Chapter 537 Weighing
Emperor Wanli was not a god. How could there be millions of acres of unowned land in such densely populated places as Henan, Huguang, and even Beizhili that the emperor could reward his son?
In fact, it is just that the 200 million mu of tax originally collected by the imperial court was transferred to King Fu as a food salary, which does not mean that King Fu owned the property rights of these fertile land.

Coupled with the fact that dignitaries and dignitaries used state supporters to exempt land taxes, land annexation became common practice. Therefore, the number of acres of land belonging to Ming Dynasty for tax collection was less than one year, which directly led to a financial crisis.

The fiefdoms of some vassal kings were even collected by local officials and returned to the princes and nobles.

In the social turmoil at the end of the Ming Dynasty, the prince could not get enough income from the fief, and had to bear the loss of officials at all levels.

The prince doesn't even know where his fief is, so he can only hold his nose and bargain with the magistrate, and gossip is not uncommon.

After being plundered by bandits, too many common people and landlords were destroyed, and many fields near Houjiazhuang lost their owners.

In addition, many of the owner's fields were abandoned because the people who cultivated them escaped or were harmed by bandits.

In order to secure the harvest, Huang Han organized refugees to replant the abandoned fields with potatoes and sweet potatoes, regardless of whether there were owners or not, and also kept many unmanaged wheat fields.

There will be a harvest soon. At this time, there are not many landlords who are ready to move. Huang Han has no intention of collecting all the harvest.

These landlords and princes can bully Shengdou ordinary people, but they can't bully Dongping Hou. Huang Han's negotiation standards are all based on the law, and must be official prices, and there will be no chance for any officials who deal with them to get lost.

The little eunuch Wang Yongji wrote a confession after being starved for three days, only to get two bowls of porridge to eat, crying while eating, aggrieved!

Where have these servants in the palace been bullied by outsiders?This time he was bullied like this, of course he had to take revenge.

But he was afraid of the "Red Banner Army", and he didn't start yelling until he saw that there was no one around after fifty miles away from Houjiazhuang. It's not surprising that most lowly people look like this.

Back at Prince Lu’s Mansion, as expected, Wang Yongji’s rank was too low, he couldn’t see the prince at all, so he had to go to the eunuch of the Chengfeng Department of the Wang’s Mansion to cry and complain. From six products.

The three eunuchs of the Chengfeng Department asked about the original, and seeing that Wang Yongji hadn't done anything, they even provoked Dongpinghou to fight him, and gave the boy twenty big boards. They didn't dare to talk about this matter. Report to King Lu.

Huang Han, Marquis of Dongping, has a great reputation. He is the master who beat the Tartars, Jian slaves, and bandits into fear. Of course, the eunuchs of high grade have heard of it and know how to weigh it.

Hundreds of thousands of bandits gathered, Weihui Mansion and Zhangde Mansion were in jeopardy, Huang Han is now stationed in Houjiazhuang with tens of thousands of subordinates, making too many civil servants and generals have the backbone, how could the eunuchs offend the "Red Banner Army" for no reason at this time? "This matter has added trouble to the prince.

But within a few days, Marquis Dongping came to Weihui Mansion City with his troops, Bing Beidao and the prefect personally accompanied him to pay a visit to King Lu.

Because Huang Han sent troops to fight against the rogues at the request of Henan officials, the local officials had to flatter them. Moreover, they still owe a lot of food and grass to the "Red Banner Army".

This time, Huang Han brought Qin Yuyi with him when he came to Weihui Mansion, and a female soldier who could ride horses brought the chief, and nine personal guards who became confidential secretaries Xu Miaoyan, Xu Miaoru, Gu Kui, Lin Shunwen, etc. accompanied him.

Prince Daming is also a bird in a cage, but the range of activities is the city where the palace is located. King Lu was surprised and pleasantly surprised when he saw the famous Marquis Dongping visit.

He brought his left and right long histories, chief and deputy judges and other officials of the palace to greet him personally, and Zhang Luo's best banquet was of course already in progress.

King Lu was most proud of his musical accomplishments, so he arranged for musicians from the palace to play music, and arranged dancers to dance to help the wine.

I learned that Huang Han can also go.The enthusiastic Lu Wang fought a game with Huang Han. Huang Han's level is not comparable to that of a national player like Zhu Changhao. Fortunately, Huang Han's chess strategy is based on the overall situation. Lu Wang is not very used to it. After a fight, Huang Han just Just lost a few times.

The lonely Lu Wang regards Dongpinghou, who understands rhythm, can play chess, and can write popular poems such as "The Red Flag Rolls in the West Wind" and "Ruthless may not be a real hero", as a confidant, and he refuses to let Huang Han go away immediately.

Prince Lu's Mansion tidied up a large and elegant courtyard for Huang Han to live in. The eunuch in charge didn't know that Huang Han was in the army and his wife Qin Yuyi and two concubines didn't live together at all.

The eunuch in charge arranged many maids to wait on them, and arranged Gu Kui, Lin Shunwen and other personal guards to live in the post house, because the courtyard arranged for Huang Han belonged to the inner residence of the palace, and apart from King Lu and the princes, only Huang Han was a real man. Men, the rest are women and eunuchs.

Seeing that the conditions here are unique, Qin Yuyi spent a beautiful and fragrant night of ecstasy with her husband in her arms that night. The next day, Mrs. Zhang Luo and Xu Ruoyan consummated their marriage.

The little girl has been looking forward to being Huang Han's real woman, waiting for the moment of ecstasy with excitement and nervousness. Xu Miaoru has been told by Huang Han that she will not consummate the marriage in the past two years because she is too young and must be 16 years old Only then did she agree to keep her in service.

The 16-year-old girl in the blooming season is so young that she seems to understand but does not understand, which makes people feel pity. It is wonderful to refuse and welcome...

Huang Han stayed in Prince Lu's mansion for seven days. These days, Qin Yuyi was uncharacteristically passionate when the two of them were alone. She exuded a mature charm that Huang Han couldn't stop...

During the daily banquets, singing and dancing, and playing chess, Huang Han and Ben did not forget the purpose of the trip. He negotiated with Zhu Changhao about the income from Luwang Mansion's less than 30 mu of land near Houjiazhuang, and signed a ten-year contract. The lease and cooperation agreement was stamped with Lu Wang's seal.

Before Huang Han left, he left the 2000 taels of land tax that King Lu deserved this year, and also the small band he brought with him. Qin Yuyi, Xu Miaoyan, and Xu Miaoru got a lot of rewards from Princess Lu.

Without embarrassing the little eunuch Wang Yongji who had been hungry for three days in Houjiazhuang, Huang Han also borrowed him and four followers, and arranged for him to go to other palaces to publicize the agreement between Dongping Hou and Lu Wang.

Dongpinghou was the guest of King Lu, and the eunuchs who thought they might be killed by the stick were scared out of their wits these days.

After hastily receiving the task conveyed by the eunuch Chengfeng, Wang Yongji cried and kowtowed, and then they kowtowed like garlic. They expressed their position to the three eunuchs of Chengfeng and asked them to tell Dongpinghou that they would handle the matter. Be pretty.

(End of this chapter)

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