The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 644 1 Attack and 1 Defense Complement each other

Chapter 644 One attack and one defense complement each other

Wu Xiang, Wu Sangui, Zu Kuan, Zu Dabi, etc. have a total of [-] cavalry, plus Zu Dashou's original garrison of Jinzhou [-] cavalry, and the Daling River defenders who surrendered in Chongzhen in four years had [-] cavalry, defeating Zhang Chun's troops Three or four thousand were accommodated.

This original Guanning iron cavalry has nearly [-] cavalry, and it should be the strongest combat force in the Han army. It can win the battle against the Tartars.

Reusing the Han army to guard against the Han army, Hong Jie was full of self-confidence. He did not hand over the Guanning iron cavalry to anyone to lead, but concentrated on his side to call, and Gebush Xianchaoha was in charge of supervising the army.

This time only [-] cavalry were left to participate in the defense of Jinzhou, and all [-] cavalry fought with the Zhenghong and Xianghuang flags.

At the beginning of April, the Qing army, which was busy with spring plowing, formed an unprecedented cavalry team. Among them, there were [-] soldiers from the Eight Banners, [-] from the Mongolian tribes, and [-] cavalry from the traitor Guanning.

In addition to the 16 Yu Ding, Banner Ding, and coated slaves who actively followed the army to the Ming Dynasty to rob, the total number is close to 17, the horses exceed 20, and the so-called elite cavalry is [-].

At the same time, traitorous generals such as Zu Dashou, Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming, Zhang Cunren, Shi Tingzhu, etc. drove Goryeo Bangzi 10,000, which had just been busy with spring plowing, to reinforce and build fortifications, waiting for the "Red Banner Army" to launch an offensive at an unknown time and place.

Emperor Chongde strictly ordered the traitors and generals to find out that the "Red Banner Army" was only allowed to stick to their positions when attacking, and did not seek to take the initiative to attack and kill them, but only wanted to use the favorable location to drag Huang Han's troops.

The slave chiefs thought that the arrangement of attack and defense would complement each other, and that the Qing Empire would surely be able to gain a large amount of people, supplies, gold and silver, and large animals from the national war of looting the Ming Dynasty in the first year of Chongde to quickly improve its national strength.

Half a month after the army left Shengjing, the unrepentant Hong Jie still thought about rushing directly into Gyeonggi from the Great Wall of Ji Town, because doing so would save time and effort and would have immeasurable political effects.

He didn't worry about scaring the enemy, and thought that even if Jizhen had no chance to take advantage of it after the test, it would be harmless. The Ming Dynasty should strengthen the defense of Jizhen, which would make it easier for the Qing army to attack the border walls of Xuanda and Shanxi towns for more than a thousand miles.

Hongxie sent Duoduo and Dorgon to lead the Manchurian and Mongolian allied forces with two white flags to try to attack Xifengkou and Dushikou to find out the reality of the "Red Banner Army".

The slave chief was scheming and used the two white flags to try to attack the defense area of ​​Jizhen. If he could break into the troops that consumed the two brothers Dorgon and break Huang Han's promise to the Ming Dynasty court, there should be a lot of fun in the future.

It is wild to say that Huang Han, who had flattened the Liao Dynasty for five years, must not escape the blame. If he is not arrested and imprisoned by the emperor, he will probably be beaten to the end.

If the "Red Banner Army" stationed in the Jizhen defense area is really fortified and impeccable, it is enough to prove that the "Red Banner Army" has left heavy troops to manage the [-]-mile side wall.

The total strength of the Huang Han is so large, so it is natural to favor one over the other. When the Qing soldiers tried to attack, it was only natural to strengthen the defense line of Jizhen again. This undoubtedly relieved the pressure on the defense of the Qing Dynasty.

Hongxie can safely and boldly detour for another one or two thousand miles, might as well break in from the Hetao area, and fight all the way to Xi'an to Luoyang, and Kaifeng to Huguang.

