Chapter 382
All civil and military generals who participated in the war in southern Liaoning were promoted at least one or two ranks.

Therefore, in the "Red Banner Army", many of the actual conferring generals have always been from the second-rank and the second-rank generals, and more than a dozen civil servants in the army have obtained the official status of the ninth-rank chief book.

Although the imperial court was in a financial crisis, it gritted its teeth and gave the beheading silver for the great victory in southern Liaoning. The Ministry of War and the Ministry of Households were very harsh when they verified their merits. They only recognized the beheadings of young and middle-aged real slaves and bannermen, and those who were too young and old were deducted. Even so, the total amount is as much as 10,000+ taels of silver.

Crown Prince Taibao, Dongpinghou, General Pingliao, Wu Jinglue, Zuo Dudu, Special Jin Ronglu Doctor Huang Hanshi was appointed as the chief soldier of Jizhen to garrison Jinzhou Guard. Although the title seems boring, it is not.

Huang Han's salary is already unmatched in Ming Dynasty, almost catching up with the nobles at the level of the Duke of the State, which is unique in existence, because every vain means a salary.

Originally, Hou Ye’s salary was very high, [-] shi per year, plus Prince Taibao, General Ping Liao, Wu Jinglue, Chief Military Officer, Yu Zheng’s corresponding Wu San rank, etc. Huang Han can get more than three thousand shi of grain a year.

If it is enough to eat, the food that the court should give alone can feed more than 1000 people, and there is still a lot of money in the salary.

It has been nearly two months since Jinzhou City was captured. There are seven to eight thousand young and middle-aged Liao people who stayed here to cultivate and work. There are also five to six thousand people living in Langwobao and Lushunkou.

Now the total population of the Daming-controlled area in southern Liaoning is more than [-], and this number is still increasing, because there is an endless stream of Han people who do not want to hide in the mountains and forests as slaves.

Due to the delivery of a large number of briquette stoves and high-quality briquettes, Jinzhou City is really not cold this winter.

The industrious Han people have used this period of time to clean up Jinzhou. There is no snow on the streets or in the alleys.

The dilapidated houses were also tidied up, and the windows were clean. At the end of the year, red blessing characters, couplets, and window grilles were pasted one after another, making people almost forget that there were corpses everywhere.

There are already seven or eight old lock ships with wheeled paddles in Huxue Port to undertake passenger transport tasks. In the absence of bad weather, there are regular ships going to and from Jinzhou and Lvshunkou Tianjinwei every day.

Due to the spread of the Denglei war, the Denglei route has not been opened for the time being, but more and more people are fleeing Shandong by boat. Every time Huang's cargo ship will carry many war refugees.

There are more than [-] soldiers and civilians in the Daming control area in southern Liaoning. The garrison has a monthly salary and spending power. Han merchants are never afraid of danger for profit.

It is also because taking a sea boat from Huxun City to Jinzhou can basically arrive early the next day, and the ticket fee and cargo shipping fee are not expensive, which has led many businesses to stay in Jinzhou and Lushunkou City.

In order to strengthen the circulation, the passenger ship put into operation by Huang Han is cost-accounted, so the ticket is cheap. An adult can take a passenger ship with a sailing time of about one and a half days to reach Jinzhou for two hundred yuan, and the overweight salute fee is also quite cheap. It is beneficial for small businessmen and hawkers to do business.

The situation in Jinzhou has just opened up. So far, no merchants have dared to buy properties here, and most of the people who come and go are merchants.

Even so, it makes the soldiers and civilians here feel much more convenient, at least the value of the silver can be reflected, and the Korean ginseng dug and purchased has a market.

The Dahei Mountain in the northeast of Jinzhou belongs to the Changbai Mountains, which is the remnant of the Qianshan Mountains. The Qianshan Mountains are also the remnants of the Changbai Mountains. Many places have become no-man's land.

There is no absolute bad thing in the world. The sharp drop in population by [-] to [-]% has led to lush vegetation and the expansion of the area where wild animals live and multiply, which means that the chances of obtaining Korean ginseng, bear's paw, and deer antler are high.

Now some Liao people have been allowed to do small business. They buy velvet, deer skin, bear paw, sea cucumber, Dongzhu and other Liaodong specialties, and run small shops that process venison and bear meat, and workshops that process nitrated fur, etc. Ascendant.

Liu Zhilun had already rushed back to Zunhua at the end of November. As the governor of Shuntian, who was in charge of the army, the people, and the officials in the jurisdiction, he had a lot of things to deal with by the end of the year.

Huanglong's men and horses also withdrew one after another, and emptied all the captured armor, weapons, and arrows.

Huang Han's "Red Banner Army" is now the actual ruler of nearly two thousand square kilometers.Keep Jinzhou well and strive to cross the Dahei Mountains to the Qianshan Mountains to encroach on Fuzhou Bay and expand the land for another [-] miles.

Here not only the sky is high and the emperor is far away, but also the sea is blocking and the slaves are watching. Huang Han is no longer under the watchful eyes of raising people and training soldiers here.

During this period of time, the "Red Banner Army" has been actually controlling the territory from Fuzhou Bay to Daheishan, which covers an area of ​​more than 2000 square kilometers, while laying out the Jinzhou defense line.

The purpose is to turn this place into a military buffer zone, and by the way, fight scout battles with Jiannu here. While training soldiers, there is a channel to obtain the head of the Houjin Army. Another benefit is to receive the Han who escaped from Houjin Aha.

After the war, it is imperative to expand the army again with supplementary troops, and now that Huang Han's power has risen sharply, of course he must make good use of the power in his hands.

Huang Hannai is the actual commander-in-chief, and he is the commander-in-chief with the title of General Ping and Liao, and his gold content is still very high.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, there were as many as ten or so commander-in-chief, and even the commander-in-chief of the regiment training later on would exceed one hundred, but some of the guard commanders had the seal of a general, and some did not.

There are only eight titles such as General Pingliao, General Pingzei, General Zhengman, General Zhenshuo, etc.

The imperial court approved Huang Han's Jizhen Zhengbing Battalion with [-] soldiers, half of cavalry and half of infantry.

Song Pengfei, a general in Yongping, received [-] soldiers, Qin Yuyi, a guerrilla in Jinzhou, had [-] soldiers, and Huang Yong, a guerrilla in Lushun Koshui Battalion, had only [-] troops.

Huang Han, the commander-in-chief, has a total of more than [-] soldiers in the Zheng, Qi, Yuan, and You battalions, plus a total of [-] troops in the water battalion, plus [-] troops from the Funingwei Guards. , the number of people has exceeded [-].

Shan Huanghan's men and horses are allocated 70 taels of silver and [-] shi of grain every year according to the usual practice, half of which is wheat.

According to the court routine, Huang Han can get less than 50 taels of silver a year at most, and [-] shi of grain.

With these rations, the monthly rations of the "Red Banner Army" and the Funing Guard Army can barely be paid. The consumption of training, fodder for war horses, military uniforms, weapons, food, etc. have to be subsidized by Huang Han. It is estimated that it will be doubled. number.

(End of this chapter)

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