Chapter 334
The Han people are not stupid, they have been looking forward to catching the opportunity to escape back to Daming, so I don’t know how many people tried to escape but failed and were captured by Jiannu and beaten to death.

There are also Han people who just want to escape wholeheartedly, but they don’t know where to escape. They are considered lucky to escape into the mountains and become wild men.

Now is a rare opportunity, the Ahas have a clear direction, have food and find a lot of clothes and bedding from the village.

As long as men find weapons in their hands no matter whether they have combat power or not, at least they will have an ax or hatchet for splitting wood. I believe they will rush to fight for their lives when they encounter Jiannu and ferocious beasts.

The Han people who have been used to suffering go back to the south together. Most of them are of the Xiaoqiang level. Now that they have food, clothing and freedom, there is no doubt about their vitality. It is estimated that there should be few Han people who died on the way to the south. Very little.

Huang Han led about [-] men and horses to attack the northwest for two days with the center of Kuandianbao as the center. They estimated that they had penetrated about [-] miles, and they encountered three piers guarded by Jiannu and bypassed them all.

Of course he would go around the castle to intimidate the enemy, and every time he would suddenly attack and kill two or three Jiannu with a minigun.

Hanzi also followed suit and fired a shot. The last time Hanzi finally hit a white armor, I don't know if his marksmanship has improved by leaps and bounds, or the blind cat encountered a dead mouse.

More than a thousand well-equipped Ming troops passed by the pier and provoked them. The well-dressed white-armored soldiers were inadvertently beaten to death by the generals of the Ming army.

The garrisons in these pier fortresses were not large, basically no more than a hundred soldiers, and they didn't know the intentions of the Ming army at all. How could they dare to open the gate of the castle and fight out if they didn't protect themselves?

Just when the nearby Jiannu village got the news from the fleeing clansmen, thinking that this group of people would continue to plunder northward and started dragging their families to abandon their homes and flee, Huang Han turned to the east and north to kill. Two days later, this team rushed south again.

At this time, Huang Han's men and horses had doubled, and there were three to four thousand men and more than six thousand horses. In fact, there were only thirty or fifty Jiannu villages looted, and there were not many Jiannu who fled after hearing the news.

In some villages, when the Ming army came to kill them, they found that there were no Jiannu and Qiding, and only a few thin Ahas were left. Huang Han had no time to screen out traitors at this time, so he could only distribute dozens of catties of grain to each Han. Instruct them how to flee south so that Houjin can lose as many people as possible.

Therefore, far more than two or three thousand Han Chinese were rescued. Most of those who could not ride horses had to flee south by themselves, and those who were too weak even had to ride a bullock cart on the road. I hope they can meet the large troops of the Ming army. According to specific statistics, it may reach five or six thousand.

Huang Han's method of attack is the most vicious, similar to that of the bandits of Ming Dynasty.

This group of people is also like locusts snowballing in Jiannu's territory and devouring everything. It is impossible to restore the ecology of the places they pass, and Jiannu's worse management level will not last for three to five years.

Fang Zhenghua and Huanglong's troops walked very slowly when they went back, and they could only advance forty or fifty miles a day. There was no other reason, but because the Dongjiang Town troops and the rescued Han people were poor, and letting them throw away some supplies was like killing them.

Therefore, there are too many people in the team. Although no one is cheating or cheating, it is useless for everyone to work hard to get home one moment earlier. The speed just cannot be increased.

Yang Danian and Sang Yu have been monitoring the Phoenix Fort. Three days after the large army went north, the slaves in the fort finally couldn't bear it, and they sent a team of sentry horses to investigate.

It's a pity that Sang Yu, who was hiding on the mountain and watching in person, saw the real thing when Jiannu moved the materials blocking the north gate. The final outcome can be imagined, and the eleven Jiannu sentry horses were not able to go back.

Niu Luer in Phoenix Fort really waited until all the flowers withered and did not see Bashikuba Yala who led the team back home at the appointed time. It seems that these 11 people disappeared in the north without a sound, and the terrifying atmosphere was The fort spread.

The Ming army besieged the city with great fanfare, and many Jian slaves didn't think it was scary. On the contrary, there was no death-like silence around Phoenix Fort, which was creepy.

Now another eleven warriors disappeared for no reason after leaving the city. What should we do next?Still sending people abroad?How much to send?I'm afraid it may not be effective if all young and middle-aged people are dispatched.

Because there were thousands of cavalry in the Ming army, and all the Jiannu had seen it with their own eyes. If the Ming army wanted to encircle and annihilate the people who came out of Phoenix Fort, they would have no way of escaping.

Jiannu had no choice but to choose to wait in fear, since he couldn't see the Ming army outside the city, so he didn't dare to come out to find out.

On the afternoon of August [-]th, Tiger Cave City received the good news from the clippers that Fuzhou had already been captured, and the number won would not be less than [-]. The exact number is being counted. More than [-] Han people were rescued, and this number is increasing day by day.

The left-behind general Qin Yuyi immediately sent a messenger to Zunhua to report the "Victory of Fuzhou", because Vice General Yongping was subordinate to the Governor of Shuntian for performance appraisal, so he should report such a victory to Liu Zhilun in public and private, and he would report the victory to the court, and by the way let him He shared the benefits of the operation and research.

Liu Zhilun couldn't sit still when he received the good news. He personally led the family team to gallop to Fu Ningwei. Now Liu Zhilun is no longer the right servant of the military department who bumped into walls everywhere in the winter of last year and was so poor that he could only stand tall and proud in the snow.

He is now a big official in the frontier with power, money, and people.

It has been nearly a year since the last raid outside the Great Wall. He heard the two generals explain in detail the surprise raid on the grassland, and he became more aware of the importance of cavalry.

Liu Zhilun has not been idle during this time, he has been using the governor's superiority to recruit cavalry skilled in bows and horses. He now has 360 armored servants, and each servant has two healthy horses.

It was already noon on August [-]th when Liu Zhilun ordered Qi Jiading to come to Funingwei. Dozens of warships and transport ships were captured and returned to Tiger Cave City just yesterday.

Seeing the left-behind general Qin Yuyi, Liu Zhilun eagerly asked about the authenticity of the content of the victory report without being too polite.

After all, there are too many beheadings on the victory report, which actually exceeded the level of [-]. How many days has it been since the "Red Banner Army" became an army?How many troops can there be in total?Can the number of veterans who can fight reach [-]?How did you achieve such a result?Somewhat puzzling.

Liu Zhilun is very pragmatic, even if he trusts Huang Han very much, he has to verify it himself before he can rest assured, and only then will he report the success to the imperial court.

Qin Yuyi was full of joy and had no place to vent. When she saw her husband, Liu Zhilun, her boss and long-term friend, immediately introduced those waist badges that had been checked, how many cows, how many white armored soldiers, how many horses, infantry, and how many slaves. child soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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