The rogues of the Ming Dynasty were able to break out of Shaanxi and Shanxi, penetrate Huguang, and go all the way to Fengyang, the central capital, to threaten the city of Nanjing in the southern Zhili. Could it be that the Manchu and Mongolian cavalry, whose fighting power is more than ten times stronger than the rogues, are not as good as those thieves?
When the slave chiefs got together, they narrated their own analysis. Not only were the traitors flattering, but even Dorgon, Abatai and other brothers secretly admired them.

Most of the generals of the Eight Banners are murderers with well-developed limbs. After hearing what their master said about the pros and cons of Faming, they all rolled up their sleeves and asked for a fight.

At the end of the eighth year of Chongzhen, Huang Han used Shangfang sword to kill Chao Pichang, the general of Tianjin, and sentenced more than a dozen Tianjin generals to labor reform for three to ten years.

A general who said he would kill him would really show it to the public. The generals in Tianjin are much more honest, and they are doing their best to do their jobs well, trying to get forgiveness from the general Zhenglu, and really let the past go.

Tianjin Wei has an important port, which is the closest to the capital and has the best road conditions in Daming.

There are twelve supply stations operated by Sifang Express along the way, which have the function of post stations and the nature of later expressway service areas. It is convenient and quick to transmit military information, transport food, and deploy troops.

It is one of the plans to turn Tianjin Wei into a strong fortress like Tiger Cave City and never give up.

With power, talent, money and food, doing things will naturally be beneficial.

Huang Han brought seven eunuchs who supervised the army to hold a meeting in Tianjin Wei to mobilize the troops. More than [-]% of the "Red Banner Army" generals participated. Because they did not need to confront Jiannu, more than [-]% of the generals from Dongjiang Town and Denglai came. All the generals attended.

Reform is the trend of the times. For this reason, the guards in Dongjiang Town, Denglai, and Tianjin will finish slimming down in a few days. All those who fail to meet the standards of regular soldiers will be transferred to the Guards Army. All regular soldiers Immediately mixed with the "Red Banner Army" troops.

There was no need for the "Red Banner Army" to hide and hide. Huang Han announced in a high-profile manner that they would reorganize and expand the number of troop units to be based on battalions.

A full-staffed army battalion is roughly three thousand generals. Under normal circumstances, there are one cavalry thousand general, one infantry thousand general, and one infantry logistics mixed thousand general.

The number of cavalry troops does not include scouts in the battalion and officers with horses. A cavalry commander has three commanders under his jurisdiction, and the full number of people is 56.One general has three hundred generals, one hundred generals two general banners, one general banner and five small banners with [-] chief and deputy chief banner officers.

An infantry commander has three commanders and a hundred infantry archers. The full number of soldiers is 190. Each commander has a warrior who uses cold weapons such as swords, shields and spears.

This configuration is because infantry archers are difficult to train, and we cannot sacrifice the basics. The ready-made infantry archers in the original Ming army should not be allowed to practice self-generated guns, but a separate Baizong should be established.

Although bows and arrows lag behind firearms, step archers can basically shoot ten arrows with effective damage in a row, which can better make up for the gaps in musketeers' loading. Moreover, arrows are projected slightly different from lead bullets. The enemy's defense The surface will increase a lot.

Sometimes it is necessary to complete a sneak attack. Dozens of armor-piercing cones can silently turn a few enemies into hedgehogs, avoiding the sound of gunshots and blunderbusses for several miles.

The standard configuration of the mixed thousand commanders is four hundred commanders of artillery, one chief engineer, one hundred commander propaganda soldiers, one commander of the battalion guard musketeers, direct subordinate soldiers, and one hundred commander of the scout cavalry team...

The total strength of a battalion plus a field hospital does not exceed [-].

The battalion officers are served by generals with various official titles such as chief military officer, commander-in-chief, commander-in-chief, general, guerrilla, etc. In principle, a general can only directly lead a battalion.

(End of this chapter)

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