Chapter 353

The imperial decree made it clear that I hope that all civil servants and military generals will try their best to kill slaves. On the day of Jinzhou's great victory, the imperial court will reward all the soldiers who participated in the war, and those who have made great achievements will not hesitate to confer titles.

After receiving the decree, the civil servants and generals who put on the purple python all came to congratulate Huang Han, and they all thought that he was the one who won the Golden State Guard and was awarded the title. Guessing based on his merits, he should skip the earl and give it directly to the marquis.

Because in the second year of Chongzhen, the emperor directly gave Mangui Dongpinghou and Wu Jinglue.

All the generals were dressed in glamorous outfits, and each one was triumphant. Huang Long glanced at Huang Han with the python robe and jade belt on his body, and said in a scene-like manner: "The python robe of the governor fits like a suit tailored to the body shape, and the one for the lower official is a bit long."

Huang Han's forehead was suddenly full of black lines, and a sentence from "Good Song" jumped out of his thinking like a conditioned reflex: "Yesterday I felt sorry for the coldness of the ragged coat, but now I think the purple python is long."

Forget it, I don’t have the same knowledge as him, and I think this warrior has never heard of "Because the hat is too small, so the shackles are carried... It’s absurd, and in the end they are making wedding clothes for others!"

Huang Han cupped his hands in the direction of the Forbidden City and said, "Thunder, rain and dew are all the favor of the emperor. I will definitely live up to the holy family and defend the country and open up the border. In the next battle for Jinzhou, I will join hands with you adults to make contributions."

Civil officials and military generals all said in unison: "I am willing to fight for the country, without fear of being shrouded in horse leather!"

Now there are not many soldiers and civilians outside the city of Jinzhou. The more than [-] people who have just been rescued have already begun to be transferred to Funingwei. The first ones who get the chance to return to the Ming Dynasty have been screened. man of.

Many of the males that Song Pengfei brought from Fuzhou had already been put into new work 20 days ago. Their task was to build a network of moats from the port of Langwobao to the camp outside Jinzhou city. Roads and excavated artificial rivers must also be completed before the cold snap comes.

Huang Long and the officers under his command left behind [-] strong laborers for the civilians conscripted in Dongjiang Town. These people will serve as auxiliary soldiers to assist the main soldiers of Dongjiang Town in launching the siege battle.

The "Red Banner Army" also selected four to five thousand strong laborers and eight hundred healthy women to stay. After all, saving lives requires a lot of people, feeding horses, cooking, pushing carts, and moving supplies.

During this period of time, the "Red Banner Army" teenagers created files for the rescued Han people. Huang Han planned to leave more than 4 native Liao people in Langwopu and Jinzhouwei for reclamation, and bring back all the more than [-] people who were originally from Gyeonggi. Placement in Tiger Cave City.

The 1000 selected to serve with the army were sent mandarin ducks and battle jackets to enjoy the treatment of the Guards Army from the beginning of October, and [-] people were stationed at Langwobao under the leadership of two guards who had just become regular soldiers.

Except for a very small number of the original guards who performed too poorly, all the rest were accepted as regular soldiers, and they were given a monthly salary of one tael and five silver coins and five buckets of wheat of their own quality.

Hanzi and Zhang Yang, two cavalry generals who can't play archery, have been looking for young and middle-aged men who have passed the equestrian skills among the tens of thousands of rescued Han Chinese to form cavalry musketeers. Now more than 500 people are receiving queue training.

It's just that there are not enough flintlock guns. The [-] new arrivals must first meet the combat needs, and it is impossible to allocate them to the cavalry musketeers as training guns.

It is simply unrealistic to equip cavalry with arquebus guns, because cavalry movement is the most important thing to kill the enemy. It is too difficult for everyone to keep the fire alive when riding on horseback. Who would be foolish enough to train and keep fire with the expectation of being equipped with self-generating guns? , and there is really no need to do so.

Hanzi got the [-] new blunderbusses for the cavalry musketeers to practice shooting, aiming, and loading. There were [-] new blunderbusses and [-] blunderbusses that were repacked, all of which were equipped with the guards who had become regular soldiers. Activists.

Many of them knew how to fire the blunderbuss and carry their guns, and they all received training in handling firearms after they became the reservists of the "Red Banner Army".

Fewer guns and more soldiers is just a temporary phenomenon. The output of the arsenal will increase a lot every month. Among the Han people rescued this time, hundreds of experienced blacksmiths will enter the arsenal to make a certain flint on the assembly line after simple training. Gun parts.

It is estimated that the production of self-generated guns and Mini guns will double this month, and the output of bird guns should not be less than last month.

Before the end of the year, it is no problem to ensure that all the main soldiers are equipped with self-generated blunderbuss and Mini guns. Some of the guards are equipped with bird blunderbuss replaced by regular soldiers, and some are equipped with new bird blunderbuss.

With the development of the "Red Banner Army" to the present stage, Huang Han knew that as long as he had a firearms force of more than 1 horses, even if he could not sweep Liaodong, he would have enough territory to protect himself.

It is urgent to win Jinzhou and manage the nearly [-]-square-kilometer land at the southern tip of the Liaodong Peninsula. This place is on the front line of Liaodong, and the sky is high and the emperor is far away.

In history, Zu Dashou led the Guanning army to escape when the emperor needed troops to defend the capital most, and killed He Kegang, surrendered to Dalinghe City, and established slavery. Which crime is not enough to ransack the family and exterminate the clan?

Other crimes such as withholding military pay, raising private soldiers, falsely reporting empty quotas, smuggling and reselling military rations, arrogance and lust, etc. are nothing.

But Zu Dashou grasped a principle that he would never enter the pass to see the emperor. Chongzhen repeatedly issued edicts asking Zu Dashou to see him, but he prevaricated them with various reasons. In the end, Zu Dashou lived longer and happier than Chongzhen.

Knowing that Chongzhen had a personality defect of bullying and fearing the hard, Huang Han must of course make good use of it. The "Red Banner Army" also deployed heavy troops in southern Liaoning.

If there is no direct confrontation with Jiannu's territory, the "Red Banner Army" is still stationed in the pass, and a civil official who jumps out casually may mobilize the "Red Banner Army" to fight.

Therefore, it is very important for the development of the "Red Banner Army" to win the Golden State Guard and stick to it. Not only because it always faces a strong enemy and cannot slack off every day, it will strengthen the hearts of all soldiers, and it will also have the effect of supporting the self-respect of the soldiers to some extent. , to avoid the fate of a dead dog.

On September 27, the fourth year of Chongzhen, Zhang Chun gave up leading more than [-] Ming troops to rescue Dalinghe City through the official route. Instead, he bypassed Changshan in the southeast direction and prepared to rescue from the Dalinghe South Gate.

Because the Hou Jin soldiers lined up twelve camps on the official road from Jinzhou to Dalinghe City in the northeast, and set up ditches and earth barriers outside the camps, which were extremely strong.

After bypassing Changshan, Jiannu cavalry came all over the mountains and plains. The scouts of the Ming army were quickly wiped out in the Jiannu iron stream. Zhang Chun never expected to rely on cavalry to achieve results. He calmly ordered the chariot battalion to form a defensive formation quickly and lined up guns on all sides. The guns are ready.

The Houjin soldiers were all out, and this place was less than fifteen miles away from Dalinghe City, and further ahead was the camp of the Houjin army.

(End of this chapter)

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