Chapter 55
Li Mulin was arrested by the Ming army and was about to be executed. The doctor was speechless, and the two apprentices cried out.

Huang Han deliberately shouted to keep people under the knife just before the executioner swung the knife. Now Huang Han has a great reputation, and he is especially eloquent in the Ming army in Zunhua.

Even when Huang Han saw that some war supplies were about to be used, the guarding Ming army not only did not stop them, but also helped to resist, and also helped pick and choose.

Of course, no one disagrees that Huang Han wants to keep the three traitors alive, and Huang Han is not prepared to easily spare the traitors. He stated that the three masters and apprentices should be sentenced to hard labor to offset the death penalty. For listening.

The three masters and apprentices who escaped from the dead were very grateful, and Huang Han generously asked them to find all the family members, and promised to treat their relatives well.

Li Mulin was a doctor, his family was ruined by Jiannu, and his whole family was dragged to Zunhua. Fortunately, he had good medical skills, and he didn't suffer much crime by treating Jiannu's illnesses and injuries.

After being identified as a traitor, Li Mulin was ashamed. In fact, he healed more traumatized Han people during this period, but when he was liquidated and about to be beheaded, no one came forward.

Everyone believed that during the Jiannu occupation period, except for the traitors, everyone else was bullied, beaten, and insulted, and life was worse than death, and Li Mulin deserved to die if he lived a prosperous life.

Li Mulin didn't know that Jiannu was extremely vicious, how could he be willing to rescue those robbers, but how dare he resist when his mother, wife, four underage children and two lovers are being held hostage?
Li Mulin, who had been waiting for the knife and ax to be killed, escaped, and Huang Han took his whole family in, so he would naturally get the doctor's help.

Besides, it was beyond his control. Huang Han represented the government, and Li Mulin was like a prisoner sent to the army, so he had to serve the national army as a matter of course.

The proud Liu Zhilun was busy arranging defenses and instructing the gunners to train, so as not to eat the fruits of victory in his stomach and be beaten up by the Houjin army.

Zunhua City has a population of [-] to [-], and there are basically no old, weak, sick, or disabled. Most of them are Han people who Jiannu intend to bring back to Liaodong to be Aha. Now these people can eat enough after being rescued, and each of them seems like a lifetime away.

Jiannu stored the plundered grain in Zunhua. It used to be hundreds of thousands of shi. Although some of it has been transported outside the customs, there are still no less than 30 shi. He has money, food and supplies, and there are people. Liu Zhilun is arrogant and has a lot of advice. heroic.

The traitors were killed, and the property was divided. Now Zunhua city is full of victims of being plundered by slaves. With Liu Zhilun full of food and some labor rewards, everyone works hard and obeys the law. Huacheng defense is being consolidated every day.

Liu Zhilun not only had more than forty wooden cannons in his hands, but also seized more than twenty cast iron cannons of different sizes in Zunhua, including eight Hongyi cannons.

With a solid city, with real cannons, with money and food that can last for a year or two, with [-] to [-] soldiers and civilians.

There are also [-] small victorious divisions who are determined to fight to the death with the Houjin army to defend their vested interests. I believe that all the Houjin army will gather here to besiege, and Zunhua City will not fall easily.

Seven days after taking Zunhua City, Huang Han bid farewell and returned to Yongping Mansion for a good reason.

He told Liu Shilang very sincerely that his father, Huang Yizhou, was also a military officer, and now he is still defending a mountain pass more than ten miles north of Yongping Prefecture with less than 100 troops.

Jiannu was plundering the territory of Yongping Mansion, and he didn't know if he would attack there. As a son, he was restless every day. Now that Zunhua City is impenetrable, it's time for him to take his troops back.

Liu Zhilun was actually a real person, he really liked Huang Han, he held Huang Han's hand and couldn't bear to let him go, much as Liu Xuande was reluctant to send Xu Shu off.

He urged Huang Han to try to get in touch with him, and he would try his best to get Huang Han the qualification of a guerrilla general.

Huang Han left with 500 people, [-] horses, and [-] fully loaded carriages.

There are not so many servants and warriors. There are more than 200 people who belong to the family of thirty blacksmiths and more than two dozen craftsmen, and forty strong men are coolies assigned by Jiannu to follow the sledgehammer.

These people are basically the survivors who were killed by the slaves. Fan Wencheng believed that these strong and strong people were unstable factors, and he was specially selected to work as coolies on the blacksmith's stove under the management of Qi Ding.

Huang Han also ate iron and steel in his previous life. He watched three or four hundred blacksmiths work these few days, and asked them many professional questions.

A few months later, no matter how unbearable the Ming army was, the Jin army after entering the customs would return to Liaodong one after another, because they were used to fighting after the autumn harvest and doing sideline work, and when spring came, they would take Aha to busy farming.

Due to the reduction in production caused by the bad weather in the Little Ice River, coupled with the deliberate blockade of the Ming Dynasty, the post-Jin Dynasty suffered from food shortages year after year. In the Year of the Apocalypse, when grain prices in Liaodong were the most expensive, a bucket of wheat was worth one tael of silver. It is also necessary to grab the farming time.

After the Jin army withdrew from the pass, the land of Gyeonggi will usher in a few years of relative peace.

Huang Han has his own armed forces and has a certain strength. It is imperative to open the furnace to make steel, armor and bird guns.

How many blacksmiths are needed to make steel and iron?There are ready-made talents here, and most of them are homeless people who have a blood feud with Jiannu. Of course, Huang Han wants to ask a good price to get some people to take them away.

Huang Han selected 30 blacksmiths from hundreds of blacksmiths, all of whom were in their 40s to [-]s with superb craftsmanship, and their families were not too small.

They all have one characteristic in common. They have participated in steelmaking by pouring pig iron before, and they can roughly judge whether the semi-crystalline steel produced from the furnace has been smelted or not.

After the steel is completely crystallized, the mechanical properties of the steel can be easily identified by forging, stretching, bending, etc., so as to determine the type of the steel.

The Ming Dynasty had the most advanced iron and steel smelting process in the world in the seventeenth century, and the output and quality of iron and steel were the highest in the world in this era.

Daming's iron smelting technology is also ahead of this era. The extensive use of coke has led to the controllable sulfur content in steel. The famous Suzhou Iron and Steel, Mintie, and nickel-nickel-nickel copper are the fist products that represent the metallurgical level of Daming.

Because the quality of Daming steel is better than that of the West, the quality of the Flang machine guns and Hongyi cannons in Daming's cottage is better than blue, and the output even far exceeds that of the research and development country.

Most of the forty strong men wielding sledgehammers were bachelors who had a bitter hatred against Jianu. The reason why they became alone was naturally the evil done by Jianu and Tartars.

They saw Mr. Huang, who had a friendly face and talked with blacksmiths and coolies on an equal footing every day, wanted to take in his servants, and they all volunteered to follow him. They said that they would have no regrets about serving as a soldier, farming or continuing to wield a sledgehammer.

(End of this chapter)

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