Chapter 360 Pulse Gate
Among Huang Sifang's flag guard leaders were more than a dozen retired veterans who were still able to ride and fight. They each led a bodyguard division of the general flag to conduct joint drills.

Within a few days, the five or six hundred bodyguards who were able to fight on their own got used to fighting in formations. Such formations could not scare Jiannu and Tartars, and were enough to frighten unknowing bandits and bandits.

Favors have to be owed frequently, and in the end it is not clear that the network of relationships has been woven. Huang Sifang has the cheek to borrow armor from everywhere through his connections, and blatantly tells his partners that Sifang Express will join forces with the Luanzhou garrison battalion to kill the rogues.

Some of the armors were borrowed from the generals of the Beijing camp, some were the equipment of the commanders of the guards, and some were contraband items privately hidden by Shanxi merchants. In the end, more than [-] pairs of armors were assembled, enough to equip every bodyguard who was about to ride and fight.

Yang Hanwei, who had already contacted him when he set off, dispatched a general cavalry from the Luanzhou Garrison Battalion. Yang Hanwei learned that Huang Sifang's purpose of borrowing troops was to kill the bandits and led the troops to take part in the operation. Huang Yizhou concentrated all the armor and equipment. This 360 ride.

Huang Sifang chose to forbear some time ago because there are all kinds of horses and horses on the commercial roads. He didn't want Sifang Express's efforts to suppress the bandits to benefit all the merchants, and he was suspected of supporting the bandits.

Now that Sifang Express is the dominant family, it's time for Banner Guards to scout for a long time, and even several bandits that Banner Guards have already joined and sneaked into.

A small thousand cavalry to exterminate the rogues whose nicknames or names have not been recorded in history is definitely a sledgehammer. The rogues who had robbed the Sifang Express independently or joined forces with other thieves were besieged and wiped out.

Huang Sifang and Yang Hanwei had listened to Patriarch Huang Han's lectures many times, and they both gave the best plan when it came to how to suppress bandits.

In fact, there is no profound method, and there are also suspicions of talking about war on paper. In short, it is necessary to fight a war of annihilation. The bandits with horses cannot be allowed to escape. amnesty.

Except for the retired and wounded soldiers in the banner guard, including Yang Danian and Yang Hanwei, the small thousand cavalry had never experienced actual combat. The suppression of bandits took more than a month. Under the guidance of the banner guard lurkers, these troops fought seven or eight times in comfort. The first annihilation battle immediately became murderous.

The seven bandits were surrounded and wiped out, and dozens of war horses and more than 200 draft horses were seized, as well as hundreds of cattle, donkeys, and mules.

Thirty-odd carts that were robbed by Sifang Express were also found, and dirty silver was also confiscated. The stolen goods were discounted in silver to no less than 4 taels, minus the more than 2 taels of silver that accompanied the owner. It was close to [-] taels, and the value of the goods had to be doubled.

A total of more than 1000 young and middle-aged bandits were killed, half of them were leaders, more than [-] young and middle-aged bandits were captured, and more than [-] old and weak women and children were captured.

All the captives were carefully screened, but those with blood debts in their hands were all killed without mercy. The rest were sentenced to three years of labor reform by Huang Sifang. Go to a brick factory or a cement factory for labor reform.

During the labor reform period, two meals are provided daily, which is enough for [-]% of them to be full. If they are active, they can get a chance to reduce their sentences and get rewards for extra meals.

In the end, Huang Yizhou and Yang Hanwei didn't expect that these rogues turned from thieves because they couldn't survive, and came to Kaiping to get shelter from the wind and rain, and they could eat [-]% of their fill. Reform through labor is not going anywhere here.

Sifang Express, which has formed a monopoly in Gyeonggi and Shanxi, has unknowingly mastered the veins of Shanxi merchants, because it is necessary to transport food on a large scale, relying on the transport teams organized by Shanxi merchants is definitely a drop in the bucket. Only then can it cost tens of thousands or 10,000+ stones to transport grain for thousands of miles.

The business houses and mansions of the big Shanxi merchants are also constantly being infiltrated by the banner guards. Some Shanxi merchants with strict precautions are very cautious in taking in servants.

It's a pity that the stingy Shanxi merchants' nature is hard to change. Sometimes they will go to the population market in the disaster-prone places to bargain for cheap prices and buy slaves to order them back. Guard penetration brings opportunity.

Therefore, undercover big Shanxi merchants can't trouble someone with a heart. As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid of thieves thinking about it.

Because servants are also human beings, Shanxi merchants are so stingy, and they hate their mean servants. It is possible for servants and maids to be bought by banner guards, and a few flexible servants have been developed into banner guards.

The Ming Dynasty suffered from natural disasters and man-made disasters and a food crisis, but Shanxi merchants ushered in a great season of vigorous development. They dared to transport everything out of the customs, ranging from small arrows to French cannons. They smuggled food, cloth, and iron in exchange for cattle, horses, and gold. There is money to be made at both ends of the silver, and the accumulation of wealth is astonishingly fast.

Huang Sifang deliberately maintains a cooperative relationship of mutual benefit and harmony with Shanxi merchants, and even participates in their dirty business to defile himself, secretly remembering their black accounts clearly, and waits for the "Red Banner Army" that the owner said to have the ability to wipe out all these dogs. when.

Sifang Express has already gained fame, and now it has joined forces with the imperial court to wipe out the seven bandits who caused trouble on the business road from Gyeonggi to Shanxi.

Even so, how much filial piety should be given when Sifang Express crosses the state and the government is still enough to never bully others, but whoever dares to speak loudly will be rejected.

The Luanzhou garrison battalion got more than [-] bandit leaders, so of course they couldn't throw them away. Yang Hanwei wrote to Zheng Xiu'e, informing them of the results of the bandit suppression.

Zheng Xiu'e immediately understood Yang Hanwei's intentions. She knew that her father-in-law was not good at dealing with civil servants, and she didn't know how to make money. She sent her brother Zheng Xiaozhang, who was a concubine, to take a student soldier from the General Banner to Kaiping, and then went to the capital to ask her father to help her.

Zheng Xiaozhang has been working in Huxue City for half a year, and has been doing copywriting work as an official. This time, he learned that more than 800 young and strong gangsters have been arranged by him to repay the rewards, and he danced with joy.

Theoretically, Zheng Guochang, the Zuo Buzheng, was in charge of the Gyeonggi area. He sent his son to the Ministry of War to report his meritorious service.

Zheng Xiaozhang will come, not only relying on his father's face, but also a lot of filial piety. It didn't take long for the imperial court's reward to be honored. Zheng Xiaozhang was appointed as the head of the ninth-rank Luanzhou garrison camp.

The officials of Huangyi Prefecture were promoted to the first level and got the false title of General of the Second Rank, and Yang Hanwei was promoted to the first level to get the title of Commander of the Third Rank. When I got it, less than [-]% were drifted away.

(End of this chapter)

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