Chapter 338 Sniper
Zheng Xiu'e sighed: "Ah! All of this is something to be said for later, and it can only become a reality if the husband makes meritorious deeds and returns home safely.

My husband is the spiritual pillar of the Huang family and the 'Red Banner Army', everything will get better and better with him.

So sister, you can't be greedy for merit when you go to Jinzhou, you must always look after your husband.

I heard that he must go to the battle in person in every battle, you must persuade him not to do this anymore, he wants to command thousands of troops, how can he still take the lead like a low-level official? "

In fact, Qin Yuyi is also a fierce general, and she also goes forward bravely in battle.

She also likes this hearty feeling.She likes that it doesn't mean that she supports her husband to do this, because she deeply knows the danger of doing so.

Qin Yuyi solemnly stated: "Sister, don't worry, when I went to the army, I not only personally persuaded my husband not to put himself in danger, but also asked Yang Dalang, Song Pengfei, Wang Zhanpeng, Yang Guoen and other generals to watch over my husband. , and all the generals accompanying him will be held accountable."

"In this way, I can rest assured, sister, you have to take care of yourself, there is still a long way to go, and Huang Jiafeng's title as Duke is just around the corner.

If the war is difficult, remember to take a step back and leave the sea and the sky open. The most important thing is to keep the green hills. Don’t spend all your money. Our family is not short of money and food. As long as there are veterans of the "Red Flag Army" as a team, as long as there is time for training, a strong army can come back again. sooner or later. "

Qin Yuyi nodded and said: "Sister, I'm awake. If I feel bad, I won't fight desperately. I will definitely pull my husband back from the front line."

Qin Yuyi did not go with Liu Zhilun and Chengquan.

One was because Liu Zhilun and the others were rushing to Lushunkou, and the other was because Qin Yuyi had to bring six [-]-pound and eight [-]-pound field guns that had passed the test, and it was estimated that the departure would be two days late.

The arsenal has newly produced 24 bird guns, [-] self-generated guns, and [-] miniguns. Qin Yuyi left four mini guns to equip Qin Rong and Malanhua, and left [-] bird guns to equip the new female soldiers. , and the rest are all shipped.

Self-generating guns are also flintlock guns. Now the quality is stabilizing and the firing rate is gradually increasing. During this period of time, the arsenal has adjusted the proportion to gradually reduce the production of bird guns and increase the production of self-generating guns. The production of bird guns will stop next year.

The port of Langwobao is under construction, and Qin Yuyi is not sure whether she can provide horse boats to dock at the port and allow cavalry to land ashore. Moreover, she has six [-]-pound field guns with the heaviest body parts weighing more than [-] kilograms after disintegration. The gun needs to land.

Therefore, Qin Yuyi decided to go to see if the port of Langwobao could satisfy the cavalry and cannon to go ashore.

August [-]th was the day when Huang Han, Fang Zhenghua, Huang Long, Li Ruolian and others led the cavalry to go north. The defense burden of the entire Jinzhou front fell to the five people composed of Song Pengfei, Jin Sheng, Zhao Kun, Zheng Xiaowen, and Gao Youmou. on the group.

Three of the five were educated at a higher level than scholars, and Jin Sheng was even more remarkable because he was born as a noble scholar in the Imperial Academy. Even Song Pengfei's adjutant, Zhao Kun, was a scholar who had passed the children's examination.

Only Song Pengfei had read the book for less than two years, and he still learned practical knowledge from Huang Han, which was completely different from the Four Books and Five Classics that Jin Sheng and the others read, so Song Pengfei and Jin Sheng could not chat together.

When they got together to deal with official business, Jin Sheng and Zheng Xiaowen talked about Jinxiu Wen, Song Pengfei felt very awkward, and often at this time he would simply go to the front line to deploy defenses.

Digging trenches, building earth walls, and planting hidden piles were in full swing. Song Pengfei found that the number of lookout posts was too small and the height was insufficient, so he ordered Xiang Chengliang to quickly dispatch engineers to build lookout posts at a distance of two miles from the city wall of Jinzhou. The height must be higher than that of Jinzhou The city wall is one foot long.

Three days later, Song Pengfei was finally able to clearly see Jinzhou City, which was two miles away, from the lookout posts in different directions.

Since the Ming army besieged and did not attack, the Jiannu in the city felt more at ease these days. The siege has been going on for ten days, and the city defense materials that Jinzhou should have prepared have already been in place. Teams of patrol soldiers walked by.

It is not Song Pengfei's usual style to live in peace between the two armies. After observing for a few days with Zhao Kun and a dozen officials, he decided to send all the first-level shooters of the Minigun to sneak up and kill them at a distance of about [-] steps from the city wall of Jinzhou. The guards at the head of the city created a terrifying atmosphere for Jiannu.

On the night of August 24th, thirty groups of sniper teams began to work, each group consisted of exactly one team, with one as a sniper and four musketeers using self-generating guns. These five people carried three loaded Miniguns with them. The gun is four self-generating guns.

The snipers are 30 selected from the first-level shooters. They are definitely the best among the best. Everyone can use the minigun to score nine rings or above at a distance of about [-] steps.

The Jinzhou garrison should remember this unforgettable day, because there was nothing special about the night of this day. After midnight, there will be a big difference. Amidst the sound of gunfire from time to time, there will always be a Eight Banners boy who loses his life.

It was pitch black outside the city, and it was unknown where the Ming army was. Often there would be a flash of fire in the distance and then a "boom!", and a Jian slave would fall down in response.

It was too scary. Jiannu was blocked for the first time and didn’t know how to deal with it. They knew they would be protected after hiding in the bunker, but everyone hid and dared not show their heads. No one observed the movement outside the city. In case the Ming army quietly touched it and launched a surprise attack Wouldn't he lose his head in an instant?
The gunfire rang all night, and it didn't stop until it was slightly bright. The soldiers and civilians in Jinzhou City stayed up all night, and everyone suffered from dark circles. The army fired guns, but they didn't see the Ming army launching a siege battle.

In the morning, Nahai received a loss report. Nearly 100 people were killed and injured last night, and there were more deaths and fewer injuries. Seventeen soldiers were killed on the spot and four were seriously injured. The Han army was cunning and knew how to hide firearms. The older child suffered the most and the younger thirty died.

Because there is no need for all of them to go to battle, there are no more women involved in the transportation at the top of the city these days, and there will be no women on patrol at night, so there are no women casualties.

Nahai was sweating, he had never seen such a fight.How can the city be guarded if this continues? Who dares to patrol the top of the city at night?
A group of post-golden officers got together urgently to discuss countermeasures, but at this moment they heard the sound of gunfire coming from a distance.

After a while, a Bashiku hurried over to report, "My lord, the Ming army is attacking again, and more than a dozen people from our army have been killed. Now the situation is very bad, and the warriors are unwilling to go to the top of the city. The ground was beaten to death by the Ming army for no apparent reason."

How to spend the night has not been discussed yet, and the day is almost too late!A group of Jiannu generals looked at each other, their faces pale.

(End of this chapter)

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