Chapter 525
Considering that Xuzhi County really has no money to spare, Huang Han only brought four warriors with him, and when he arrived at the county government office, Xu Zhixian and several officials were already standing at the door to greet him. It's kind of like a thing.

Gu Kui and Yan Congyou were accompanied by officials from Pingshun, such as the master book and the history of the history, to the side hall for a drink.

In the living room of the inner courtyard, Xu Zhixian had a drink with Huang Han in person. The two chatted happily. After drinking for three rounds, Xu Mingyang suddenly asked, "I wonder if Lord Hou likes the little girl?"

Huang Han was baffled by the thoughtless question, and asked in confusion: "Did you have a few drinks? Could it be that Mr. Xu is drunk, and the lord doesn't even know that you have a daughter at home? Where did you start?"

In fact, it was Xu Miaoyan and Xu Miaoru who came to serve at the beginning, but Huang Han didn't pay attention at all. In these years, as long as there are beauties around him, Huang Han has already developed immunity, so he didn't pay attention at all.

Xu Mingyang only opened his mouth when he signaled the two daughters to go out. Seeing Huang Han like this, he could only laugh dryly and said, "Master Hou is really a gentleman! The eldest daughter Miaoyan, who was dismissed just now, added wine to Master Hou, and the youngest daughter Miaoru served him dishes. "

"Ah? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I really didn't pay attention, I just thought that the maids in the mansion were a little different, but I didn't expect it to be the two young ladies."

Xu Miaoyan and Xu Miaoru didn't go far, they were listening attentively behind the screen at this time, both of them have deliberately dressed up today, even the description of the beauty of the two girls can't be expressed by showing off.

Hearing this, the two couldn't help feeling sad, it turned out that Dongping Hou didn't even look at him directly, and even regarded them as maids in the mansion.May I ask, which family has maids who are as beautiful, juicy, and educated as they are?

The atmosphere in the hall was somewhat embarrassing, the old Xu Zhixian blushed, he went all out, and said: "I can't repay you for the kindness of Lord Hou, and I have no children, and the two prostitutes under my knees are beautiful and beautiful, and they are not far away. carry on!
Xiaguan is going to send a daughter to be a concubine to Lord Hou. Whom do you like today, Xiaguan will send her to the residence of Lord Hou in the capital someday. "

He raised his voice a little and said: "Yan'er, Ru'er, come here, there are no outsiders here, come out and meet Lord Hou!"

The sound of wearing the ring was moving, and the two beautiful girls came gracefully. The two of them were actually very nervous, and the reason was of course that they were worried that they were not the ones Dong Ping Hou looked at.

Huang Han didn't scrutinize the two little lolis at all, to avoid showing the choice and misunderstanding.

In fact, in this era, young girls or [-]-year-old girls are just junior high school students, and they haven't grown up yet. Basically, they don't have measurements. How can they attract Huang Han, a modern person.

Huang Han said sincerely: "My lord has a lovely wife and concubine in my family, Mr. Xu must not do this, besides, it is the duty of the 'Red Banner Army' to kill enemies for the country. The bandits were beaten to the point of bleeding, so there is no such thing as repayment."

Unexpectedly, it would be this result, Xu Mingyang was so ashamed, Xu Miaoyan and Xu Miaoru, the two little girls who were full of longing, froze in place.

Seeing that he refused to embarrass the Xu family in person, Huang Han smoothed things over and said: "Master Xu and this lord should be gentlemen. If this lord accepts the lord's beloved daughter, you and I will be left behind.

To be honest, Mr. Xu's beautiful daughters are really lovely, they will have a good home, and they really don't need to be concubines for anyone! "

The story was supposed to end at this point, but unexpectedly, the proud and proud Xu Miaoyan saw that she was willing to be a concubine but was rejected by her sweetheart face to face, and suddenly felt ashamed and angry that she had nothing to love, and she broke out.

Xu Miaoyan took a few small steps to the west screen wall and reached out to take off a sword hanging there, "choke lang lang" drew the sword out of its sheath and lay it across her neck, saying sadly:
"The parents are the masters of marriage. The father has already betrothed the little girl to the Lord Hou. The little girl is naturally the Lord Hou. The little girl originally planned to use this sword to complete the festival when the city was broken. Today, the Lord Hou refused to take the little girl." , the little girl will use this sword to show her will in front of Lord Hou."

This action immediately frightened Huang Han, because Huang Han knew that this family was really strong, and Xu Mingyang's wife and daughter committed suicide to death in history.They said suicide was not to scare anyone, but to really dare to do it.

Huang Han yelled: "Wait, wait, I still have something to say, Miss, please don't seek suicide."

Fortunately, Xu Miaoyan, who did not give up, was not in a hurry to strike, she still put the sword across her neck, and said with tears in her eyes: "Master Hou changed his mind?"

Huang Hanfu said softly: "This matter is easy to discuss, you put down the sword first and let's discuss it in the long run!"

"Master Hou commands tens of thousands of troops, and there is no need to discuss with anyone who makes a decision. Are you expressing your willingness to keep the little girl by your side?"

This little girl is amazing!Huang Han couldn't help but began to look at her, she looked really lovely, and there was an awe-inspiring and inviolable posture with the sword horizontally in this matter.

Huang Han said in his heart: Spice girl!I like!

"Put down your sword. I have many women under my command. Of course I can keep you by my side. Isn't it okay if I don't want to be a concubine? I don't have a careful woman to manage the internal affairs. You can stay with me if you want." Doing things in the camp will not waste your years of studying.”

Huh!Things can still develop like this, Xu Miaoyan is a little at a loss at this moment, and she is also very embarrassed.

This little girl is really smart, she accepted the reason: "So Lord Hou is willing to accept the little girl?"

Huang Han said seriously: "It's absolutely true!"

"The little girl will be Lord Hou's person from now on until death!"

After all, this is the same sentence, seeing Xu Miaoyan still holding the sword horizontally, Huang Han could only admit defeat and confirm: "Yes! As long as you don't feel wronged!"

Xu Miaoyan finally threw away the sword and smiled, with tears on her face. It is too accurate to describe it as pear blossoms with rain.

She immediately changed her name to Wanfu, and said with infinite shyness: "My family will do my best to serve Lord Hou. Not only will my family not feel wronged, but I am also proud to be able to serve you by the side of a hero."

Xu Miaoru was in a hurry, and hurriedly ran to Huang Han's feet, knelt down and cried, "My sister and my sister have a deep brotherhood. Master Hou left my sister and can't leave my family behind. My family is willing to serve Lord Hou. I hope Lord Hou will take pity on me. If not, my family will be afraid." I can't live anymore..."

The two sisters were very interesting, and one came to be tough and the other begged with soft words, Huang Han had no choice but to agree: "All right, all right, I am actually very happy to have your sisters, and I will let your sister Qin come to give the dowry tomorrow, even if it is As a concubine, I also want you two to get married in a splendid manner."

Xu Mingyang was stunned, what is this?Send one or take another?
Xu Miaoru got Huang Han's promise and immediately broke into laughter. She said sweetly: "My family will definitely serve Lord Hou well in the future, and will be like my sister until death!"

(End of this chapter)

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