riders, thinking of finding another opportunity to win the Golden Army.

Unexpectedly, Huang Yizhou firmly opposed it. He believed that his son was willing to fight with his life. This kind of soldier was definitely the chief's favorite, but it was a different matter when the soldier was his own son.

In a fierce battle today, his son actually fought with the white armored soldiers of the Golden Army and almost lost his life. How could he rest assured that Huang Han would continue to stay with his troops?

Huang Yizhou firmly demanded that father and son soldiers go into battle, or everyone would not go back to repair, or everyone would go back.

There is no way, Huang Yizhou is not only his father but also a Shangguan, Huang Han can only go home in despair.

In order to train the rookie's riding skills, Huang Han asked Song Pengfei, Hanzi, Yang Hanwei and other five people to accompany Yang Danian to trot behind, because strenuous exercise may cause Yang Danian's wound to burst.

Huang Han and his son took 16 people to rush back to Jiulitai Village for more than [-] miles. It is about [-] miles from Yutian County to Yongping Fucheng.

The remaining veins of Yanshan Mountain have become less majestic and more delicate when they reach the boundary of Yongping Prefecture, and further south is the North China Plain.

Due to the pitiful shortage of people and horses now, Huang Han did not dare to take the official road to the south, and galloped as far as possible to the north, leaning on the hilly mountain roads of the remaining mountains of Yanshan.

Huang Yizhou took his cavalry team out for five days, and when he came back, not only were there no missing horses, but there were also eight big men and nineteen fine horses, and Jiulitai Village was boiling again.

More than a hundred young men and women who hadn't gone up the mountain all flocked to Huang's house to watch the excitement. At this time, all the family members felt like they were returning home, and they all spit and told stories about killing Jiannu.

The thrilling story made many good men feel itchy, and they all longed to become a member of the Ming army one day.

(End of this chapter)

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