Chapter 604 Chongzhen Dictionary

In this era, Huang Han was a native of Yongping Prefecture, and the collection of Mandarin for later generations was in this area, so Huang Han's accent is similar to Mandarin.

Huang Han doesn't care what other people's accents are. He has been teaching and educating people in standard Mandarin all these years. Huang Han is the head of the family, and everyone in the system imitates the accent of the head of the family.

Because most of the starting team of the "Red Banner Army" are from Yongping Prefecture, and Huang Han has always emphasized that the system must communicate with his own accent.

Over time, there are hundreds of thousands of people who can speak Mandarin and more than one million people who can understand it.

In the system, the young teachers who came to the capital to receive the personal training of the master for half a year and the more than 100 years who have been with them take classes together. The main learning content is Chinese pinyin.

Huang Han planned to spend half a year teaching Chinese Pinyin to more than 500 people while compiling the dictionary, and then spread Chinese Pinyin teaching in the system first.

Although Zheng Guochang was not as excited as Xu Guangqi, he was also very relieved. He thought that his son-in-law was spending money and energy to compile the "Chongzhen Dictionary" at this time.

Seeing that Huang Han changed careers in the capital to dance and write, the Holy Son of Heaven should be less wary, and he must support his son-in-law to complete this feat.

Xu Guangqi saw that Huang Han skillfully annotated a piece of Song Ci and spelled it well, and asked with a smile:

"Huang Han, I'm afraid you have been pondering the Chinese pinyin for a long time, right? Not bad, at least the old man thinks that as long as it is well promoted, it will be popular all over the world.

In the future, as long as a student can learn Chinese Pinyin, he can use the "Chongzhen Dictionary" for self-study, and his accent will not be difficult to understand because of studying behind closed doors. "

Huang Han said: "I would like to invite my mentor and Taishan to accompany me to the Imperial Academy tomorrow. Compiling the 'Chongzhen Dictionary' requires the collective wisdom and efforts of all. I am willing to spend a lot of money to improve the pen. No rejection."

There are many scholar-bureaucrats attached to the Hanlin Academy, because every three years in the Ming Dynasty, hundreds of people become Jinshi, and there are still many tribute students and candidates who are elected officials every year.

How can the imperial court have so many deficiencies?There are not a few people who are waiting to become an official and wait for a lifetime without being able to earn money.

Zheng Guochang said: "I think it's okay. The Imperial Academy is full of talented people who can dance and write. I don't know how many people have leisure time. I don't know how many scholars are flocking to write such a great book. Besides, you give me money back?

The Qingliu people are very poor, and there are so many Jinshi scholars in Honglu Temple, Hanlin Academy, and the Ministry of Rites. If there is such a good deed, they will definitely be sought after. "

Xu Guangqi said: "I don't care if other people do it or not. Anyway, I will be one of the chief editors of the 'Chongzhen Dictionary'. Besides, I also know a little about the Western Yi alphabet. Learning Chinese Pinyin should be easy to get started."

The next day, the Hanlin Academy welcomed two old elders and Marquis Dongping.

Under the critical eyes of more than 100 learned scholars, Huang Han wrote on a large blackboard set up by Huang Yi, Gu Jixiang, and Wang Xuan in the side hall.

There are white characters on the blackboard, but all the learned scholars don't understand it, because they can't understand what Huang Han wrote, but everyone realizes that it is not a ghost, it should be a paragraph of text.

Xu Guangqi said with a smile, "Marquis Dongping, don't be a fool, and tell everyone the beauty of this Chinese pinyin."

Huang Han cleared his throat and talked eloquently: "These letters are Western Yi characters. I have devoted myself to research and invented a method of phonetic notation that is easier to master. What I wrote is angry, leaning on the railing..."

After that, Huang Han wrote down every word he spelled, and it really was Yue Wumu's Man Jianghong.

Even if the literati are friendly, no one hastily pointed out faults at this time, because no one has yet figured out the truth, and they don't know the result of using Xiyi characters to phoneticize the Hanzi.

Xu Guangqi took out dozens of pages of draft "Chongzhen Dictionary" that Huang Han had already compiled and circulated to everyone, telling everyone that Dongping Hou invested and served as one of the chief editors.

It is necessary to compile a reference book that can benefit more than [-] million literate people in Ming Dynasty. Now it needs to edit a few.

Not only will everyone involved in the compilation receive five taels of silver as a touch-up fee every month, but they will also leave their names on this reference book that is about to become popular all over the world.

Daming’s salary is very low, and the monthly income of a magistrate of Qipin County is less than five taels of silver. Too much.

There are countless poor officials in Qingshui yamen such as Guozijian, Ministry of Rites, Dachang Temple, Guanglu Temple, Honglu Temple, etc., all of whom were born as Jinshi in the second list, and they all worked through the qualifications year after year.

They are overjoyed that they can earn more money than their own salary through private work, and why not leave their names in the "Chongzhen Dictionary" that may become a masterpiece?

On the second day after the news spread, Liu Zhilun rushed to the door angrily to argue that he was born as a nobleman and one of the most popular cabinet ministers. He is more than [-] years younger than Xu Guangqi, so he should be a powerful faction in the prime of life .

In order to avoid suspicion, Huang Han deliberately distanced himself from Liu Zhilun, who was the second-in-command in the Ministry of War, because it was estimated that Liu Zhilun would become the Minister of the Ministry of War in a few days, and as long as his luck did not decline, joining the cabinet should be done step by step.

In the living room of Dongping Hou's mansion, Liu Zhilun, who realized that Huang Han was deliberately alienating him, asked unceremoniously: "Dongping Hou is now famous, has he really forgotten the love of robes and zealots formed by you and me fighting side by side in the first month of the third year of Chongzhen?"

"How can I forget this, it's just that time has passed, and this noble is in an embarrassing situation. I have a close relationship with a court official who holds a lot of power like my lord, which will not only implicate my lord, but also make my noble's situation even more difficult."

There is no irreconcilable conflict between the Huang family and the Tian family, as long as Huang Han stops here and enjoys the glory and wealth with peace of mind, he will be able to spend the rest of his life in peace, Liu Zhilun doesn't know that.

However, the current Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of War knows that Ming Dynasty is in dire straits. Jiannu swallowed North Korea and defeated Chahar. Now there are [-] more Koryo troops and [-] to [-] Mongolian light cavalry.

Huduntu, who was beaten by Jiannu and lost his nest, didn't want to seek revenge from Jiannu, but led the light cavalry to attack Ningxia Town, Yansui Town, and Gansu Town continuously. Daming lost tens of thousands of frontier troops and people, and lost large livestock , Money is hard to estimate.

The rogues swept across the five provinces of China, and tens of millions of people were harmed. At this time, because of jealousy of the general, Dong Pinghou, who was only in his twenties, would let Dong Pinghou, who was only in his twenties, wait to die in the capital.

Liu Zhilun said: "I don't care about it, and I'm not afraid of being involved. I am selfless and broad-minded. I also want to participate in the compilation of the 'Chongzhen Dictionary'. Whenever I have time, I will bring a few good doctors, Yuanwailang, and principals from the Ministry of War. Come and publish a book with you."

(End of this chapter)

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