Chapter 642
However, the Qing Dynasty's thousands of miles of coastline may face a sudden attack by the "Red Banner Army" landing, which is simply impossible to guard against.

The slave chiefs convened civil officials and military generals to discuss matters. Liaodong was still extremely cold, and a large amount of charcoal fire was used in the pseudo-golden temple in Shengjing, which made people drowsy due to the warmth.

A large group of traitors such as Zu Dashou, Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming, Zhang Cunren, etc. who came here specially to witness the new master becoming emperor at the end of the year also stood under the generals.

In Liaodong in winter, if there is no war, all the soldiers and civilians will have nothing to do. Most of the slave military nobles and traitor generals stay at home drinking and playing with concubines.

In fact, they were extremely tired of Emperor Chongde organizing court meetings almost every day during this period, and many Eight Banners nobles couldn't help yawning.On the contrary, the traitor civil and military stood upright respectfully.

Chongde looked at the civil servants and generals, and was very satisfied with the attitude of Han Chen, he said: "My dear friends, when I first ascended to the Great Treasure, I should stop fighting and recuperate to make the country rich and the people strong, but my heart will not die when the Ming country is destroyed.

At the end of last year, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty entered the rank of Huang Han Nasi, the Duke of Liao, and appointed him as the general who conquered captives to be in charge of Liao affairs. Huang Han boasted of "five years of flattening Liao", and has left the capital and came to Shanhaiguan to raise troops. It must not be long The servant will lead the troops to invade the border of our Dajin Kingdom.

Today I have a discussion with you, how should our Dajin Kingdom deal with the attack launched by the 'Red Banner Army'? "

It turned out that calling everyone to go to court today was not just idle talk, but something serious to talk about. The sleepy Eight Banners nobles regained their spirits, and then began to discuss in a low voice.

Prince Heshuo Zheng Jierhalang first came out of the class and saluted: "Your Majesty, it is nothing to worry about the mere Huang Han not daring to fight openly, the ministers will definitely kill him and lose a lot.

I think that we need to strengthen the detection to prevent being attacked by Huang Han. As long as our army can judge where the Ming army is about to attack, then our Qing cavalry assault will definitely give a thunderous blow. "

Hong Zai nodded and said: "Prince Heshuo Zheng is right, the current plan really needs to find out where Huang Han is going to attack.

However, my Qing Dynasty is too big now, and the coastline of the new territory of North Korea is too long, and it is too far away from Shengjing. If Huang Han chooses to attack Seoul, our army will not be able to rescue him in time! "

Kong Youde got the title because he won North Korea. Hearing that his master was worried about the chaos in his defense area, he said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will take strict precautions against defending several big cities, and will dig trenches and build fortifications in Seoul and Pyongyang.

Huang Han led troops across the sea to attack fortifications and would not get half a penny. The Han Army of the Qing Dynasty and the musketeers of the Koryo Army were also adapted to relying on trenches to fight repeatedly.

It will not be a problem for the minister to lead the troops to hold back the main force of the 'Red Banner Army' landing for ten and a half months by relying on fortifications.

If Huang Han personally led the troops to land and attack the fortifications, there is a high possibility of being surrounded by our army. Maybe our Qing army can capture that guy alive in one fell swoop. "

Seeing King Kong Youde's confidence, the freshly released Chongde Emperor Long Yan Dayue praised: "Wang Shun is both wise and brave, he is really a good general of Qing Dynasty."

Abatai is the seventh elder brother of the current emperor, but it is because concubines are never welcomed. The new emperor ascended the throne and enshrined civil servants and generals. He only got Doro Raoyu Baylor, which is not as good as Zu Dashou, Kong Youde, and Geng Zhongming. , My stomach is full of anger.

Hearing Kong Youde talking nonsense and bragging today made him even angrier. Abatai had fought for the rest of his life, so of course he knew that Kong Youde's plan was full of loopholes.

He couldn't help but retorted: "King Gongshun's words are wrong, my Eight Banners cavalry are exhausted after rushing thousands of miles to North Korea, and they don't even know how to carry siege equipment.

How much loss would it take to use cavalry to compete for the landing point positions that had been built by the "Red Banner Army" for at least half a month?Who can guarantee it?Such a battle led by the Ming army must never be fought. "

Chongde was also the emperor who fought all the way, so he didn't know that Kong Youde's plan was just wishful thinking.
He nodded and said: "Duo Luo Rao Yu Baylor is right, the supplies carried by a large ship cannot be carried by three thousand horses.

Huang Han's defense system in Jinzhou and Ningyuandong is very organized, and he will definitely build fortifications carefully when he lands.

It is enough to assert that the beachheads built by the Ming army should be easy to defend and difficult to attack. The casualties of using the Eight Banners cavalry to attack the positions equipped with artillery defenses are uncontrollable. Our Qing army must not be so exhausted. "

Abatai saw that the eighth younger brother didn't benefit enough to make him faint, he felt better, saluted and said: "Your Majesty is wise." He returned to the original place.

Fan Wencheng said: "Your Majesty, the strength of the Ming army lies in the navy, while the strength of our army lies in the cavalry. The Ming army in the coastal areas has greatly enhanced its power by using warship transfer machines, which can be fast and elusive. Can be invincible.

I thought that there is no way to defend against it. Our Dajin army can launch an active attack. As long as we fight hard enough, Huang Han will have to enter the battlefield chosen by our army to fight. "

The words of the traitor made Hong Jie the most interested. He asked: "Ai Qing, what insights do you have? Please explain in detail how to lure Huang Han to lead the troops to our army's preset battlefield!"

"The cavalry of the Qing Dynasty is the best in the world. This is our advantage. We cannot use the elite cavalry to compete with the infantry of the Ming army.

It is worth the money only by using the cavalry's rushing ability to defeat the Ming army.

The minister thought that since Huang Han ran the [-]-mile side wall from Shanhaiguan to Juyongguan, then my Qing army would give him face and not touch the defense line of the "Red Banner Army".

Lin Dan Khan is dead, Chahar has surrendered, and all the Mongolian tribes are looking forward to the Qing Dynasty. The wall of the Ming Dynasty is so long, and it is not a mere [-] miles from Shanhaiguan to Juyongguan.

Our Qing army can detour to Xuanda, Taiyuan, Yansui, and even Ningxia Town and Guyuan Town. If the Ming army that intends to attack our Qing Dynasty’s Korean border is not mobilized, then we will continue to fight in the hinterland of Daming.

Anyway, the Ming army there was reluctant to even fight the bandits, and if they were beaten up by my tiger and wolf division of the Qing Dynasty, it would be inevitable that they would be defeated for thousands of miles.

I don't know if the emperor of the Ming Dynasty would insist on using the five years of Huang Han to pacify the Liao Dynasty when he was beaten again at a loss?In the end, Huang Han's ending is as unknown as Yuan Chonghuan!
How many strong troops does Ming need to contain our army's Ruhong offensive?I am afraid that in the current Ming Dynasty, apart from Huang Han's men and horses, most of the other men and horses can't even beat the rogues.

If Huang Han was forced to lead his troops all the way into Shanshan and Henan to chase our Qing army, it is very likely that our army would kill him like they did when they plotted against Zhao Liaojiao. "

(End of this chapter)

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