Chapter 363 Spare Hate

The sad Chongzhen really rarely had a happy day. He was trapped by trivial matters all day long, and was at a loss by military affairs. At this time, he was powerless and had nothing to hate.

Sure enough, the people who came to aid the Liao Dynasty went in, together with more than [-] Liaodong troops, Dalinghe City is still besieged.

Master Sun!Master Sun!You old man is very harmful!Chongzhen was extremely worried and indignant. How would the court solve the Liaodong issue?Ask Ji Qunchen how to clean up the mess in Dalinghe City?

At this time, none of the officials made any suggestions, and all of them were attacking each other. Why?

Because the powerful Donglin Party was deflated again, Sun Chengzong's supervision of Liaodong caused Ming Dynasty to suffer the biggest loss since the Saarhu War.

The Zhejiang Party, the Chu Party, the Former Eunuch Party, etc., including people without party affiliation, all criticized the Donglin Party, and the target was Sun Chengzong, the great minister.

Everyone knows that if Sun Chengzong, the powerful minister with a heavy hand in his hands, won the Liao pay, the Donglin Party will not divide up the bulk of the Liao pay, and the chief assistant minister Zhou Yanru will have less help, and the power of the Donglin Party will also be effectively contained.

The court at the end of the Ming Dynasty was a farce. Most of the ministers were not good at doing things and were good at playing with people. At this time, the partisan and dissidents had reached a fever pitch. No one cared about the national interests and the livelihood of the people. They only waved flags for the interests of their own small groups.

Beating the dog in the water all the Han people are self-taught, and there are countless officials who let the arrogant soldiers of Liao Town swallow the army's salaries and fill their pockets with rampant smuggling.

The impeachment of Sun Dushi's insistence on building Dalinghe City led to the country's loss of money and food, and the loss of tens of thousands of elite frontier troops.

Everyone pushed the wall down, and even the Donglin Party members couldn't justify it, because Huang Taibao's burning words as early as the beginning of the year to build Dalinghe City was wishful thinking.

Now that Huang Han has unfortunately said that the loss has not bottomed out so far, because it is unknown how many people are left in Dalinghe City, and will they be eaten by Jiannu in the end?
Can Jinzhou survive in the future?There are nearly [-] Guanning troops there, what is the fate waiting for them?
With such a huge loss, how can we do without a few high-ranking officials to take responsibility?The countdown to the dismissal of Sun Chengzong has entered, and Xu Guangqi, whose status is awkward, can only choose to remain silent like an old monk at this delicate moment in response to the undercurrent of the chief assistant Zhou Yanru.

In history, Sun Chengzong's reputation reached its peak due to Chongzhen's three-year victory in the four cities.

Sun Chengzong didn't seek meritorious deeds but no faults, so he didn't give Jiannu a heart-wrenching blow.

If he had been more proactive and adopted the strategy of sealing off the side wall and destroying the Jian slaves who stayed in the pass to run the four cities, it would probably not be as small as gaining more than a thousand levels.

It is very possible to capture Jiannu and kill Amin, one of the four major Baylors. If Jiannu loses so much, I am afraid that he will be taught a lesson, and he will have to take it easy next time.

Xiong Tingbi, Sun Chengzong, Gao Di, and Yuan Chonghuan all had done Liaodong economic strategy.

Only the most talented Xiong Tingbi was more sad. He did not have the military power and financial power in Liaodong at all. At that time, Wang Huazhen of the Donglin Party was the governor of Liaodong, and he was completely opposed to him. In the end, Xiong Tingbi failed.

Gao Di's role as the Liaodong Economic Strategy was a display. Yuan Chonghuan, who had planned carefully, worked with the Liao Town generals to take him out of the air, and Gao Di's military orders were all invalid when they left Shanhaiguan.

However, when Sun Chengzong and Yuan Chonghuan managed Liaodong, they were in real power. The court basically wanted people to give people, money and food. The court would rather deduct other battalions to satisfy Liaozhen. Their failure was actually their own lack of talent. As a result, they can't play red.

Grand Tutor Sun Chengzong, Minister of War Xiong Mingyu, Chief Assistant Zhou Yanru, Governor of Liaodong Qiu Hejia and more than a dozen important officials are facing impeachment. The situation is unknown.

But none of the civil and military people in the Manchu Dynasty was optimistic about Zu Dashou's fate, they were just waiting for news, and they thought in their hearts that there were no more than two choices.

The first is of course what everyone wants. Zu Dashou fought and died to be loyal to the country. The second situation is more embarrassing. Zu Dashou surrendered and became a slave without any integrity.

At this time, no one can think that there will be a third choice, and it is so absurd...

In the Jinzhou camp, Dongjiang soldiers and the Red Banner Army are conducting a siege exercise. This exercise has been going on for half a month, and it is arranged twice a day.

Liu Zhilun, Huang Long, Zheng Xiaowen, Jin Sheng and other civil and military generals knew that the Dongjiang soldiers were scattered, so they all brought their personal guards down to the grassroots to participate in the exercises in person. After many stick educations, the Dongjiang soldiers became accustomed to it and gradually did not resist.

Recently, as long as the exercise starts, Dongjiang soldiers can reflexively appear in the position where they should attack and advance.

What Dongjiang soldiers find novel now is the stretcher team formed by [-] women, knowing that as long as they are injured, they will be carried to the wounded camp that has been built in time for treatment.

The wounded soldiers recuperated there afterward. Every day they had broth, flour and cakes to eat, and women waited on them. It is said that the women who brought the wounded soldiers back took care of the wounded.

The soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" were not illiterate, and even the [-]-year-old laborers who had been paid by the Guards Army who had just turned from the front lines to regular soldiers could already read some words.

The more than [-] newly recruited laborers are full of enthusiasm for joining the "Red Banner Army". These people are very obedient, and everyone knows how to obey orders.

Everything is a double-edged sword. Without exception, the [-] labors have been slaves for more than two years. They have long been used to obedience, and their living conditions have greatly improved. It is too easy for them to obey discipline in a military camp with limited freedom.

Now Liu Zaiqi leads the propaganda team to focus on the nearly [-] soldiers and civilians in Dongjiang Town, and they must publicize the reward and punishment regulations in place.

"Soldiers who died in battle will receive 30 taels of pension silver, and those who are disabled will not only receive a one-year military salary subsidy, but also get approval to go to Funingwei to settle down, and will get jobs within their ability to support more than three people."

The eyes of the masses are discerning, and the combination of propaganda and practical actions has achieved good results. The soldiers and civilians of Dongjiang Town have seen many tangible benefits. They all know that the general of the "Red Banner Army" treats the robes that fight for the country well, so that the soldiers have nothing to worry about .

Now Dongjiang soldiers are training hard, especially the infantry and Mao Chenglu, Chen Shiyou and other Dongjiang town generals who did not participate in the northward march at that time.

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(End of this chapter)

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