The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 365 Offensive and Defensive Battle

Chapter 365 Offensive and Defensive Battle

In the past two months, the people in Dongjiang Town have been taken care of by the "Red Banner Army".

He later found out that most of the people who went north had been beheaded and returned, and he immediately regretted it.

It is a real man to correct a mistake when he knows it. Mao Chenglu took the initiative to ask to be the main player in the first wave of attack, which is really competitive and convincing.

Shen Shikui is Mao Wenlong's in-law, who is a generation older than Mao Chenglu, and he doesn't have the nerve to argue with him, because he has already obtained two levels of beheading skills and received a lot of snowflake silver when he went north to plunder.

In the future, he will be promoted to a higher level, and there is still the expectation of getting several thousand taels of silver. I am really embarrassed to take credit from Mao Chenglu who has nothing.

Song Pengfei did not hide the risk, and clearly told all the generals that there were artillery guns in Jinzhou City, and they would suddenly fire at some point or place.All the generals must be ready at all times to prevent Jiannu bombardment.

It’s not that Dongjiang soldiers have never seen a battle of attacking a city with artillery fire. When Jinzhou and Lushunkou fell, the Ming army had artillery in their hands.

Now it is obvious that the artillery fire of the Ming army has the absolute advantage, and the Jin army can only fire one round secretly. At that time, the artillery positions of the Jin army that were re-exposed will be ravaged by the artillery fire of the Ming army again.

As for who Jiannu would kill if he secretly fired a round of cannons, the generals of Dongjiang Town didn't care. How could they go to the battlefield?
The reason why Mao Chenglu was appreciated by Mao Wenlong as his adoptive son, and he was the first among all adopted sons and adopted grandchildren, was because he was tough, brave, acknowledging death, and knowing how to be grateful.

When Mao Wenlong was killed by Yuan Chonghuan, Yuan once ordered Mao Wenlong’s adoptive son and adopted grandson in Dongjiang Town to change back to their original surnames and real names. Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming and most of them all changed. Forget the old master, keep the true color.

When Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming became Fu Denglai, it was not planned for a long time at all, it was just an unexpected incident, let alone a rebellion for the purpose of surrendering and becoming a slave.

All in all, Daming's luck is so bad that every step will go wrong. Just one time of being right may change the fate of the subjugated country. There are many accidental incidents, and often the ending is that Daming is injured, and the slaves and rogues get unexpected joy. .

Hong Xie can sum up all that happened in one sentence: "God bless the Great Jin Kingdom!" Later, the Dongjiang soldiers and Liao soldiers brought by Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming became the "God Bless Army" of Hou Jin.

The slave chieftains felt sudden, even unbelievable, about the surrender of Kong Youde and other former generals of Dongjiang Town. Later, they found that the generals burst into ecstasy with their families and carrying red barbarian cannons. There was no prior contact with Houjin.

Mao Chenglu learned that Kong Youde's rebellion was going to separatize Denglai and deceived many Dongjiang town generals to defect. There was a reason for this. After all, he wrote many times to seek justice for his adoptive father and asked the emperor to rehabilitate his adoptive father, but was ignored by the court.

This is the character defect of Emperor Chongzhen. He is self-willed and desperate to save face and suffer, and he lacks political wisdom.

Yuan Chonghuan was hacked into pieces. Of course, Yuan Chonghuan should eat Yuan Chonghuan's shit, and he should also impose specious things on him.

Chongzhen could have decreed to rehabilitate Mao Wenlong with the mentality of a deceived person, but unfortunately Chongzhen did not choose to do that.

Because Chongzhen once pinched his nose to admit that Yuan Chonghuan had killed Mao Wenlong privately, and ordered to seize the Mao family's family shade, and sat down the twelve crimes of beheading Mao Wenlong fabricated by Yuan Chonghuan.

The generals of Dongjiang Town did not know how much Mao Wenlong had in their hearts. Huang Han even wondered whether Shang Kexi was a traitor and then carried out massacres in Guangzhou because Yuan Chonghuan was from Dongguan, Guangdong.

Now Mao Chenglu is whole-heartedly wanting to make contributions, and he himself is more willing to get close to Huang Han, because Huang Han has repeatedly complained about Mao Wenlong in public, thinking that Mao has made great contributions to the community, and Yuan Chonghuan deserves to be killed by Yuan Chonghuan. .

When all the generals were talking about the bombardment of the Jin army, Mao Chenglu stood up and clasped his fists to Liu Zhilun, Huang Han, etc., and said: "Since my adoptive father opened the town of Dongjiang, I have followed closely behind. I lead the army to attack without fear of building slaves." Fire the cannon, if the officer is unfortunate enough to die in battle, there is only one thing I would like to ask my lords."

Liu Zhilun said: "If you have anything to do with General Mao, just say so, I will do my best to deal with it."

Hearing what Liu Zhilun said, Mao Chenglu knelt down in front of Liu Zhilun with a plop and said, "Your official's adoptive father, Marshal Mao, has been wronged! This official has repeatedly appealed to the emperor to rehabilitate him, but every time it is like a stone sinking into the ocean, I will fight to the death Fighting, the lower officials don't need any rewards, just ask for justice for the foster father."

"It turns out that this is the matter. I have heard Dudu Huang talk about Mao Shuai's grievances many times. Since I have the opportunity to command Dongjiang Town's troops to fight, I naturally have a reason to talk about Mao Shuai's gains and losses. Don't worry, I will definitely play The Son of Heaven asks Mao Shuai to be vindicated."

Huang Han gave Fang Zhenghua a wink, and Fang Zhenghua immediately understood that speaking at this time can win the hearts of most old generals in Dongjiang Town!
He also expressed his position: "Don't worry, General Mao, our family will write a letter to the supervisor of ceremonies, and strive to rehabilitate Mao Shuai who died of an injustice as soon as possible."

At this moment, Mao Chenglu was so excited that his throat was choked and he couldn't speak. He kowtowed to the ground and bled from his forehead. More than [-]% of the generals in Dongjiang Town knelt and kowtowed, and many of them actually burst into tears.

On October [-]th in the fourth year of Chongzhen, it was clear and the wind was light, and the banners and banners fluttered outside Haimen, Xining, Jinzhou, with murderous aura flying straight towards Xiaohan.

The siege lasted for two months, and the battle to attack Jinzhou started in the early morning. The tactics adopted by the Ming army were to besiege and attack the West City, which had been bombarded for more than a month.

When the sun was three poles high, Mao Chenglu, deputy generals, partial generals, Chen Shishi, Mao Youshun, Chen Youde, etc., who were one mile away from the city wall outside the west gate, were waiting in formation with [-] sword shieldmen and spearmen.

Three thousand military laborers pushed fifty shield carts and carried three hundred ladders, ready to charge at any time.

There are more than 2000 infantrymen organized, and more than 2000 young musketeers of the "Red Banner Army" have all entered the first-level combat readiness.

There are also [-] women's stretcher teams led by three small banner medical soldiers who will treat wounded soldiers at any time.

Liu Zhilun sits in the central army, surrounded by Huang Han, Huang Long, Qin Yuyi, Fang Zhenghua, Li Ruolian, Jin Sheng, Zheng Xiaowen, Gao Youmou and other civil and military generals. The guard of the Chinese army is a [-]-member armored cavalry led by Liu He, Ma Yuefeng Commanded by a female soldier with a total firearm.

Liu Quan led the two hundred generals, the Iron Armored Ding, Shenshuying, and Jinyiwei, with less than 400 troops, who had already dispersed to the four gates to record meritorious service for the army.

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(End of this chapter)

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