Chapter 539

Gu Jixiang handed the small copper spoon to the man, and the dog opened its mouth to catch the meat and ate it, wagging its tail.

After feeding more than a dozen spoonfuls in a row, the man who watched the dog eat deliciously and was hungry for two or three days couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

Hearing the man's stomach rumbling, the careful Gu Jixiang handed him a biscuit. The man glanced at the boy gratefully, and swallowed the biscuit in two or three mouthfuls.

At this time, the medical soldier who had been watching the big dog said, "I am a doctor in the army. I want to see where the dog is injured. Can you guarantee that it will not bite me?"

"No, no, 'Winged Tiger' is smart, it can distinguish between good people and bad people, and it won't bite randomly."

At this time, seven or eight Sichuan troops were also stopped by Gu Kui. When they learned that they had encountered the "Red Banner Army", they cheered immediately.

The leader of the team was still a general banner officer, and now his general banner with only half of the people has been removed, and even a small banner has not enough people.

Seeing that Gu Kui was wearing the uniform of a sixth-rank civil servant, he clasped his fists and said, "The humble official took a few brothers to this direction to find the 'Red Banner Army' and General Zhang. Don’t kill people as much as possible when you are hungry with some food, I beg you to take me in.”

Gu Kui knew that the discipline of the "Red Banner Army" should not be used to judge other Ming troops. As long as they did not commit the crimes of murdering good men, deliberate murder, and rape and murder of women, they could take in the defeated soldiers of the Sichuan Army.

He promised: "Brothers in the Sichuan Army, please rest assured. As long as there is no bloody case in hand, the 'Red Banner Army' guarantees that everyone will have no worries about food and clothing. You can eat a few mouthfuls of dry food to pad your stomach."

Gu Jixiang chatted with the man every now and then, asking about the ins and outs.

The man's name is Ge Daben, a mountain dweller who lives by hunting and planting some mountain lands. The day before yesterday when he was hunting in the deep mountains and returning home, he found that the bandits had crossed the border, and the place turned into a piece of scorched earth. Seven people including his parents, wife and children were missing.

When he took his hunting dog "Winged Tiger" to find his family by smelling the scent, he encountered dozens of bandits on the way and escaped after a fight. The hunting dog was injured by the bandits trying to save him.

Ge Daben also told Gu Jixiang that the reason why the "winged tiger" was injured was because it was about to give birth and its movements were not flexible enough.

The veterinarians in the army only take care of large animals like horses, mules, and cattle, and have no experience in treating dogs. The medical soldiers are even more uncertain if they are not veterinarians. The broken leg was then splinted.

It's just that the dog may not understand the need to rest, what should I do if it runs around?
This dog really has aura, and under the comfort of Ge Daben, it was so painful that it couldn't move when it was disinfected with alcohol, and it didn't struggle when its legs were tied with splints.

Gu Jixiang was young, and seeing this dog so obedient, he liked it very much. After inquiring, he learned that Ge Daben was a well-known dog trainer, and that many Orion dogs were bought from his family.

Young people like new things, and Gu Jixiang is no exception. He is about to learn the skills of dog training from Ge Daben, and tries to persuade him to stay and join the "Red Banner Army" as a handyman.

Gu Jixiang told Ge Daben that the "Red Banner Army" had killed tens of thousands of Tartars and slaves outside the Guanwai and Beizhili, and had killed tens of thousands of bandits when they came to Henan, and saved 10,000+ ordinary people.

It is obvious that Ge Daben lived in the mountains and had never heard of the "Red Banner Army". However, he trusted Gu Jixiang, a clear-eyed young man, and agreed to stay and join the army, but he had to bring the "Winged Tiger".

Ge Daben also thought about it in his heart. The house was destroyed, and the old mother, wife, children and younger sisters were gone. It might be difficult to find it by himself. There might be a chance to follow the Ming army.

He believes that as long as there is a "winged tiger" by his side, there is hope of finding his family. This is one of the reasons why he can't lose this hunting dog anyway. The dog remembers the smell of Ge Daben's family.

Common people who are new to the army usually start as handymen, and those who perform outstandingly and have skills can be given priority to be selected as the Guards Army.

Then they will be selected again before they can become regular soldiers of the "Red Banner Army". The special talents with the shortest time will take two to three months.

What's more, this Ge Daben's situation is even more special. He has to hold a big dog with an injured leg all day long. I'm afraid he can't work. I'm afraid he can't hold a dog during military training. Gu Jixiang dare not call the shots and give him special care. Ask your teacher for advice.

After asking to understand the reason, Huang Han stated on the spot that he was a special agent, indicating that having dog training skills is also a skill.

What's more, Ge Da was originally a deep mountain hunter with martial arts and good at archery, so he was directly qualified as a reserve soldier, and he temporarily followed the personal guards, and Gu Jixiang was responsible for taking care of this person and a dog.

In the future, the "Red Banner Army" will have countless opportunities to go into the mountains to search for bandits, slaves, and Tartars. If you have a dog soldier, you will get twice the result with half the effort. With the dog soldiers participating in the deployment of lurking posts, it is easier to be the first to spot the approaching enemy.

All in all, in ancient times when technology was underdeveloped, clever use of dogs' superhuman sense of hearing and smell would improve search efficiency and increase defense effects.

After returning to Houjiazhuang, Huang Han asked Gu Jixiang and Ge Daben to select ten young Orion soldiers as the first batch of dog soldiers from the young and middle-aged men who had already served in the army. hound.

However, in today's turmoil, it is not easy to keep a hunting dog that weighs dozens of kilograms in an environment where people are likely to be killed and eat meat. These people have lost their pet dogs without exception.

When they learned that they were selected as dog soldiers in the reserve army, they not only received a higher salary, but also had to have at least one dog of their own, and it was easier for them to get the opportunity to become a regular soldier. Everyone was very happy.

Gu Jixiang knew that the rescued dog should also be called "Winged Tiger". After negotiating with Ge Daben, he renamed the first working dog of the "Red Banner Army" and named it Ge Erben.

Ge Daben has a deep relationship with the "winged tiger" who changed his name to Ge Erben, and he hugs it every day, whether it is marching or going out on business.

The four-year-old dog was also on the mend, and gave birth to a litter of four puppies seven days later. Gu Jixiang was as happy as his wife had a son.

Ge Daben is not educated, so the name given to the dog was an accidental opportunity, and he remembered the name "Winged Tiger" after listening to a storyteller's Water Margin.

Gu Jixiang told him that the name "Winged Tiger" might not be used anymore. There are too many good men with the nickname "Winged Tiger".

Ge Daben simply let the dog take his surname, and now there are Ge Sanben, Ge Siben, Five, and Six in the Ge family.

In a few days, Gu Jixiang and Ge Daben took ten reserve dog soldiers to Zhangde Fucheng, Tangyin, Linzhang and other counties and Cizhou to look for hunting dogs.

Gu Jixiang is in charge of buying the dog that Ge Daben likes for money, and now the "Red Flag Army" has 22 military dogs in training.

(End of this chapter)

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