Chapter 325 Make persistent efforts
Monk Huang Han was delighted to get on his horse and gallop amidst the cheers of two or three thousand soldiers. When he approached the Jiannu who were acting as the moving target, those Jiannu who had been untied from their ropes understood that the Ming army was going to kill the captives.

Not only that, but the two generals of the Ming army were going to have a killing contest. Jiannu, whose legs were not injured, ran away crying, and Jiannu, whose legs were injured and could not escape, begged for mercy.

How grinning, cruel, and reckless they were when they slaughtered the Han people in the past, they have all forgotten at this moment, and it is their turn to become the flesh of the ancestors.

Seeing that the two generals of the Ming army went their own way and ignored their pleas for mercy, they bowed their bows and set up arrows to aim at them. Jiannu, who knew he was doomed, began to curse.

"Gou Nikan, you are so vicious that you deserve to die. One day, my big golden master will kill you and wait for revenge."

"My country is benevolent and righteous, and my master has issued repeated orders to restrain the soldiers of the Eight Banners not to kill surrendered troops, captives, or ordinary Han people. The nikans you kill these days are more vicious than wolves."

"Shang Kexi, you will not die! One day, my Dajin army will catch you and cut you up."

"Huang Han, you..." A Jiannu who was about to scold Huang Han stopped abruptly because a steel arrow shot into his big mouth.

Huang Han's arrows shot continuously and the shooting speed was extremely fast. He often deliberately shot two arrows to hit the same vital point of the same Jiannu.

The purpose is to let Shang Kexi kill more and more prisoners of the Jin army in full view. I am afraid that this time the story of monk Kexi's arrow comparison will become a good story again.

oh!wrong!It should not be a good story, but an evil deed.

After all, Chinese civilization pays attention to tolerance and pays attention to reporting grievances directly. It has never encouraged the killing of prisoners, and generals who make such actions will be cast aside.

Amitabha!If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell?In order to save Shang Kexi who might slip up and become a traitor, Huang Han is going all out, regardless of his own glorious image.

Shang Kexi was indeed proficient in bows and horses. He shot more than [-] arrows in a row from left to right, almost without missing a shot. Every time he shot a feather arrow, the Dongjiang town soldiers burst into cheers.

When there was not a single Jiannu alive in the shooting range, Huang Han, who had achieved his goal, put away his bow and arrow and rode his horse away from the massacre scene without looking at the results.

Still unsatisfied, Shang Kexi rode his horse and raised his whip to check the results of the battle. He was very satisfied with his performance today, and thought that he had performed well, even if he lost, he would kill one or two prisoners less.

But when he saw clearly the captives Huang Han shot and killed, he immediately knew that he might lose badly, because he was already unable to do what he wanted after shooting 23 feather arrows from left to right.

Now it seems that Huang Hanzu shot 42 feathered arrows and hit 21 Jiannu accurately, and each Jiannu hit two steel arrows at the vital point.

Shang Kexi was inexplicably astonished. He hurriedly shouted to the cheering Dongjiang soldiers: "General Huang has won, and he has won too much. I am Shang Kexi's shooting skills are far inferior to General Huang's. I am completely convinced that I lost today. General Huang is mighty!"

Survival of the strong is a deep-rooted understanding of the soldiers. They all know how hard it is to practice the skills of riding and shooting to kill the enemy. They sincerely worship fierce generals and heroes. At this moment, everyone shouted hoarsely: "General Huang is mighty! General Huang is mighty! ..."

Shang Keyi was inexplicably astonished, and he said sincerely to Shang Kejin beside him: "General Huang used firecracker bullets from a hundred paces away without missing a beat, I didn't expect him to be so good at archery, under normal circumstances gunners don't even know how to shoot arrows! General Huang is really amazing!"

Shang Kejin was also stunned, he said repeatedly: "Unbelievable, unbelievable, such a fierce general is really rare."

In fact, Huang Han's martial arts and Shang Kexi are on the same level. Today, he easily won Shang Kexi because he used a stainless steel pulley bow to save energy and improve shooting accuracy.

If it wasn't for the upgrade of the weapon, with the accuracy and strength of Shang Kexi's left and right bows, Huang Han might lose.

Fang Zhenghua looked at the oncoming Huang Han and sighed, "General Huang, why do you always make people worry? The killing of prisoners can only be done in private, and you actually made it public in the name of a competition of arrows, and let the public know what to do." More than [-] soldiers and civilians waved their flags and shouted, this matter cannot be concealed at all, and there will be no less impeachment by the censors and officials in the future."

Huang Hanman said nonchalantly: "Don't worry about him, if I follow the rules, no one will impeach me? The imperial court keeps these people for the purpose of punishing people. As long as I am happy, I will not be impatient to manage the censor and think about how to make troubles in the matter. "

Li Ruolian, who was booing along with him, was a little embarrassed to hear Fang Zhenghua's remarks, and he said, "That's right! It was really thoughtless to just look at the excitement just now, and it's hard to be held by the speaker."

"It's okay, I don't feel uncomfortable, as long as they don't dare to say it in person, otherwise I will beat them on the spot."

Li Ruolian once saw Huang Han threaten with his own eyes, and the normally dignified literati shut up obediently one by one, and said with a smile: "I have been in the Ming Dynasty for more than two hundred years, and only you, the general, dare to be so presumptuous."

Huang Han laughed loudly and said: "Don't forget that I have a reputation as a scholar, and I am also a scholar. I studied under the talented and humble gentleman Xu Ge, who is good at both literary and martial arts! Anyone who refuses to accept it can try it! "

In the afternoon, Fang Zhenghua and Huang Long counted the gains and casualties. There were already [-] cavalry casualties in the northward force. Because Liu Dashou led the medical soldiers to treat them in time and skillfully, the death rate was not high.

At present, the number of casualties is more than one hundred, the number of wounded is as high as two hundred, and there are more than 300 Han people who have been treated.

Now this army is facing a choice again, should it take back Jinzhou as soon as it is good, or make persistent efforts to move north?
The generals going north were all old fritters, and Huang Han was also a thief. In order to increase the efficiency of robbery, thousands of troops did not walk in a straight line.

Therefore, the distance is seven to eight hundred miles, but the straight-line distance from Jinzhou is only more than four hundred miles.

If the raids continue northward, many slaves will be killed along the way, and a lot of money, food and livestock will be robbed.

Ever since they met Jiannu villages and towns that could be plundered, the food of this team has greatly improved, and now it is even more amazing. They even eat beef and drink beef soup!White flour cooking cakes can keep you full.

Why are you eating beef now?That's because the Ming army is used to cherishing the cattle, and the Ming Dynasty can't slaughter the cattle at will, so the habit has become natural.

The farm cattle captured at the beginning were not willing to kill and eat meat, and the rescued Han people set up carts and walked slowly behind the team.The situation is different now, more and more cattle have been seized, and they are getting farther and farther away from the Golden State.

The Ming army was worried that the cattle were moving too slowly, and if they encountered a cavalry attack by a large army of Jiannu, they might not be able to take any of them back, so they also began to kill cattle to satisfy their greed.

(End of this chapter)

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