The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 332 Wandering in a false name

Chapter 332 Wandering in a false name
After emptying the four miniguns at the fastest speed, Huang Hanfei mounted his horse and continued to shoot and kill Jiannu with a steel bow. Then he wanted to brandish the Saber, which he hadn't used for a long time, to charge face to face, but found that there was no one there. This opportunity is up.

The few remaining Jiannu had been besieged and beaten by the cavalry of Dongjiang town. When he went up at this time, the Dongjiang soldiers thought it was General Huang who came to claim military merit.

Huang Han stopped charging from his horse, he jumped off his horse and reloaded the four empty miniguns leisurely. At this moment, he regretted not bringing the four small bodyguards with him, and also regretted not ordering He Yongqing sooner. Wait for the four guards with bursting strength to practice reloading.

After firing a shot, Hanzi immediately put on his gun and rode on his horse to fight. After all three throwing guns and two throwing axes were released, he happened to meet Jiannu face to face. Unfortunately, there are very few Jiannu still fighting. Hurry up, wield the long-handled battle ax quickly, and only chop up a Jiannu vest.

The ambush battle with a strength of [-] to [-] was safe and sound, and the Ming army, which had advantages in surprise attack, equipment and morale, won easily, and the battle soon ended victoriously.

The final result was the beheading of 110 armored men under Niulu Erzhen Mubayan of Jiannu, and a dozen lucky Jiannu escaped from the encirclement and headed north.

Huang Han realized the opportunity of the war, and immediately issued an order that the whole army temporarily gave up looting the nearby villages and quickly pursued Jiannusha in the direction of Benkuandianbao.

At this time, the newly established slaves were defeated, and they must have lost their fighting spirit. The news of the Ming army's large-scale invasion should have spread to Kuandianbao. Is their general a pig?What does it mean to only send more than 100 people to the south?Insufficient troops.

Huang Han made a judgment that he would never give Jian slave master another chance, and he was going to take advantage of the victory and pursue to kill Kuandianbao in one fell swoop.

In the second hall of the former general Xingyuan of Kuandianbao, the anxious Jiala Erzhen Zabach was shocked when he saw more than a dozen subordinates who had fled back. He grabbed a Bashiku named Ekadu by the collar and roared. road:

"What are you doing for food? The Ming army's lone army is not familiar with the terrain. You know the surrounding mountains and rivers well. How could you suffer such a big loss? There are too many enemy troops and you won't run away? I didn't order you There is no retreat."

Ekadu howled: "My lord, I really don't know what's going on, the people and horses were walking well and suddenly I heard the sound of gunfire, Lord Mubayan fell down immediately.

Then there were arrows and spears coming from all directions, followed by the crazy Ming army rushing around, and there were not many of us in a daze.

The humble job relied on familiarity with the terrain to get rid of the chasing Ming army and fled back to report to my lord. There are too many Ming soldiers and they are too powerful. I can't stay here for long. My lord, give an order to retreat. You can run as much as you can, Ming The cavalry is here! "

Zabach said angrily: "Nonsense, what should I do with the food, supplies and family members who ran away here? How can the Khan know that I fled without a fight?"

Ekadu, who had already lost his energy, advised: "Our troops and horses have less than [-] of the dozens of personal soldiers of the adults. The cavalry of the Ming army are all equipped with iron armor, and everyone is brave enough to die. inferior to our army.

Their number may be more than ten times that of ours. If the adults insist on staying with the troops, I am afraid that they will die in vain. "

"My Dajin army only has a beheaded general, and there is no Jiala Ezhen who escaped. For the glory of the Dong E clan, I decided to fight with the Ming army to serve the country. Come! Send me an order to gather all the horses and go to the south to form an open field. enemy."

At this time, Bashku, the leader of the personal army named Yalgu, also advised: "Master Mubayan is not a man who has been in vain for a long time. Killing all of them shows that the Ming army is invincible.

We took less than [-] cavalry to fight in formation, but it was a desperate attack, but we did it knowing that we couldn't do it. Your Excellency is really going to lead everyone to die here and be loyal to the Dajin Kingdom? "

Zabach asked back with red eyes: "So what if you don't die for the country? If you escape, you will be decapitated and your family will be harmed. If you die in battle, you will not only get honors after death, but your family will also receive preferential treatment. My official Is there a choice?"

Damn, this kid is thinking for himself!The reason why he refused to give the order to retreat was because he was unwilling to bear the great crime of fleeing without a fight. The few Bashiku and Baijia who were present were all ashamed.

His personal soldier Bashku Yargu still had illusions in his mind, and asked anxiously, "Why don't you send your confidantes to lead a few people to the outside of Dalinghe City to report to the Great Khan about the Ming army's raid on Kuandian Fort?"

Zabach shook his head and said: "This situation is the most delicate at this moment, as long as I let a few people go, everything will be messed up.

Only with the determination of everyone to die together can the fighting power break out and the Ming army can be killed a lot. Sooner or later, the master will understand the situation of our battle, and everyone will praise it at that time. "

The master was about to die in a vigorous battle against the Ming army. He fantasized about getting the honor after death. However, Bashku, a personal soldier, hoped that the master would send him to take a few people to report to the Great Khan. .

Yargu didn't want to die in vain. After exchanging glances with the other Bashiku and the white armor soldiers, he understood most of the people's intentions. Suddenly, Yargu struck Zabach on the back of the head with the back of his knife, knocking him out immediately. past.

Yalgu is not a nobleman, he has no sense of family honor, he only knows that he cannot die in vain.

After he knocked the master unconscious, he said loudly: "The slave is loyal to the master, absolutely can't see the master die in vain for the sake of fame, he would rather bear the infamy and stop the master."

Ekadu immediately expressed his support, saying: "Master Yaergu is right, we all know that you did this to save the life of the master, so hurry up and take everyone to evacuate without further ado!"

Several Bashiku and Baijia soldiers present all echoed: "Master Yalgu, please issue an order for Mr. Zabach who passed out, and we will resolutely implement it."

Yaergu wanted to cover it up and said: "The master fainted because of his anger. He didn't have time to order the whole army to retreat. Now the situation is urgent. I will convey the retreat order for you. Everyone hurry up and tell the brothers to run north."

After speaking, Yalgu hurried to his home, he wanted to take as much gold and silver as possible to bring his wife and children.The others also ran fast, without exception, they all went back to take the soft gold and silver treasures with them and brought their wives and children.

The dozen or so defeated soldiers of Jiannu had to pass through a two or three mile long street full of shacks and blacksmith shops when they ran back to Kuandianbao.

Not long after, Ahha, the Han man, found that many Jiannu hurried home and came out again. They pulled up all the horses, loaded up with large and small burdens, and dragged their families northward with their mouths.

(End of this chapter)

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