Chapter 722
Seeing that all the officials didn't think the matter of transferring Zheng Zhilong was so great, and they declared that they would definitely settle this matter when they returned to Beijing, Huang Han was very happy and said:
"My lords put state affairs as the most important thing. I am deeply impressed by this. I will prepare a little wine today and get drunk with all the gentlemen!"

After listening to the master's lecture today, the young bodyguards learned that the principle of the hot air balloon used by the flying army to launch into the air in the future is the same as the Kongming lantern.

The passionate young man quickly made hundreds of Kongming lanterns. As soon as it got dark, the Kongming lanterns were ignited and lifted off one after another, and dozens of them burned because they lost their balance.

The civil servants and military generals who were drinking in Xingyuan saw the strangeness in the sky and ran out to watch it. Yang Sichang saw several disciples of General Zhenglu arguing about something, and after listening to a few words, he vaguely heard the word "flying army" and was confused. untie.

He had a strong thirst for knowledge, so he quickly asked Huang Ang who he knew: "I wonder what the 'flying army' you guys are talking about? Is it a new branch of the 'Red Banner Army'?"

This seems to be a military secret, I'm afraid I can't tell it, Huang Ang didn't say anything, and looked at his brother questioningly.

Huang Han said with a smile: "Master Yang is one of our own, there is no need to hide it."

Seeing that his brother agreed, Huang Ang explained the flight principle of Kongming Lantern, and he said that as long as it is big enough, a hot air balloon similar to Kongming Lantern can definitely carry "flying troops" into the sky.

Throwing "ten thousand enemies" and "shocking thunder" from the sky to the enemy troops on the ground is completely possible.

Many civil servants and military generals who heard it thought it was too childish and laughed it off, but Yang Sichang fell into deep thought, thinking that the possibility of realization might not exist.

When I went back to the lobby to drink again, many officials were discussing whether the "flying army" was feasible, and two factions were formed, who thought it was possible and those who thought it was a joke had a heated debate.

The "flying army" is still in the making, but it has become a talking point on the wine table, causing a large group of civil servants and generals to argue red-faced.

Huang Han didn't try to explain anything, although there is no problem with the principle, but it takes a year to make a product and conduct a lot of experiments to see the quality and stability of the hot air balloon before reaching a conclusion.

Fortunately, Huang Han sent Zhang Fengyi, Liang Tingdong, Yang Sichang, Zheng Zhihui, Wu Xiang and more than a dozen civil and military generals to the capital to face the saint in time.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I will have to tear myself apart with Chongzhen immediately, because Chongzhen has moved to recall Huang Han.

When Huang Han left the capital the year before last, he swore that unless he became the owner of this place, it would be impossible for him to fall into the dangerous situation of being slaughtered.

The emperor issued an order to summon him, Huang Han must find a reason to prevaricate not to go to the capital, the monarch and his ministers turn their faces too early, which is not conducive to the next big battle.

Shengdou people only care about food and clothing, but they don't really care who is the emperor. It is the civil servants who strive for the foundation of the country and emphasize the three cardinal principles and five constant principles.

The feudal emperors needed to rule the world with the scholar-bureaucrats. They could not do without the civil official group, and often the emperor would choose to compromise for the scholar-bureaucrats' face.

Even Emperor Wanli, who had reached the pinnacle of imperial mind, had no choice but to establish Zhu Changluo, who was favored by the civil official group, and gave up passing the throne to his beloved son Zhu Changxun.

This is the struggle for the national foundation in the late Wanli period. The final result showed that the scholar-bureaucrats fighting for the national foundation were all blind.

If it weren't for a group of bastard ministers who insisted on establishing the short-lived "January Emperor" Taichang Emperor who reigned for only one month, there would be no subsequent Emperor Tianqi and Emperor Chongzhen, and the fate of the Ming Dynasty would definitely have changed.

