Chapter 53

Send seven gunpowder packs into the city gate and tie them together. In the absence of machine gun fire in modern warfare, this tactical action is extremely simple, and the Ming army easily completed it.

No one was shot and killed by Jiannu, only a few people were killed, with feathered arrows nailed to their bodies. Since they were all covered in iron armor, they should be fine, because no one fell off their horses.

Huang Han asked everyone to step back seventy steps away, open their mouths wide, and cover the ears of the horses. Of course, it is also acceptable to use cotton or cotton cloth to cover the ears of the horses.

Seeing that everyone was getting ready, Huang Han shot the already burning feathered arrows and accurately hit the seven gunpowder packs that were tied together. There was a loud "boom" like thunder...

The explosion effect of more than two hundred catties of black powder was really good, and the two city gates were instantly blown away.

The quality of the city gate was so high that it was not blown down, but it also caused the few defenders above to be disgraced.

The ground shaking caused by the power of the explosion was not built. The dusty and tiles of the enemy building at the west gate of Zunhua City fell straight away.

"Kill the slaves!" Seeing that the city gate was open, the Ming army didn't need Huang Han to issue an attack order. The soldiers seemed to be crazy one after another, and rushed straight to the city gate like flying horses.

Seeing that the Ming army under his command was unorganized and undisciplined, swarming forward, Huang Han shouted to stop: "Brothers, don't be impatient, a city gate has just been broken at this moment, and it is not the time to charge on horseback. We have to wait until the gate of the urn city is also blown open." You can enter the city."

"It's still going to explode!" The Ming army had just seen the earth shaking and the mountains were shaking, and realized that the consequences of disobedience to the command might be serious. They controlled their excitement and waited patiently for Huang Han to explode again with the fastest speed. .

Since the power of the previous explosion was a bit wasteful, the gate of the Wengcheng was obviously not as strong as the gate of the outer city, so Huang Han was willing to use only three gunpowder packets to blow up the gate.

At this time, the Ming army attacking the south gate also made concerted efforts to smash open the city gate that had only blocked a small part with wooden cannons.

The Ming army eager to break into Zunhua City immediately cheered and thundered when they saw the city gate being knocked open. Everyone yelled and rushed into the city. It was a person who dared to rush forward and greet Jianuba Yala with a knife.

The Jiannu were busy blocking the gate of the city, so the gate of the Wengcheng could not be closed. The Ming army broke through the gate too fast, and the momentum of the charge was so fierce that it was too late for the Jiannu to flee into the city. Closing the gate of the Urn City will give them time to escape.

The fighting spirit of the Ming army continued to display the excellent style of running to death. They brandished knives and spears, smashed through the gates of the outer city and the gate of the Wengcheng in a daze, and rushed to the inner street of Zunhua South Gate.

The news of the defeat of Jiannu spread like wildfire, and the Han people who were kidnapped and prepared to be taken to Liaodong as slaves rebelled, and the survivors in Zunhua City also mobilized.

The streets and alleys are full of "Ming army has entered the city, brothers kill the Tartars to avenge their relatives!" "Don't let those bannermen escape! Stop them." Hide." and so on.

The Jiannu who did not ride out of the city in time had nowhere to hide, and were eventually beaten into a shapeless shape. The traitors who had been tyrannical a few days ago turned into street rats one by one.

Han people have good brains, and those who have become traitors and traitors are no exception.

Many bannermen found that the situation was not good and immediately threw away their knives, took off their mandarin jackets, hid in alleys, put on Hanfu again, and said that the accent was an attempt to get away with it.

The Han people who united to hunt down the traitors were also very smart. They yelled loudly and asked everyone to take off their hats to remove the suspicion of traitors.

Fan Wencheng was a treacherous and cunning man who cherished his dog's life very much. When he realized that there was no possibility of defending the city, he ran away decisively. More than a hundred Jian slaves and dozens of bannermen also escaped through the east gate of Zunhua.

When was the Ming army able to defeat Jiannu and attack the city?At this moment, all the soldiers of the Ming army were heroes. They were impassioned and everyone shouted "Kill the slaves!" from the bottom of their hearts.

The roar of unity won the echo of tens of thousands of Han people, and the roar of "Kill slaves!" echoed throughout the city. Under the concerted efforts of the army and people in the city, the remnant enemies of the Jin army were quickly wiped out.

The dust of the battle to seize the city had settled, and all the Ming troops were joyful. At this time, groups of Ming troops with red cloth strips tied on their arms began to enforce the law.

"Attention everyone, don't be greedy, if everything is seized and returned to the public, everyone will get at least 30 taels of silver, and it will be cashed within three days." The ruthless law enforcement team waved a Qi knife and watched everyone, constantly reminding.

The officers were also extremely cooperative, and they spared no effort to publicize at this time: "Brothers, everyone has done meritorious service, and they will get rewards immediately. Don't be confused at this time. It's not worthwhile to be hacked by the law enforcement team!"

The law enforcement team was on the move, and many Ming soldiers followed with wheelbarrows loaded with baskets. From time to time, soldiers threw gold, silver and treasures into the baskets on the carts. The joy they gained made everyone laugh from ear to ear.

Everyone in Zunhua City should not have property, because most of the people here are slaves who are going to be brought back to Liaodong to be the existence of Aha.

Even if there were survivors of the Han people in the city, they should have been robbed by Jiannu and made them into abject poverty. If Han people with gold and silver treasures were found, these people must explain the ins and outs of the money.

The soldiers got the task and started a large-scale search of the whole city. They found that all the people who were not weather-beaten or well-dressed were arrested and interrogated. Of course, appropriate torture is also acceptable.

If the Han people are not traitors, they should not have money on them. The large amount of money found in the search shows that these people are fishing in troubled waters. They deserve it if they are caught, beaten, and imprisoned!
Even the Ming army, who worked so hard to pin their heads on their trouser waists, didn't dare to hide and seize them. Isn't it self-inflicted that these rescued preparations dare to stretch out their hands?
Seven or eight thousand Ming troops supervised each other to collect precious metals. Everyone took the initiative to work, and everyone was a model worker who was not afraid of hardship or tiredness.

Consistent with historical records, Zunhua City was indeed a place where the stolen goods of the Later Jin Army were concentrated. There were all kinds of materials, such as food, livestock, carts, cloth, brocade, etc., and the gold and silver treasures were really seized.

Huang Han believed that the spoils should be distributed in time to avoid nights and dreams. Since thousands of people were left behind and hundreds of people were killed during the siege, now it is necessary to give rewards to the nine thousand Ming troops for breaking through Zunhua City.

He never thought of dealing with the bad soldiers and generals of the Eight Battalions again, because only a small number of troops died in this team in history, and most of them escaped or surrendered to build slaves. In the end, he was shot to death by random arrows.


Thank you bob-china book friends for continuing to support new works.

(End of this chapter)

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