Chapter 541 Major Events
King Lu knew what Emperor Daming was afraid of, and he knew that he could do it by writing a letter to ask Huang Han to bring troops to Weihui Mansion, but he was very careful and refused to give anyone a handle. The emperor ordered the "Red Banner Army" to come here .

Huang Han did not dare to stay away from Houjiazhuang before the harvest, and of course he would not have any objection to going to defend King Lu. The "Red Banner Army" continued to attack the bandits and bandits nearby, and the more than [-] miles from Houjiazhuang to Weihui Mansion were unimpeded.

The "Winged Tigers" controlled by the Banner Guards are active in the mountains. There are a large number of bandits heading towards Houjiazhuang. Huang Han can get the information a few days in advance.

The last time Qin Yuyi followed Huang Han to stay in the palace for seven days, it was like enjoying a vacation. Seeing that the "Red Banner Army" was ordered to go to Weihui Mansion to protect King Lu, Qin Yuyi happily led the female soldiers to become the vanguard.

When Huang Han came to Weihui Mansion, he was detained by King Lu. He often invited Huang Han to the mansion to play chess, listen to music, and drink, which caused Huang Han's Go level to rise sharply.

This time, the "Red Banner Army" was ordered to guard the vassal kingdom and protect the king of Lu, and stationed in Weihui's mansion was justifiable. When Huang Han lived in the mansion to entertain the prince, of course his subordinates would not waste their time and strengthened their training every day.

However, because King Lu refused to let the "Red Banner Army" leave the country, Xuanmo lost the most combat-capable army available, and the troops in the front to suppress the bandits were often defeated.

The bandits from Shanxi kept coming from Yangcheng and Yuanqu.

There are more than 40 rogues from dozens of groups, big and small, in Jiyuan County, including more than [-] young and middle-aged men, [-] to [-] with weapons, half with armor, and more than [-] horse thieves.

There were too many rogues, and Huang Han thought that leading the "Red Banner Army" to attack could only defeat them, but could not deal a fatal blow.

The result must be that most of the old bandits left the refugees and fled. There are too many refugees who have been coerced. How can they solve the big problem of eating?If left to their own devices, these refugees will become rogues.

The army is far away from Houjiazhuang, and it is very likely that Zhangde Mansion, which is strictly guarded, will have a loophole due to insufficient troops.

Huang Han didn't think that the left-behind men and Xiangyong could not defend Houjiazhuang and "Loyalty Fort", nor did he worry about the mass casualties of the villagers who hid in the castle.

But knowing that those rogues who were beaten like headless chickens had no target at all, if they ran into the territory of Zhangde Mansion, which was about to harvest in autumn, and destroyed it wantonly, causing the harvest that was about to come to naught, it would starve to death tens of thousands or even Several 10 people.

Farming is easier said than done. Even if 10,000+ rogues wander aimlessly in the fields that are about to be harvested, the losses caused are incalculable.

Therefore, King Lu enthusiastically persuaded him to stay, and Huang Han was happy to stand still, planning to delay the autumn harvest and put the grain into storage for a while without any worries, and then deal a sharp blow to the bandits to expand the victory.

More than a month later, just a few days before the Mid-Autumn Festival, the autumn harvest officially began.

In order to ensure that the villagers and farmers could return to their warehouses, all the cavalry and infantry began to patrol around the clock, including the five new white-armed soldiers Zhang Fengyi had just absorbed more than a thousand defeated Sichuan troops.

The "Red Banner Army" patrol has a small feature, that's because each of the eleven military dog ​​soldiers took part in the operation with two hounds that had been trained for more than a month, and the effect was great.

The thieves who came out to steal things would always be discovered by military dogs. Of course, the final fate was to be sentenced and sent to the brick kiln for labor reform.

The peasants and villagers directly under the protection of the "Red Banner Army" have more than 15 households with a population of more than 100. The amount of land cultivated by them has reached [-] million mu. Calculate the yield per mu close to [-] catties.

The potato planting area is 40 mu, and the output means that it can feed 50 people. With the addition of 50 mu of wheat and 30 mu of sweet potatoes, half of Huang Han's income can be mobilized to mobilize more than [-] people to dredge the river.

There is no need for further processing to feed the migrant workers in Tiaohe. They cook potatoes and sweet potatoes directly. When they are thirsty, they can drink sweet sweet potato tea casually.

Mobilizing a large number of ordinary people to carry hundreds of thousands of miles for food and money, the political influence brought by the "Red Banner Army" is not trivial.

Huang Han didn't throw the emperor aside, and he didn't even intend to gain fame. Such a project to benefit the people is a major national event, so of course the emperor must issue a decree.

The autumn harvest was still in progress, and when it was estimated how much food was available, Huang Han went to the court to ask His Majesty to mobilize the common people to pick up the river.

The "Red Banner Army" is taking the lead and is about to launch a huge project to dredge the Zhanghe River, Weihe River, and South Canal with the surplus grain from local farms. The project will last for nearly three months.

In his memorial, Huang Han described the devastated and hungry people everywhere in the areas where the bandits crossed the border, pointed out that the common people are very likely to be hungry and want to change, and pointed out the great benefits of increasing the food supply of the common people by substituting work for relief.

He emphasized that planting potatoes and sweet potatoes with the strong support of the old man Xu Guangqi had a miraculous effect, and a lot of food was harvested, but the food could not be given to anyone for free. A large project was launched to provide job opportunities for the hungry people to exchange labor for food. Both the court and the people benefited .

Huang Han is planning to use work for relief, and he is going to hand over this achievement to the emperor. It is indeed a wonderful thing, because during this period of time, there are turmoil in the Ming Dynasty, and many spearheads are pointed at Dongpinghou.

Forced by the power of the Marquis of Dongping and the force of the "Red Banner Army", the landlords who had to bow their heads and take money to sign a ten-year land lease and plantation agreement did not necessarily swallow their anger, and too many landlords with backgrounds retaliated.

In just four months, there was a foot-high pile of memorials impeaching Marquis Dongping for domineeringly seizing people's land and property, and even infringing on the interests of vassal kings and county kings.

Such is the lack of human hearts!Many landlords saw the gratifying growth of the crops in the Houjiazhuang area, and they could predict that the harvest would not be bad. With the high grain prices today, these harvests meant double or even more snowflake silver than in previous years.

In July and early August, the memorials to impeach Marquis Dongping reached their peak, because the landlords who thought they had suffered a great loss were impatient.

The emperor didn't listen to one side's words, and sent Dongchang and Jinyiwei to check the facts, and found that Dongpinghou had indeed used his power to invade other people's ancestral land.

But things happened for a reason. Most of those acres were abandoned due to the scourge of bandits. Dongping Hou organized the refugees in time to plant crops on the fields no matter who they were, so as to ensure a harvest this year.

It is debatable to do so. The Marquis Dongping sent people to cultivate the land belonging to others without the owner's permission. If everyone did this, wouldn't it be a violation of the king's law?
(End of this chapter)

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