Chapter 322
The next day, Shang Keyi, Shang Kejin, and Shang Kexi ordered the five hundred Han men who had just been rescued to push nine shield carts and carry twenty ladders to approach Xiuyan Fortress, which had no moat at all.

The cavalry of Dongjiang Town had already launched a round of assault. Without exception, they shot arrows when their horses approached the south city wall for sixty or seventy steps.

While the main attack was on the south gate, the east gate of Xiuyan Castle was also harassed by more than [-] cavalry from the "Red Banner Army" led by more than [-] Shenshuying and Jinyiwei, plus Liu Fenyong.

There are no city gates in the west and north directions of Xiuyan Castle. Yuan Siming and Sang Yu each lead a defender who shoots the general cavalry at the top of the city.

It is an established tactic to attack from all sides, both true and false. If there is any slack, the attacking Ming army does not mind climbing up the wall, because the city wall of Xiuyan Fortress is too short, only a little over seven meters.

More than half of the Ming soldiers and horses were concentrated in the direction of the south gate, and the shield chariots built yesterday were concentrated here for use. In the other three directions, there were less than two hundred Han people carrying five or six ladders and posing as ants to attack the city.

At this time, Huang Han led a general cavalry to stand in for Dongjiang Town's main attackers, and beside him were Hanzi, Yang Danian, Gu Kui, Yan Congyou and other four personal soldiers.

Shen Ming and the other four 13-year-old children were not brought out this time, not only because they were underage, but also because of their poor riding skills.

But Huang Han took all the five miniguns that Huang Han used to fire, and he loaded the minigun himself early this morning. The four personal soldiers, He Yongqing and Lei Mingchun, refused to do anything.

Because Lei Mingchun and the others have never been trained in reloading, they are not professional. Reloading is sophisticated. It is not done by pouring gunpowder into the barrel and stuffing mini bullets.

At the very least, enough experience is required to tamp gunpowder with a cleaning rod. The loader who is just getting started often has a bad grasp of the scale. Too tight or too loose will affect the power.

Huang Han never slacked off. Although the loading action was not proficient, the steps and techniques were standard. He also carefully checked the firing steel spring of each miniature gun, and rubbed the flint with a fine file to ensure the firing rate.

The five Miniguns were in good condition, the rifling in the barrels was not smooth, and there was no phenomenon of lead hanging. It should be because Shen Ming's four children often cleaned the barrels.

Huang Han didn't care about his head and his back when he used his troops. In order to prepare for emergencies, the cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" did not all gather outside Xiuyan Fortress.

Yang Guoen, Wang Zhicheng, Zhang Yang and other six generals each led a general bannerman to cast a large reconnaissance net from a distance, and a large group of Jiannu troops could be found within fifty miles.

Dongjiang Town's men and horses are all concentrated in the main attack direction, and nearly half of their cavalry can't shoot arrows, so only a few hundred people launch long-range attacks. Since they are riding and shooting, although the arrows fly beautifully, they are not enough lethal. The head defenders were also able to cope.

Not long after the battle started, the eight rough and heavy shield carts were pushed by twenty or thirty ordinary people and approached eighty steps below the city, and the ordinary people carrying the ladders also came up.

Originally, nine shield vehicles were prepared, but one of them broke down on the way forward and could not be pushed. There was no time to repair it and gave up.

Huang Han waved his hand to signal the "Red Banner Army" to join the shooting ranks. Yang Danian immediately rushed forward with horses capable of riding and shooting. The knights of the "Red Banner Army" had visors and all-steel breastplates and were shot by Jiannu at a distance of sixty or seventy steps. Basically, there will be no serious problems.

Shooting at this time can better suppress the Jiannu archery at the head of the city, so as to avoid the heavy casualties of the ordinary people without armor.

Huang Han stopped at a distance of a hundred steps from the city gate. In order to be able to fire the Minigun more accurately, he dismounted and aimed at the city from a standing position. Huang Han did not intend to shoot and kill minor characters. His goal was to stop the slave-building officers, at least Also kill the white armor soldiers.

There are less than 600 Jiannu soldiers stationed at Xiuyan Castle. After the mobilization of the whole people, [-] people have taken up bows and arrows to help defend the city. Most of them are old people and children, and their combat effectiveness is not very good.

Since the Ming army was besieging from all sides, Jiannu could only choose to defend on all sides. They also saw that the south was the main attack direction of the Ming army, so most of the troops deployed here were regular soldiers, accounting for about half of the total force.

Huang Han kept looking at Shang Kexi, and saw that the three brothers had already dismounted, commanding their subordinates to shoot arrows while approaching the city with the shield chariot.

Seeing that the [-] or so Dongjiang soldiers under the command of the three Shang brothers had come within [-] steps of the city, the arrows shot by the infantry bows were now more powerful and their accuracy was greatly improved.

The arrows of the Ming army flew to the top of the city like locusts.The defenders at the top of the city were well prepared, shields and crenels blocked most of the arrows, and some Jiannu fought back with infantry bows.

After all, the coverage of the shield car was limited, and more than a dozen Dongjiang soldiers who leaned out to shoot arrows were unlucky and screamed after being shot in the body.

These Dongjiang soldiers did wear iron armor on their bodies, lined with cotton armor, and iron eight-petal helmets on their heads. If they were shot by arrows, they might not lose their combat effectiveness.

They are more tenacious, unwilling to lose the wind and still pull the bowstring and shoot arrows desperately, because they are as archers covering the sword and shield hand to climb the city, whether they can suppress the shooting of the Jiannu at the top of the city is related to the feasibility of the ants to attack the city.

Some of the Dongjiang soldiers who approached by riding and shooting were also shot. They refused to fall off their horses and hugged their horses tightly and ran back.

Huang Han looked at the city with a gun in his hand, and quickly selected a white armored soldier with a full bow as his hunting target. This was the first live target he shot with the Minigun. Fortunately, the Minigun fired successfully. The Minnie bullet accurately penetrated into the chest of the white armored soldier.

Jiannu Baijia, who was aiming at Shang Kejin and firing the armor-piercing cone, burst into bright red from his chest and fell on the top of the city. The armor hit the city bricks and made a crisp sound. .

After succeeding, Huang Han continued to block Jiannu. The second, third, and fourth shots failed to fire. He changed the primer and pulled the trigger again to fire the Minie bullet.

In the rain of arrows, there were four crisp gunshots. The distance of a hundred paces was too childish for the accuracy of a rifled gun. Jiannu Ba Yala in the melee didn't know how to guard against cold shots.

Relying on the solid armor on their bodies, they knew that it was not so easy for the scattered feather arrows to penetrate the armor and hit the flesh.Often when they shot the Ming army, their bodies exposed too many crenels, which created a good opportunity for Huang Han to snipe them.

In a short time, four young and middle-aged Jiannu soldiers were killed, three of them were Ba Yala.

Hanzi's archery skills are too poor and he is used to throwing weapons. The killing distance of throwing axes and throwing guns is far less than that of bows and arrows, so he refrained from hitting the horse and joined in the fun and followed Huang Han closely.

It was also because most of the surrounding people were from Dongjiang Town, Hanzi was a little worried about Fa Xiao's safety, so he acted as the bodyguard himself.

It was also the first time for Han Zi to see Fa Xiao use a minigun to kill an enemy, and he was very excited to see Huang Han firing all his bullets by the side.

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(End of this chapter)

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