Chapter 702

Liu Zhilun, Lu Xiangsheng, Fang Zhenghua, and King Tang led an army of tens of thousands in pursuit, picking up what was lost along the way and accumulating more than a thousand gains.

The subordinates really privately distributed 10,000+ taels of silver. During this period of time, each Ming army had an average of more than ten taels of silver, and everyone was elated.

They chased to Yansui Town to meet Hong Chengchou's men and horses. It was already the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, and they could only choose to return to Beijing after celebrating the New Year here.

The "Red Banner Army" led by Zhao Kun and Gu Zhun not only gained a lot of gains and captures, but also got the head of Duo Jili, the leader of the team after the founding of slavery.

That's because it's useless for the "Winged Tiger" to keep the head of the Qing army. Zhao Shisan contacted Zhao Kun and Gu Rushan and agreed to meet in the south of Qinshui County.

Zhao Kun, Pei Yuanwu and more than a dozen generals Zuo Yan saw the heads sent by hundreds of people led by Zhao Shisan, and all praised Zhao Shisan for his great contribution.

Zhao Shisan gave a detailed account of the tragedy of the battle that day, and asked Zhao Kun and Gu Rushan to support some self-generated guns, which was supported.

Although the four generals Zhao Kun and Gu Rushan did not have a high proportion of firearms due to their rapid expansion, they still gave Zhao Shisan [-] self-generated guns, and left a thousand shi of wheat for the "Winged Tigers".

When Zhao Kun and Gu Rushan sent their gains to Fangzheng, the supervising army, for testing, no one questioned them, and they all admired the "Red Banner Army" not only for their ability to fight but also for their luck.

"Yellow River Victory" Liu Zhilun had already written a memorial to ask for credit for the generals and subordinates of the "Red Banner Army" inland divisions, but for some reason, the awards from other civil servants and generals came in time, except for Zhao Kun and the others.

Now the "Red Banner Army" has accumulated a lot of tributes, and the first contribution in the pursuit battle is unquestionable. Liu Zhilun, who is fair in things, once again wrote a memorial to report the victory, and at the same time, please reward all the meritorious soldiers.

The Qing army once stationed in Guihua City when they attacked Daming, and returned to Guihua City half a year later. Most of the regular soldiers had more yellow and white objects and jewels worth no less than 300 taels of silver in their pockets, but there were fewer troops. There are more than [-] regular soldiers.

Among them, the children of the Eight Banners accounted for more than [-]%, and more than [-] cavalrymen of the Han army were lost. Only less than [-]% of the [-] bannermen and the coated slaves returned.

The total number of Manchu invaders and Daming dispatched this time reached 16, and when they came back, it was less than 12. Nearly 100 people were lost, such as Niulu Ezhen and senior generals above a thousand commanders.

In addition, being beaten by the "Red Banner Army" has no power to fight back, more than [-] people are full of resentment, the Mongolian outer domain has refused to be tamed, too many leaders are swearing, and many chiefs take their subordinates home without even saying hello up.

Dorgon burst into tears when he saw the mynah making a gesture of compassion.

The weak Emperor Chongde didn't know whether he was also performing or was really moved by the hypocrisy of the fourteenth brother. The two brothers hugged each other and wept silently.

Not only did Chongde not utter a word of criticism, but he also praised the fourteenth brother for choosing to preserve his strength and lead the Eight Banners children out of danger as a wise move.

Since he was unable to act as a director, Prince Rui temporarily acted on behalf of the emperor. In order to win over the hearts of the people, Dorgon did not deal with a single general who had fled. The twenty-odd Chinese and Mongolian generals identified by Ah Shan fled without a fight and there was no follow-up.

Dorgon believed that Guihua City could not stay for long, and that fellow Huang Han might go out to attack here. After resting for more than ten days, Emperor Chongde could only drag his sick body back to Liaodong.

Chongde obviously saw the change in the attitude of the civil servants and military generals, and knew that they no longer had the respect they had before, so he could only choose to forbear at this time.

On the seventh day of December in the ninth year of Chongzhen, Huang Han led his troops to pursue the Qing army and came to Datong.

The civilian and military generals in the city didn't know that when it was time to see each other, they organized soldiers and civilians to warmly welcome the "Red Banner Army" into the city.

Wang Pu, the commander-in-chief of Datong, was one of the spokespersons of Shanxi merchants. Huang Han took him down on the spot at the reception banquet, and all the civil servants, generals, subordinate officials, and merchants who came to the banquet were detained.

On the same day, Huang Han disarmed the generals and servants of Datong in the name of reorganizing the Datong defenders, and then gathered all the defenders outside the city for retraining.

He sent an official letter to the Dai Wang, whose residence is in Datong City, on the grounds of investigating the spies of the slaves, requesting the Dai Wang to manage the guards of the palace and not allow idlers to enter and leave the palace.

Now Huang Han is not even afraid of being the emperor, let alone the so-called Prince Zhu Ming. If he is obedient and obedient, he can temporarily ignore their interests, and dares to stand up for the Shanxi merchants and ransack their homes together.

The generation king Zhu Yi and the eldest son Zhu Chuan have been terrified in the past few years because Datong City has been surrounded by Jiannu several times.

They had heard the prestige of the "Red Banner Army" for a long time, and this time they defeated the Qing army again. Dai Wang and his son knew each other very well.

Huang Han only stayed in Datong for one day and then went to Xuanfu. All the civilian officials and generals of the Ming Dynasty were detained along the way.

There is no need to make up the reason. It is a heinous crime to sit and watch the Qing army break through the defense zone and do nothing!

But Huang Han gave all the civil officials face, instead of arresting them and imprisoning them, he took the method of house arrest and treated them differently, leaving Yang Sichang a small courtyard to live in and two servant girls to serve him.

All of Shanxi's officers with hundreds of households and above are trained intensively on the grounds of retraining. Closed militarized management is the easiest way to identify which generals are promoted by bribery or nepotism.

In the end, the generals who have passed the physical fitness and combat skills will be given priority to return to the army. It is estimated that the overall quality of the Shanxi army will improve a lot after coming to clean up the door for Daming.

At this time, the "Red Banner Army", whose number had grown to more than [-], had been divided. Because too many guards had outstanding performance and had personally experienced the war, there were not many who became regulars. The army won the honor of collectively becoming a full member.

A large number of Ming troops were incorporated into the Guards Army and even Zhengbing. Now the more than [-] "Red Banner Army" reorganized in Shanxi has more than [-] regular soldiers, [-] Guards, and [-] combat-capable laborers.

Huang Han led the Guards Battalion and the Hanzi Direct Battalion, which doubled in size, into Zhangjiakou, and took control of the whole city to enforce the curfew on the same day. Then, the command of the whole army was handed over to Huang Sifang, who had been planning in Xuanfu for more than two months.

It had been planned for a long time, and Huang Sifang had a well-thought-out plan. Everyone involved in the operation had flag guards to lead the way and identify the targets of arrest. More than [-] "Red Banner Army" wiped out all the Shanxi merchants in Zhangjiakou.

At the same time, more than [-] "Red Banner Army", the Guards Army, and the laborers who accompanied the army were operating simultaneously throughout Shanxi. The incident happened suddenly and then they acted after planning, and only a few escaped by chance.

The opponents are nothing more than some traitors and profiteers, and they are definitely killing chickens with a sledgehammer.But Huang Han just likes to play like this, and likes to overwhelmingly destroy the opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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