Chapter 714
Huang Han still sits in Zhangjiakou, dealing with emergencies on the spot, responding to the official exchanges of the imperial court, and preventing Shanxi, Xuanda Shanxi merchants, and landlords from uniting bureaucrats from restoration.

The direct leaders led by Hanzi stationed in Taiyuan, and Yang Danian's troops stationed in Datong.

In addition, there are four new formation battalions with Fang Liandong battalion as the grassroots military attache to garrison Ningwu Pass, Piantou Pass, Yanmen Pass, Shangfang Fort, Desheng Fort and other Great Wall passes.

Their task is to ensure that the territory already controlled by the "Red Banner Army" in Shanxi and Xuanda will not be harmed by Tartars, bandits, and Qing troops, and at the same time reform the [-] to [-] Ming troops.

Hanzi, Yang Danian, Fang Liandong and other generals will not participate in the Korean War. They have six main battalions of the "Red Banner Army" in their hands, with more than [-] troops.

There are [-] households of the Guards Army with a total of [-] people, and there are [-] to [-] Ming troops who have been taken over by the "Red Banner Army" and are undergoing intensive training.

Shanxi and Xuanda have six battalion generals, including Hanzi, Yang Danian, and Fang Liandong, who can mobilize about [-] troops.

If necessary, more than 30 young and middle-aged people can be mobilized, which is more than enough to deal with external and internal hostile forces.

This is not self-talk. About 400 million people in Shanxi survived with relief from the "Red Banner Army". The census was completed at the end of last year, and every household has a household registration booklet.

With the household registration book, people can go to the "Red Flag Grain Bank" to borrow money or buy living food according to the recorded population.

It is Huang Han's consistent principle to adopt orphans and adopt a mutual aid model to provide food to orphans, widows, and disabled people who cannot support themselves, but not to give free food to anyone who has a labor force.

When ordinary people borrowed grain and returned it after one year, they had to charge [-]% interest. They could only buy grain with silver dollars and copper coins issued by the "Red Banner Army" system.

"Red Flag Grain Bank" no longer accepts broken silver, because the masters who used to distinguish the fineness of silver and gold and weigh them with silver scales are now in charge of exchanging new coins at "Sifang Bank".

Why did the apprenticeship in ancient stores take so long?It is because there are so many things to learn. For example, distinguishing the fineness of gold and silver, and distinguishing the copper content of copper coins cannot be learned overnight.

After only accepting new coins, it is much easier for the buddy. After all, the new coins are of high quality and adopt the most advanced casting technology of this era, and the imitations are easy to identify.

Because of the necessities of life, such as cheap food, and because all the shops of the "Red Banner Army" system only accept new currency, the common people have to take their broken silver to the "Sifang Bank" to exchange for new currency.

Now that the new currency has been recognized by Shengdou Xiaomin and merchants, there are basically no merchants queuing up to convert the received new currency into silver immediately.

Even if the new currency is sent to the "Sifang Bank", it is not to exchange for cash, but to get some interest on a current or fixed deposit certificate.

Ordinary people who have registered household registration, relying on the ration amount recorded in the food book, as long as it does not exceed it, it is all at par, and the polished rice does not exceed one stone and two silver dollars.

The hukou book has a clear picture of the situation of millions of ordinary people, the food book has a firm grasp of the livelihood of ordinary people, and the use of new coins allows gold and silver to gradually withdraw from circulation, the economy is under control, and the government and people are harmonious.

Shanxi and Xuanda's Baojia joint defense have been responsible for everyone, and Minzhuang, who trains every three days, can get five buckets of subsidies and food every month.

Training activists and small flag officers from the people can even get six qian silver and five buckets of miscellaneous grains as military labor.

Therefore, Huang Han confidently believed that if Shanxi and Xuanda were attacked again, as long as the "Red Banner Army" climbed up and shouted, there would definitely be more than 30 young and middle-aged men with white wax spears participating in the defense of their homes.

The fool who likes to fight is of course unwilling to miss the battle to win the Korean peninsula and open up territory for the Han family. When Huang Han ordered him to garrison Shanxi, he was in a bad mood.

Huang Han didn't know about Hanzi's personality. He heard that the six battalion officers who stayed in Shanxi held a meeting. After the meeting handed over an important task to Hanzi and the other six battalion leaders, the young man immediately became full of energy.

Hanzi is good at cavalry battles, and the cavalry under his command is the trump card in the 36 army battalions that have been expanded.

It was also because of Huang Han's great trust in Hanzi that when he broke up the expanded troops of each battalion and reorganized the new battalion, he left behind the cavalry that Hanzi had selected and recruited during this period.

Therefore, Hanzi's direct battalion has more than a thousand soldiers, which is one thousand more cavalry than other battalions.

Among the generals staying in Shanxi, Hanzi had the highest position no matter whether he was officially appointed by Ming Dynasty or the actual award given by the "Red Banner Army" system, followed by Yang Danian, and Fang Liandong ranked third.

The three Wang Zhaoxiang, Zhu Lianshan, and Chen Song, who had just been promoted from deputy battalion officers and part-time general manager Qian to the first battalion chiefs because of their meritorious service, only had the rank of generals of the Ming Dynasty.

Of course Hanzi is the chief general of Shanxi, Yang Danian and Fang Liandong's deputy. After they have completed the complete transformation of [-] to [-] Ming troops, they can gather cavalry to launch a western expedition after the autumn harvest next year, striving to conquer or drive out the Tartars in the Hetao area.

In the 15th year of Chenghua in the Ming Dynasty, Dayan Khan, the No. 15th grandson of Genghis Khan, once again unified the Mongolian grasslands and established [-] households.

His third son, Borjijin Balsborot, was named Jinong, and he was in charge of the New Qin Central Grassland as Ordos Wanhu.

In the spring of the eighth year of Chongzhen, Jinong Boerzhijin Elinchen of the Ordos Department of Mongolia learned that Lin Danhan was dead, and his wives and concubines were divided up by the Jurchen Eight Banners masters. Ming dynasty.

There are 49 large tribes with [-] households or more in Monan Mongolia, and [-] medium-sized tribes with [-] or hundreds of households. Their big and small Taiji all surrendered to the Qing Dynasty established by Jiannu.

In the ninth year of Chongzhen, dozens of Mongolian chiefs, big and small, obeyed the conscripts of the masters who built slaves, and sent more than [-] string-controlling people to participate in the war against Ming Dynasty. Half of the tribes were led by big and small Taiji themselves.

Fortunately, the reality is completely different from history. Too many Tartars who entered the pass with Jiannu for the first time in history, burned, killed and looted tasted the sweetness, and since then they have been determined to follow Jiannu.

Now there is no such good thing. Although the Tartars have grabbed a lot of gold and silver treasures, they have lost nearly [-] troops, which is definitely not worth the loss.

Next, they will regret it, because the "Red Banner Army" will kill and rush to the prairie to retaliate. They are ten times more vicious than the Tartars and Jiannu, and they will not hesitate to kill a few Tartar tribes to establish their prestige.

Er Linchen's ancestors were ten thousand households in Ordos, and they must have been extremely brilliant. Now it should be that a weasel and a mouse are not as good as a litter, otherwise how could a Mongolian royal family have the nerve to seek refuge with the Tungus savages?
A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. After Lin Danhan's death, Elinchen's tribe should rank among the top in Monan, with a population of less than [-] households and certainly more than [-] households.

(End of this chapter)

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