Chapter 57 Zunhua Great Victory
History has changed a little, and there has been a role reversal. I am afraid it will be Daishan's turn to do the hard work.

It is doomed that the later Jin army, with the Zhenghong flag as the main force, rushing to the aid of the city of Zunhua will fail, but I don’t know if Daishan will overestimate his capabilities and carry out the siege battle?

Once a fight broke out, how many people would the Hou Jin army lose before Dai Shan knew how to stop?

Just when Huang Han said goodbye to Liu Zhilun with his men and horses and left Zunhua on his way home, Liu Zhilun saw the two generals of the Ming Dynasty, Ma Shilong and Wu, who came to the city of Zunhua with troops and horses. Encourage yourself.

Nine out of ten people who can be a first-rank military officer are good people. Liu Zhilun almost begged them to send troops to cooperate with them half a month ago, but Ma and Wu pushed back and said a lot of nonsense but did not send a soldier As soon as he died, he refused to even give Liu Zhilun a little food.

But it didn't take long for Tanma to come back and report that Liu Zhilun's stunned young man had actually brought down Zunhua City. The two general officers couldn't believe it at all, and they ordered to investigate again and report again.

The next day they went back to the camp after a few nights, and they told the general that Zunhua City is indeed in the hands of the Ming army. They even chatted with the brothers at the top of the city for a while, and confirmed that it was Liu Shilang who successfully captured Zunhua subordinates.

This news was confirmed to be too shocking, this is simply a spoof!Could it be that each of those Huazi soldiers was possessed by the Valkyrie?
The two commander-in-chiefs, Ma and Wu, couldn't sit still any longer, and hastily gathered their troops and galloped to Zunhua to find out.

Ma Shilong and Wu Zimian were aroused when they saw the Ming battle flag fluttering on the top of Zunhua city and the Ming army with high morale.

Especially Ma Shilong, this kid was imprisoned by the court for the defeat of Liuhe two months ago. Later, the old superior Sun Chengzong was reinstated by the court again.

This is the drama of the ancient court, and it is really unknown whether it will revive!

From a prisoner waiting to be sentenced, Ma Shilong transformed into a top-ranked general officer in the blink of an eye, with the title of Wu Jinglue and Shang Fangjian.

The imperial court gave Ma Shilong a chance to prove himself, and of course he wanted to perform well.

Therefore, he is most eager for military exploits, but it is a pity that Liu Zhilun, a nerd with no experience in commanding troops, led a group of refugees and beggars to obtain the great achievement of capturing Zunhua City.
Ma Shilong and Wu Zimian hastily brought more than [-] cavalry from their headquarters to Zunhua and asked to enter the city to assist Liu Shilang in defending the city. Slaughter sheep and serve wine to labor.

After not seeing each other for a few days, the Huazi army turned into a strong army with bright red faces and armor, and each of them was full of fighting spirit, and the tone of their speech was very aggressive.

Ma Shilong and Wu Zimian learned that Liu Zhilun had sent out a delegation of meritorious service formed by military general Jiading four days ago, with more than [-] heads of real slaves, more than [-] heads of bannermen, two real battle flags and so on. Galloping to the capital to send the good news.

It turned out that Liu Shilang not only captured Zunhua, but also gained so many gains. Ma and Wu were even more envious when he got the rare golden army banner.

The situation is stronger than others, and the two commander-in-chiefs no longer dare to be shy in front of Liu Zhilun. They unanimously request to assist Lord Liu to stick to Zunhua. After the siege of the city, the Jin army hit hard.

Of course Liu Zhilun knew the benefits of having more than [-] cavalry, at least he would not be beaten unilaterally. After discovering that there was a loophole in the Jin army, he could play cavalry raids and win.

He generously welcomed Ma and Wu to assist in the defense, and made a high-profile statement that he would accept the troops of the two commanders-in-chief to be stationed in the city, and he would provide them with food and grass.

Ma Shilong and Ma Shilong were of course happy to hear Liu Zhilun's statement, and immediately dispatched their confidants to send orders to let about [-] infantry under their command go to Zunhua.

They planned in their hearts to launch a large-scale attack when the Hou Jin army hit a wall and retreated, trying to get the heads of one hundred and eighty real slaves to increase their ranks.

On the evening of the [-]th day of the first lunar month, the young Emperor Chongzhen, who was exhausted physically and mentally by internal and external troubles, was tirelessly reviewing the never-ending memorials in the imperial study.

Suddenly there was a rush of footsteps outside, and a high-pitched voice rang out: "The emperor is overjoyed! Zunhua has won a great victory. Master Wang regained Zunhua and planned to kill more than [-] Eastern slaves, including more than [-] real slaves. There are two members of Nuniuluerzhen, more than [-] members of Bashiku and Bayala, and our army also captured two battle flags of Niuluerzhen."

The heroic Chongzhen, who had been exhausted by the bad news of the successive defeats of the Ming army, stood up and asked in an unbelievable tone: "Wang Banban, have you ever verified the authenticity? I have been deceived many times, and I don't want to See anything nasty."

Wang Chengen is not what most modern people think, he is not corrupt at all, nor is he an old eunuch, but a young man about the same age as Chongzhen, he should be eighteen or nineteen years old now.

He choked with sobs and said: "My servant heard the news in the afternoon. In order not to let His Majesty rejoice in vain again, this servant personally took a few people to the Ministry of War. All the real servants showed their teeth. The servants saw it with their own eyes. Checked the two Dongnu battle flags..."

Impatient Chongzhen immediately became agitated, and interrupted Wang Chengen before he finished speaking: "The king's companion quickly delivered the decree, and asked the Minister of the Ministry of War, Mr. Liang, to bring Dongnu's battle flag and waist badge to the platform to call for the match."

Seeing the emperor was happy, Wang Cheng'en felt extremely comfortable, and he said happily: "Your maidservant has ordered, let's arrange it immediately!"

The Yuntai Gate is behind the Jianji Hall in the Forbidden City in the Ming Dynasty, and the left and right gates of Yuntai are on both sides. The platform is the Yuntai. The place where the emperor and his ministers discussed state affairs.

Wang Chengen arranged for someone to go out of the palace to pass the decree, and then rushed to the platform to make preparations. Emperor Chongzhen could no longer calm down to review the memorial.

In fact, Daming's current predicament has something to do with the young emperor's self-willedness.

Emperor Chongzhen, who had just ascended the throne for more than two years, has been busy making drastic changes, and he threw off his arms and hoped to rejuvenate the Ming Dynasty.

Before his death, Emperor Tianqi said to Zhu Youjian affectionately: "Come, my brother will be Yao and Shun".

Chongzhen, who had ascended to the Great Treasure, really aspired to become the lord of England. He thought that his brother was insane, and he reused Wei Zhongxian to make the court a mess.

Before his death, Emperor Tianqi told his younger brother, who was still King Xin at the time, "Wei Zhongxian, 'be careful and loyal, and you can count on big things'." Unfortunately, this sentence was selectively forgotten by the young Chongzhen in the seventh year of Tianqi before the Yuan Dynasty was changed.


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 I look forward to supporting the new book, so I would like to ask the book friends, can I ask for some recommendation tickets?


(End of this chapter)

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