Chapter 67
The old slave Nurhachi loved Abahai during his lifetime, and Aiwu and Wu especially loved Abahai's three sons, Azige, Dorgon, and Duoduo.

The old slave originally hoped that the three brothers would have the strength to take care of his biological mother after his death, but unfortunately things backfired. Under the conspiracy of the four Baylors, Abahai was forced to be buried.

When his parents died, Dorgon was only 15 years old. He buried the seeds of hatred in his heart, and on the surface he respected the starling who became the Great Khan.

In the following year, Dorgon led Zhengbai Banner and accompanied Hong Jieshi to march into the Chahar tribe of Mongolia to emerge, and defeated the Chahar tribe in Aomuleng. Hong Jie gave him the nickname "Mergen Daiqing", translated in Chinese Equivalent to the wise Taiji.

Knowing that the fourteenth younger brother had returned with the army, Hong Jie summoned him immediately. Dorgon was courteous and told him, "Big Khan, I am ashamed. The cavalrymen from the Biao Ming Kingdom fled into Funing County. My younger brother is worried that the Eight Banners will be damaged." He is a warrior, so he gave up the siege and returned without success."

"Fourteenth brother did the right thing. The defenders of Funing City are determined, and our Dajin army can't afford to be angry with them. The mere three or four hundred Ming army cavalry who dare to fight can't make a big wave. We will find a chance to annihilate them in the future!"

"Khan, my brother has something to say."

"Fourteenth brother, but it doesn't matter."

"Our Great Golden Army has been deep into the hinterland of the Ming Dynasty for more than three months. The disciples of the Eight Banners entrusted the great blessings of Khan. Everyone has captured a lot of money. Now it is the return of people's hearts!"

Hong Zhe groaned for a moment, and said: "Mergen Dai Qing speak more carefully, what do you think about my Dajin Army next?"

Dorgon once again saluted and respectfully said: "My Dajin army entered the customs and beat Ming by surprise, but Ming is too big and has too many soldiers and horses. At this time, troops are constantly coming to serve the king in Gyeonggi, but my Dajin warriors are too few. Precious, one power lost in battle will be weakened!"

"Of course, the fourteenth brother is indeed wise. He really deserves to be my Mergen Dai Qing. Go on."

"Profusely praised, my brother is ashamed and dare not take it. I thought it was a good time to accept it at this time. If the Ming army followed the example of that group of cavalry, they rushed to the Jin army and continued to sneak into the city to hide and defend. , My Dajin soldier Hu Naihe."

"Good, that's the case. But these big cities that our army took down after suffering casualties are also abandoned in vain?"

"This..., this is a major matter, and it depends on the ruling of the Great Khan. I dare not speak to him."

It's already early spring and February, and the ice and snow will melt in Liaodong soon. It's time to go back and let the ahas farm to produce food for the Dajin Kingdom.

Hong is already thinking about leading the troops back. He knows that Daming King Qin's army is constantly gathering, and even if he retreats, he can't reveal his whereabouts. The people and horses won enough time.

I just don't know what ulterior purpose Ba Xiao had, and actually sent someone to declare Erbeile, who was staying in Liaodong, to enter the customs.

Seeing the other big and small Baylors making a fortune in the hinterland of the Ming Dynasty, the second-rate Baylor Amin has long been scratching his head with envy. After receiving the announcement, he detoured to Longjing Pass without a trace of hesitation. He is about to take over Yongping Mansion, Qian'an, and Luanzhou. And Santun Yingcheng.

The old slave Nurhachi is a murderer. He not only kills Han people like pigs butchers, but also kills his own brothers and sons. Amin is the second son of Yezhupi's younger brother Shuerhaqi.

Amin's father, Shuerhaqi, elder brother Altong'a, and younger brother Zasaktu all died in the hands of wild boar skin. For some reason, this boy survived and was reused by the old slave.

When Nurhaci ascended the throne in Hetuala, he conferred the titles of the four great belors, namely the big beile Daishan, the second beile Amin, the three beile Manggurtai, and the four beile Hongjieshi.

Amin became the second child of the four most powerful and powerful Heshuo Baylor in the post-Golden era. It may be because he is used to fighting!

In fact, the four major Baylors all have the capital to become the post-Gold Khan. On the contrary, the youngest Lao Bahong is in the top position, but the other three big Baylors are not small, and everyone has a seat when discussing matters. This is of course On behalf of the Four Great and Shuo Baylor sit on an equal footing and co-rule Houjin.

This kind of strange phenomenon has led to big traitors such as Fan Wencheng, Bao Chengxian, etc. repeatedly playing red and evil, saying that there is no such thing as a day, and how is it proper for the three Baylors to sit with Da Khan?

Hong is an out-and-out conspirator, why doesn't he want to take the other three chairs in the conference hall? This time, under the opposition of the other three Baylors, he insisted on taking a detour to attack the Daming capital in order to fight arbitrarily in the future. good foundation.

Amin was greedy for the wealth of the capital of Ming Dynasty, and wanted to grab it. Hong was doing what he wanted. Not only did he announce that he would lead troops into the pass, but he would also generously send Yongping Mansion, Luanzhou, Qian'an, The four big cities of Santunying were handed over to Amin as enclaves for garrison.

This is definitely killing two birds with one stone. Amin's ability to hold this enclave is beneficial to the Kingdom of Jin. In the future, Jiannu will have a ready-made supply ground when he comes to the hinterland of Daming through Longjing Pass to fight grass.

If A Min can't defend these four cities, then Hong Xie can openly accuse him and take away a chair from the hall.

Erbeile once had the intention of seizing North Korea's self-reliance, but Hongxie had long held a grudge. For the stability and unity of the Eight Banners, he endured it for three years. This time, he finally seized the opportunity to dig a big hole for Amin to jump into. .

In history, the Red Evil paid attention to cultivating traitors, and really gave preferential treatment to the Ming Dynasty to demote officials. After taking Yongping Mansion, they pretended to restrain the Eight Banners Army, and posted an Anmin notice to let the fleeing people go home. The Dajin Army promised not to kill and set fire again.

And Amin is a vicious thug, this kid belongs to the executioner who kills anyone, and when he hastily retreated from Yongping Mansion, he even spent a day massacring the city.

As a result, all the common people and surrendered troops in Yongping City were beheaded. Amin did not spare even the officials who surrendered. He not only killed all these people, but also robbed them of all their money.

When Amin entered the customs, no less than 30 Han people died directly or indirectly at the hands of this boy. In Yongping Prefecture alone, [-] soldiers and civilians died in the massacre caused by Amin.

There was no turning point in history at this time, only a little turmoil. Zheng Guochang and Liu Zhilun, who should have died, were alive and well. Zunhua, which was firmly controlled by the Hou Jin army, is now impregnable under Liu Zhilun's insistence.

On the 22nd of the first lunar month, Dai Shan led more than [-] troops to the city, and found that the number of defenders at the head of Zunhua City seemed to be larger than the troops he brought.

He didn't dare to try to attack at all, and galloped eastward to take down Santun Yingcheng again and use it as a stockpiling place for supplies. This time, he didn't dare to be careless and left the three thousand and eight banner troops, three thousand banner men and the coats slave.

Therefore, although the history remains the same, Zunhua City, which was occupied by the Later Jin Army, was replaced by the Santun Camp, where the original Jizhen General Military Mansion was located, and its geographical location is more prominent than Zunhua.

(End of this chapter)

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