Chapter 404

The Ming army may be lawless in the pass, and the bad luck of going out of the pass to fight slaves will turn into good babies.

Huang Han's vicious reputation spread far and wide, and everyone in the Ming Dynasty knew about it. Is it too long to dare to harass the soldiers and civilians through the territory of the "Red Banner Army"?

There is no doubt that everyone cherishes life, and all Ming soldiers understand military discipline. Under the watchful eyes of the "Red Banner Army", it can be predicted that every army passing through the Liaoxi Corridor will be a well-disciplined force.

Huang Han thought it over, the Guan Ning army who entered the customs would never let them return to Jinzhou again.

He would encourage Xu Guangqi, Zheng Guochang, Liu Zhilun, Fang Zhenghua, Li Ruolian, etc. to suggest to the emperor and the Ministry of War to retain the troops of Zu Dabi and Zu Kuan to participate in the fight against bandits.

It stands to reason that the emperor and his ministers wanted to weaken Guan Ning's army, so they would accept this bad idea.

If there is an accident and the plan fails, Zu Dabi and Zu Kuan can take the remaining cavalry of the Guanning Army back to Jinzhou along the Liaoxi Corridor. Huang Han is going to disarm them and detain them in Ningyuan West.

All in all, it is impossible to add one soldier to Zu Dashou, because these people will end up as the traitor army and become the Han Eight Banners Army of the Qing Dynasty.

Detaining one at this time is equivalent to killing a Qing soldier, and detaining these people is enough even if they can only let them farm.

The Guanning cavalry should not choose to farm. As long as the propaganda is proper, ordinary soldiers will be assimilated by the well-paid and respected "Red Banner Army". This is an addition. The Qing army lost one cavalry, and the Ming army had one more. The difference is two.

When Wu Xiang and Wu Sangui approached Ningyuan City for thirty miles, they had already discovered that the scouts of the "Red Banner Army" of this cavalry had reported the situation to Huang Yizhou, Hanzi, Yang Hanwei and other generals through semaphore relay.

With the passage of time, the cultural level of the soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" has continued to improve. Now more than 5000 people can write more than 2000 characters silently, and more than [-] people have mastered more than [-] characters. Basically, they can write hundreds of characters smoothly. word composition.

This refers to illiterate people who were illiterate before joining the army. It does not include those who were enlightened before joining the army, and it does not include Tongsheng and Xiucaigong. Of course, there are not many Tongsheng and Xiucaigong in the army.

In order to save money and encourage scholars to join the army, scholars in the Ming Dynasty who joined the "Red Banner Army" can basically get care, and the intensity of recruit training is often halved, lest these people really cannot stay due to lack of physical strength.

Now there are observation posts at the head of Ningyuan City, and there are scouts on duty around the clock. They observe the outposts outside the city in the agreed direction through binoculars, and the distance may reach five or six miles.

Therefore, without seeing the sentry cavalry running back and forth, the situation tens of miles away can be known to the military intelligence headquarters in the city. It is the Zan Hua and the town governor on duty at the headquarters who will use binoculars to observe the four sentry posts upstairs. , Read the semaphore and the secret code of the lights, and convey the military situation to the commander-in-chief on duty.

Such a relatively advanced information transmission can only be achieved after the entire army is literate and most soldiers can write and count. Other armies of the Ming Dynasty or Jiannu can't learn it at all. They don't have so many soldiers who can write and count.

Sang Yu was in charge of monitoring the guest soldiers entering the area controlled by the "Red Banner Army". March within the range.

Huang Yizhou and Hanzi didn't know who the visitors were, and they didn't know that they were going to visit them. They thought they were going to Shanhaiguan in transit.

Not long after, the front sentry rode into the city to pass the news. It turned out that Wu Xiang and his son came to visit. Huang Yizhou was very surprised. He knew that Wu Xiang was Zu Dashou's brother-in-law. It's new to visit Ningyuan with a straight face.

Ever since Wu Xiang and Wu Sangui met the general cavalry of the "Red Banner Army", they lost all their advantage in their minds. Originally, their father and son and their iron-armored family were the most powerful army in Ming Dynasty, and their equipment should also be top-notch.

I saw a general dispatched by the "Red Banner Army" and found that they were all equipped with expensive all-steel breastplates and soft armors on the market. Everyone was wearing a red cloak, and all the horses under their crotches were fat and strong. Only then did I realize that there are people beyond people and beyond.

After marching for twenty miles, they also found that this cavalry was not only well-equipped, but also disciplined. Even ordinary marchers maintained a battle formation ready to charge at any time and marched hand in hand.

Along the way, Wu Xiang's servants all felt uncomfortable and always felt insecure. They always felt that the cavalry who followed them showed a murderous look, and they also felt that there was a cool breeze behind their heads, and that they were always being watched by others.

After finally entering Ningyuan City, all the cavalry felt a lot more relaxed. They found that they hadn’t been here for a few months, and there was a new rule here. People who ride into the city must hang dung bags behind the horse’s buttocks to catch the horse dung, so as not to Dirty streets.

Many servants thought it was taking off their pants and farting, but they were dumbfounded when they entered the street.

On the spotless bluestone slab street, there are many people walking around, shouting and shouting for business one after another, no one is disheartened, and the common people in patched clothes are all tidied up very energetically.

Maintaining sanitation and preventing the spread of diseases is Huang Han's consistent policy. It is said that the capital with a population of one million was easily taken down by intruders in history because of the plague at that time, and countless soldiers and civilians died.

The defeat of Sun Chuanting's army was also due to the outbreak of the epidemic in the army, which resulted in a large number of non-combat attrition.

Therefore, the garrison of the "Red Banner Army" must be clean and tidy. As long as there is a "Red Banner Army" site, no one is allowed to drink raw water.

People who find headaches and fevers will be diagnosed and treated by medical officials actively. If they cannot judge the disease, they will be quarantined. Where there is no clean water source, the "Red Banner Army" will dig wells to benefit the people.

Everyone loves to be clean, coupled with the non-stop publicity of the propaganda team and the sticks and whips of the law enforcement team, the original residents of Ningyuan City and the new residents who fled from Shandong quickly got used to the hygiene management regulations.

In Ningyuan City, there are health teams of old ladies wearing red cuffs on their arms. Their physical strength is limited, and the reward they get is only a catty of white flour a day. Sweeping.

The old ladies not only cleaned the streets in time, but also arrested those who violated the health regulations. Under normal circumstances, no one dared to resist the old ladies' law enforcement, because if the action was too big, the old ladies would get into big trouble if they got down.

It is true that environmental hygiene depends on everyone. Ningyuan's management is very effective. All the soldiers and civilians gradually get used to cleanliness and begin to actively abide by the hygiene regulations.

(End of this chapter)

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