Chapter 638
As everyone knows, if Huang Han does this, Sun Chuanting, who works in the "Red Banner Army" system, may no longer be able to become a trilateral governor with the title of minister of the Ministry of War.

Huang Han's nomination by the imperial court to appoint Yang Yipeng, the former Governor of Water Transport, to succeed Denglai Governor caused endless debate in the court, and no one could guess what Huang Han's intentions were.

In fact, there is nothing here, it is just for the civil servants and generals in the system to do their best. Huang Han is not familiar with many civil servants, most of them are low-level civil servants, and there are really not many officials who can serve as governors.

Yang Yipeng was originally a criminal who could be sentenced to death, but Chongzhen left his life because of Huang Han's action.When he was an official in Sichuan, he made remarkable achievements in government. He was not afraid of power and dared to risk his death.

It is estimated that Yang Yipeng in history became the scapegoat for the fall of Fengyang and was beheaded. In all likelihood, it was because of admonishing the court to punish corruption and planting the root of the disaster.

At this time, recommending him to be the governor of Tianjin, presumably this person will not avenge his kindness, let alone give help, and he will not restrain the people and raise the soldiers.

The emperor weighed again and again, did not move He Shishou, the governor of Tianjin, and did not refute Huang Han's recommendation, released Yang Yipeng from Zhao Prison and appointed him as Tianjin military preparation officer.

Seeing that the emperor did not obey his words, Huang Han deliberately bargained, and then recommended some low-level officials, including Xu Ji, the only son of Xu Guangqi's three generations of single heirs.

Xu Guangqi was teaching and educating people in Huxue City, trying to grow crops to support his life. As an apprentice, of course he had to consider the elderly. Huang Han recommended Xu Ji, a county student, to be the eighth-rank Funing county magistrate, but he was not rejected.

It is estimated that Xu Guangqi's family will be reunited in Huxue City soon. Xu Ji, who is an official in Funing, can often visit and take care of his father.

Huang Han, an extremely human minister, contracted to fight against the slaves, and the deployment of troops in the Jizhen defense area and the consumption of money and food in Liao's salary made Fang Zhenghua a lot easier.

Because the Great Wall outside Gyeonggi was no longer his defense zone, he was able to transfer Zhou Yuji to Juyongguan to assist in the defense, Sun Yingyuan to defend Daomaguan, and Chen Gao to defend Zijingguan...

There are seven big eunuchs and dozens of eunuchs and more than two hundred Jinyiwei will enter the "Red Banner Army" system to perform the function of supervising the army. For this reason, Huang Han gave a lecture to the three hundred emperor's domestic slaves and pro-army in front of the emperor.

Huang Han was very calm, with a gentleman's frankness and calmness. He warned the emperor's servants and pro-army that they only had the right to supervise when they entered the army, and they were responsible for telling the emperor what they saw and heard in time.

They have no right to interfere in the dispatch of soldiers and horses, and the control of money and food. If they dare to be as greedy as civil officials and military generals, they will cut first and then play like Shang Fang's sword.

Chongzhen didn't expect Huang Han to speak like this in front of him, and he felt really unhappy.

But the little 300 people were watching his attitude. Chongzhen was kidnapped by Huang Han's words, so he had to tell Zheng Zhihui, Du Xun, Fang Jingcheng, Wang Zhixin, etc. to work hard and not to lose face of the Tian family.

It was very simple for Huang Han to deal with eunuchs interfering in politics. They were allowed to make small reports, they were not allowed to have access to money and food, and they were not given military power.

In fact, Jinyiwei and Dongchang have been infiltrated by Qiwei all the time, and more than a dozen of the two hundred Jinyiwei are Qiwei.

The relationship between Jinyiwei and the "Red Banner Army" is very good. The two hundred chiefs were personally selected by Li Ruolian, Lou Yun, and Zhang Chao. The hundred household officers and the chief banner officer are all old men who participated in the Southern Liaoning campaign. .

It is estimated that when the time comes for General Zhenglu to meet Tu Qiong, the eunuch of the supervising army, most of the Jin Yiwei will stand by Huang Han's side.

Besides, the seven chief eunuchs basically had some contacts with Huang Han, and Cheng Quan and Fang Jingcheng made an agreement, which means they got Huang Han's support to get what they are today.

Today, General Zhenglu made three chapters of law in front of the emperor, so no one would dare to find fault with him.

Huang Han asked the emperor face to face, making it clear that sharpening knives should not be mistaken for woodcutters. When he took office, he would not launch an attack immediately.

When the number of soldiers who dare to fight reaches more than 15, it is necessary to mobilize about [-] troops to actively attack Jinzhou, Fuzhou, or North Korea, leaving aside the basic troops needed to garrison the Great Wall, Ningyuan, and Jinzhou defense lines in Jizhen.

A large-scale attack needs to achieve the effect of surprise in order to minimize casualties and maximize the results of the battle, so when to attack?Where to attack?No request will be made at that time.

It was obvious that Huang Han wanted to have full autonomy, but the reasons were high-sounding, and the emperor had no reason to refuse, so he had to agree, and he also agreed that the "Red Banner Army" recruited Liangjiazi to join the army in Gyeonggi.

The emperor didn't argue with Huang Han about the amount of troops, so he tacitly allowed him to recruit more troops, the better!

Because he hoped that Huang Han's soldiers and horses would be strong enough to achieve five years of Ping Liao. Anyway, regardless of the actual number of soldiers and horses under Huang Han's command, the court only gave 30 taels of silver a month. The soldiers pay and eat.

If Huang Han expands his army with great fanfare, he doesn’t know how much money he needs to subsidize every month. After three years and five years, it’s unknown whether Huang Han, a rich man, will be impoverished. Is it more beneficial to the court?

Within a few days, the propaganda team of the "Red Banner Army", led by Liu Zaiqi, went to Zhanghe, Weihe, and Haihe to recruit Liangjiazi to join the Weisuo Army.

The conditions offered are much higher than those for recruiting military service. One tael of silver and five buckets of miscellaneous grains are given every month.

The mass base here is good, and the hundreds of thousands of ordinary people who participated in the campaign never forgot the "Red Banner Army." Tens of thousands of young and middle-aged people who volunteered to join the army were rejected because there were restrictions on the number of troops and financial resources at that time.

It's all right now, after three years of great development, Huang Han's financial resources have more than doubled, and he has negotiated terms with the emperor, and the actual food and salary that can be obtained every year has also doubled.

In the past, the "Red Banner Army" accounted for less than half of the Liao's salary share, and they had to bear all levels of drift. Last year, the final amount obtained was more than one million taels of silver.

Now there is no need to distribute benefits to officials at all levels. Although the Liao's salary given by the imperial court has been reduced by a small half, Huang Han can actually get more than half of it.

The road to a rich country and a strong army must be cleared, even if you overcome obstacles, you must face the difficulties. If the imperial court does not give a tael of silver, Huang Han can not delay his military training and defense. Now he can get 360 million taels of silver and 120 million shi from the imperial court a year. Food is good!
With money, food and power, no one limits the number of troops. At this time, if we don’t accept strong and passionate young people as guards, and train them for a year and a half, when will they become full-time members of the "Red Banner Army"?
(End of this chapter)

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