The civil servants of the Ming Dynasty were extremely selfish and profitable. Although the Emperor Taichang worked for a month, he carried out a series of reforms. The biggest highlight was the abolition of the mining tax of the Wanli Dynasty.

Damn, are real ordinary people so awesome that they dare to open mines?
Only dignitaries and their minions can mine and make money. The abolition of mining tax has made the country poor and the bureaucracy really cheap.

The common people will certainly not do any good!

On the contrary, there is a fixed amount of fiscal revenue that the country needs. Without mining tax revenue, the shortfall will of course be diluted to other types of taxes, such as land taxes.

Huang Han has actually formed his own system, and he doesn't need to be influenced by scholar-bureaucrats.

Because of the eight years of intensive education, workers, peasants, soldiers, students, and businessmen have developed together, and tens of thousands of self-owned talents have been trained.

There are countless people in the "Red Banner Army" who can write and count, and the civilian group can carry out military control and then go over to civilian rule.

Even though Emperor Chongzhen knew that Jiannu was using divorce schemes, he still couldn't calm down. There was a reason for the incident.

Because too many people in Gyeonggi who have grain books and household registration books issued by the "Red Banner Army" system speak freely, and talk about whether everyone's life will be better if the general who conquers the captives becomes the emperor?
Jin Yiwei and Dongchang played the talk among the market, and Emperor Chongzhen in the Forbidden City was really anxious.

Jiannu is too hateful and the conditions given are too tempting. Not only did he take the title of emperor and obey Huang Han as emperor, but he also voluntarily promised to dispatch all troops to be the vanguard for Huang Han to seize the entire territory of Ming Dynasty.

If the "Red Banner Army" rebelled against Ming, Ming would be in jeopardy. If Jiannu took the initiative to assist Huang Han in seizing Daming's country and society, it is estimated that within a year, Ming would perish.

Daming, Jiannu, and Huang Han are playing games.

Chongzhen, who likes to take it for granted, believes that the best result is that the "Red Banner Army" and Jiannu will be defeated in the next few years.

Daming got precious time to recuperate and prepare his troops, and he will be able to deal with Huang Han's rebellion in the future.

Now that such a small calculation can't be done, Jiannu is actually going to take the initiative to surrender to Huang Han, and then work for Huang Han to seize the Great Ming Dynasty.

The opponent offers such generous conditions, how can Daming appease Huang Han?

Another big event is on the table, and Chongzhen, who is as big as a bucket, can only call the platform of important ministers to discuss the matter.

Dong Nu's counter-intrigue caused a lot of trouble in the city. Of course, the elder Ge, the six ministers, the minister and other officials knew about it, and they could guess why the emperor summoned him.

Chongzhen, who had nothing to do, suffered from insomnia last night, with a haggard look on his face. Seeing the ceremony, he asked the important officials:

"Dong Nu once again used countermeasures, I know it well, but Dong Nu is too ruthless, it is completely shameless, and he is ready to submit to my courtiers of Daming, and even put a seal on the paper. Isn't the slave chief afraid of being laughed at? ?”

He Ruchong replied: "Your Majesty, Dongnu has messed up even the human relations, so why do you care if the servants of Ming Dynasty will be ridiculed by the people of the world if you submit to me?

The problem is that Jiannu publicly promised to go to the title of emperor, as long as Liaodong and North Korea are kept, he will be satisfied, and sending troops to attack my Ming Dynasty is just to fight for the world for the generals who conquered the captives.

If such a plan can really be carried out, it is not a lie that the 'Red Banner Army' and Dongnu joined forces to beat me to the ruins of the Ming Dynasty. "

These words were not pleasant but very realistic. More than a dozen ministers nodded in agreement, and Chongzhen could only respond with a wry smile.

Asked: "Ai Qing's implication is that the general Zhenglu was bewitched by Dongnu, and there is a high possibility of choosing to rebel against Daming?"

(End of this chapter)

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