Chapter 695
The direct descendants of Dorgon, Duoduo, Wu Keshan, Manzhu Xili, etc. were not injured.

When they retreated, they didn't need to rush at the end of the road. When they crossed the border of Yingzhou, they simply stopped and intended to regroup and fight again.

At this time, the defeated Qing army gathered more and more, and Dorgon assembled more than [-] cavalry. He wanted to teach the chasing soldiers a lesson so that the "Red Banner Army" would be too bullied.

Unexpectedly, the deployment was carried out and a large number of scouts were sent to investigate the location where the "Red Banner Army" cavalry arrived. When they found that they had withdrawn their troops and did not pursue them.

Dorgon, who wanted to concentrate his forces to win more battles with fewer victories and save some face, was immediately discouraged and scolded Huang Han for being too tricky.
No way, if you can't beat the "Red Banner Army", vent your anger on the Ming army stationed in Xuanda!

Unexpectedly, Yang Sichang, the governor of Xuanda, was very realistic. When the spy reported that the Qing army was coming to Xuanda, he ordered all the generals to stick to the castle and obey the fate of the people, which directly caused the Qing army to be unable to find an opponent.

How could Dorgon have the intention to attack Daming City at this time?Even if he wanted to, his subordinates would not do it without energy and spirit. The Ming army did not dare to fight Dorgon and had no choice but to lead the troops to besiege Shangfangbao and prepare to leave the customs.

There were only two or three thousand Ming troops guarding Fangfang Fort, and when the garrison general found out that tens of thousands of Qing troops intended to attack, he fled overnight. When Dorgon led his men and horses out of Daming territory, there was no need for offensive and defensive warfare, so no troops were lost. Easy.

On the day of leaving the customs, Dorgon met the messenger sent by Emperor Chongde, and learned that the starling fell ill and was not in a good condition, and he was temporarily unable to march long distances and needed to recuperate.

After failing to attack Ningwu Pass, the troops led by Starlings chose to use the freezing of the Yellow River to detour through the Hetao area to exit the pass. Now they have arrived at Guihua City for repairs.

Dorgon, who chose to avoid the war, was full of apprehension, worried about being questioned by Chongde.It was learned that the troops led by Starlings also suffered a great loss against the "Red Banner Army". The troops under Ningwuguan were only a part of the "Red Banner Army", with only a few thousand troops.

It seems that the starling battle is even worse!Dorgon was relieved now, and when he led the troops to Guihua City, he was relaxed. He kept praying in his heart, hoping that the great shaman would take myna away.

Hong Xie was indeed very ill. After fainting and falling off the horse that day, he couldn't stop the nosebleed, and there was a big bowl of it.

In the case of excessive blood loss, Hong Jie was very weak. After waking up, he had to ride horses and march in the ice and snow, and his condition worsened.

Emperor Chongde, who was personally conquered by the imperial driver, had a fever all the way, his mind was not clear, and he was groggy all day long, unable to convey orders.

Seeing that their master seemed to be about to die, the Manchu and Mongolian generals felt that the danger was approaching, and they refused to stay in the territory of Daming. Therefore, the Qing army, who had no fighting spirit, chose to cross the frozen Yellow River and bypass the Hetao area to enter Guihua City.

Hong Chengchou came to Yansui Town in person to wait for the opportunity to fight. He wanted to fight an ambush to gain military merit, and sent elite scouts to pay close attention to the Qing army retreating from Ningwuguan.

It's a pity that the Qing army was tens of thousands of horses, and Abatai was properly arranged. The front army, rear army, and central army were not enough for the Ming army.

Hong Chengchou knew that the more than [-] troops assembled by He Renlong, Wu Zimian, You Shiwei and other generals were no opponents at all, so he could only sit back and watch the Qing army go north.

During this period of time, Wu Zimian kept talking strangely. This kid had fought side by side with Huang Han in Chongzhen for three years, and he wanted to rely on his old face to work under the command of Huang Han, who was already the Duke of Liao.

He often brags to other generals and generals under his command, such as the guerrilla commander, how he and the general Zhenglu completed the raid six years ago under the watchful eyes of a strong enemy, and seized a lot of real money and food.

It is ironic that Hong Chengchou, the trilateral general system, has a great spectrum.

Wu Zimian also talked about the miserable life of all the hardworking Wang Mingjun at that time, but he and Ma Jinglue, who had died of illness the year before last, were the only ones who lived a prosperous life, which bragged Huang Han's ability to make money and food to the sky.

Listening to Wu Zimian's story about being able to have enough food and clothing with the general Zhenglu, too many generals of the Ming army under his command yearn for it, and seeing the "Red Banner Army" winning consecutive battles, these people are even more unwilling to follow Hong Chengchou. Planning to follow General Zhenglu.

Hong Chengchou also realized that the lack of a decent record made those valiant warriors more and more disrespectful. He knew that if he didn't win a few battles, he might not be able to command these arrogant soldiers in the future.

He got a spy report, knowing that Jiannu and the rear team had not left the customs. He also learned that Liu Zhilun, Minister of the Ministry of War, Lu Xiangsheng, the commander-in-chief of the five provinces, and Fang Zhenghua, the admiral of the Beijing camp, had all targeted the Qing army.

Great opportunities are really rare, no matter how effective Liu Zhilun, Lu Xiangsheng, and Fang Zhenghua's attack is, the Biao Qing army will suffer losses, and after marching thousands of miles to the border of Yansui Town, they should be exhausted.

Hong Chengchou was ruthless this time. No matter how many Qing troops were left at that time, he would concentrate his forces to rush forward and tear off a piece of meat. For this reason, he strengthened his detection and deployed actively.

The rear of the Qing army marched slowly and had a large number of troops. The Han army had 5000 cavalry, about [-] cavalry from the Eight Banners who supervised the battle, and more than [-] Tartar light cavalry. Ding, the coat slaves are ten thousand and several thousand.

However, due to the need to meet the raiding requirements of the main cavalry, there are not many war horses here, and the spare horses of the Han army, Eight Banners, and Mongolian cavalry were all taken away by the main force.

Even the bannermen and coat-coated slaves who originally owned at least one horse now only have donkeys and mules to ride at most, and some people simply ride in ox carts.

Veteran Mailer Erzhen Dong E Duo Jili is the main player of the rear team, and Fan Wencheng is in charge of scheduling.

Duo Jili is the second son of He Heli, one of the five ministers of the Later Jin Dynasty. He fought with his father at the age of 13 and has more than 30 years of military service.

Chongde took a fancy to him because he used to be more prudent in his work, so he was appointed to manage the rear team's troops and supplies.

When Duojili led the troops to prepare to cross the Yellow River north, Ergenjueluo Ashan led 2000 troops and horses to gallop here.

In fact, Abatai has the ability to command. The main force of the Qing army was deflated at the Ningwu Pass and prepared to make a detour to leave the pass. Abate did not forget the troops and supplies of the rear team, and sent Ashan to lead hundreds of Eight Banners and more than a thousand Mongolian cavalry. A full 2000 people came to meet them.

Emperor Chongde fainted due to the annihilation of Yangguli's entire army at Ningwu Pass, and his nosebleeds could not be stopped, and his current physical condition is not optimistic.

Such news would seriously damage morale, and was strictly kept secret by Abatai, who told Ashan to only inform the main generals of the rear team.

Fan Wencheng, Duo Jili and other generals were shocked when they learned of their master's situation. They gave everyone an order to speed up, and if they found anyone who was slow, they would whip them immediately and beat them to death on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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