Chapter 625
Although the Longwu Navy captured nearly [-] warships of various types and armed merchant ships, in order to reduce casualties, they did not plan to use these ships with outdated equipment to participate in the battle.

Huang Yong, Shen Xianyi, Huang Chunsheng and other generals mixed the original sailors on the captured armed merchant ships with the sailors of the "Sun Moon Shipping" merchant ships, and kept the trustworthy sailors on the captured armed merchant ships as the majority.

Seventy merchant ships and captured ships sailed behind the battleship formation with an average speed of only four or five knots.

Huang Yong, who was cautious, gave orders when he grabbed the first armed merchant ship. The captured gunners and arquebus gunners were scattered to various battleships as handymen to receive brainwashing education from the town governor and propaganda team members every day.

With the gradual increase of prisoners, there are now thirty or forty on each battleship, and the number of people is less than one-tenth of the crew of the "Red Banner Army".

These people have personally experienced the strong ships and guns of the Longwu Navy, and after learning about the treatment they can get as sailors of the "Red Banner Army", most of them are working hard and learning to be selected by the town governor.

Sailors and gunners are difficult to train, so the conditions can be relaxed when selecting soldiers from captives with sailing experience.

As long as you are not a treacherous person, older age, many bad habits, and serious free and loose habits are all acceptable.

It doesn't matter if the sailor is older, as long as the town governor and instructor strengthen education, assimilate for a period of time, and gradually get rid of bad habits, sailors with an attitude will be eager to improve.

Because the "Red Banner Army" implements a military rank system, sailor soldiers who are illiterate and can even speak Chinese can gain room for advancement to the sixth level through skill competitions.

After becoming a non-commissioned officer, the salary will be doubled, and if you become a warrior, you can double it again.

Therefore, more than [-]% of the sailors and gunners captured in these years have become sailors of the "Red Banner Army", and many of them have become non-commissioned officers.

The sailors with poor physical conditions basically got jobs in the "Sun Moon Shipping" merchant fleet. Their salary was not low, but they were not soldiers, so they lost the opportunity to get military promotion.

Many old sailors who have been sailing for more than ten years have become first mates of passenger ships, and some have even become captains with outstanding performance.

More than 45 warships and merchant ships approached [-] nautical miles away from their destination aggressively. Thirty battleships and [-] sentinel boats from the Longwu Navy broke away from the merchant fleet and cooperated with Liu Xiang's fleet to besiege Foggaga Island.

The huge merchant fleet cannot be attacked, because the "Sun Moon Shipping" merchant ships are not equipped with artillery in order to save costs, so they have no combat effectiveness, but each of the captured armed merchant ships has force.

Pirates in twos and threes saw the formation of more than a hundred merchant ships from a distance, and saw the black muzzles of many merchant ships. How could they tell that there were not even professional gunners there?
No one would have the audacity to take the initiative to attack such a large merchant fleet.

After besieging the main port of Foggaga Island, the frightened pirates no longer had any ships to go out to meet them.

Huang Yong was not in a hurry to launch an attack. Anyway, the enemy couldn't run away, and they couldn't transfer the gold and silver treasures. Huang Yong and all the navy generals took battleships to circle the island with Liu Xiang's pirates.

While sinking and capturing all the ships that could be found, they used binoculars to observe the pirate fortifications in all directions.

In addition to the hundreds of pirates who have been captured and killed, there are no less than [-] pirates entrenched on this island, and their families and slaves may exceed [-]. .

The island is not small, with a circumference of more than a hundred miles. The focus of the pirate defense is at the port, where there are seven forts and no less than thirty twelve-pound red cannons.

After careful observation for three days, Huang Yong used sharp artillery to cover Liu Xiang's pirates to attack the southern port. At the same time, An Xiaole led the Marine Corps to launch a surprise attack from the north where the reefs were densely covered with [-] small boats.

Due to the rising production of miniguns, half of the well-trained marines have been equipped with miniguns, and non-commissioned officers and officers above the corporal commander are equipped with self-generated short guns.

When the small boat slowly circled the reef and approached the island, it didn't take long for the pirate patrol team to discover it. In a short time, one or two hundred pirates ran to the beach and went directly to the sea to get as close as possible to An Xiaole's fleet.

Most of the pirates were shirtless and barefoot. When they stepped on the sea water and reached their thighs, they knew that they were ready to shoot.

It's a pity that the Ming army on the sentry ship had hundreds of Miniguns, and the pirates were destined to be unilaterally shot.

In order to increase the strike effect, the marines deliberately approached 150 steps before killing the pirates who had already aimed at them.

I didn't hit the invading enemy, I saw the brothers around me fell down continuously, and the surviving pirates ran back screaming.

It's a pity that the sea water covered the thighs, and it was impossible to run fast. Amidst the continuous gunshots, blood blossomed on the backs of the pirates. In the end, only a dozen pirates were able to go ashore.

An Xiaole and [-] young marines easily landed on the north shore of Fogga Island. How could the pirates have the strength to resist?It didn't take long for many subdued pirates to kneel and surrender with their matchlock guns in both hands.

Most of the pirates were aborigines from the surrounding islands, and their language was messy. The Ming army could not understand what they were saying, but everyone could understand the body language of kneeling down and raising their hands.

The Ming army had no hatred for these monkey-like pirates, and found that most of the kneeling pirates were shirtless and had no weapons in their hands, and did not carry out a massacre.

The north coast of Fugaga Island is only fifteen miles away from the forts on the south coast. When the marines attacked from behind the forts, it was as if they were devastated, because these forts had no plans for subsequent attacks, and the gunners were completely exposed to the miniguns. Is there a way out?
After the seven forts were blown down, all Liu Xiang's warships poured into the port, and then the war of jumping over the country and boarding began.

The senior pirate Liu Xiang and his adopted sons were not built by them, but they actually took the lead in jumping over the country to seize the ship. Many pirates under Liu Xiang had some kung fu, and they were able to move freely on the shaking warship, wielding their sharp blades, and their bright red blood hurricane.

Face-to-face slashing is more bloody than ship-to-ship bombardment. The pirates who know that the fort has been captured by the enemy are even more unable to hold back. Too many pirates kneel on the deck and surrender.

The leaders of several pirate ships that had not yet been attacked realized that the general situation was over and the port was blocked again, so they raised white flags on the ships to request surrender.

Huang Yong discovered that Liu Xiang's combat effectiveness was much stronger than that of the pirates entrenched on Foggaga Island, and he now had the upper hand. He issued an order that the Navy and Marine Corps do not need to participate in the battle of jumping from state to ship. Liu Xiangbu can provide fire cover.

(End of this chapter)

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