Chapter 726
The spread of culture is the inheritance of civilization. Chinese language, Chinese characters, Han ethnicity, and Han culture have laid the foundation of Chinese civilization.

The "Chongzhen Dictionary" can make Chinese characters easier to master, and the Chinese Pinyin can make the "Red Banner Army" system mandarin popular all over the world, which is a great contribution to the Han nationality.

Coincidentally, the 30 people called by Huang Han had participated in the compilation of the "Chongzhen Dictionary". Before they left the capital and rushed to Tianjin Wei, they sang in Yichunyuan to get drunk...

Because the 29 people except Wen Ji thought that they had been spotted by the generals when they were compiling the dictionary, so they had a great opportunity to make contributions.

The plan for the spring offensive has been perfected. In principle, Huang Han will let the "Red Banner Army" take turns to fight. Most of the soldiers who participated in the attack on Shuozhou City last year began to switch defenses to replace the remaining battalion.

The Navy Marine Corps has absorbed a large number of newly graduated teenagers, and now it has expanded into seven battalions, with the main generals being Huang Yi, Shen Ming, An Xiaole, Peng Huaiyi, Yu Fei, Pi Xiaohu, and Zeng Tongxiang.

In Huang Han's mind, the navy is extremely important, it is the military guarantee for global colonization in the future, the seven generals of the navy and marine corps are all disciples who teach by their own words and deeds, and more than [-]% of the marines are young soldiers from the academy.

Huang Yi, Shen Ming and other seven battalion officers not only lead the Marine Corps, they also include the Governor, Chief Qian, and Chief Battalion under the command of the Marine Corps. They can also be the captain, first officer, second officer, etc. commander.

The seven Shen Ming and Huang Yi have a high level of education and have been training at the grassroots level for several years. They are all all-round commanders in the "Red Banner Army" and can lead the cavalry, infantry, artillery, sailors, and engineers respectively.

The Longwu Navy has been taking the path of rejuvenation. Because of the geography class in the school, the teenagers can open their eyes to see the world and know that there are great places far away from Ming Dynasty. Many places still have no civilized people.

Therefore, too many teenagers are eager to travel across the oceans to enjoy the world, and they take the initiative to ask to become sailors and gunners to serve in the navy.

Due to the uninterrupted voyage of warships to the South China Sea, the overall quality of the navy has improved rapidly. Sailors and gunners are not only proficient in shooting cannons and sailing, but also can shoot and release guns.

All sailors and gunners can serve as marines, but only half of the marines are proficient in sailing, and the proportion of marines who can aim artillery accurately is even lower, no more than [-]%.

After adjusting the defense, the navy and marines did not need to defend the soil. Except for Huang Yi's battalion who went to Nanyang with his second brother Huang Yong, the remaining six battalions with 4000 people participated in the spring offensive.

The biggest difference between the marine corps and the army is that there is no cavalry, and two general engineers have been added, and one general has scouts who use sentry boats, gunboats, and sampans to detect inland rivers.

Except for the personal guard battalion with unlimited numbers, most of the other battalions have a limit of [-] regular soldiers, and the battalion directly under Hanzi has one more cavalry commander.

Not counting the battalions and guard battalions developed in the interior, there are now 37 army battalions and seven marine battalions.

The task of staying behind in Shanxi and Xuanda was handed over to the six regular battalions headed by Hanzi and Yang Danian.

There are four battalions left on the Tashan defense line facing Jiannu, the main general is Yang Guobing, and the other three battalions are led by Wang Zhicheng, Sang Yu and so on.

Ningyuan, Shanhaiguan, and Jizhen need six battalions to deploy defenses. Of course, the main general is Huang Yizhou. In addition to his direct battalion, there are five battalions such as Huang Feng, Zhang Yang, and Yuan Siming.

The Tianjin Guards left Yang Hanwei with a battalion of soldiers.The first battalion guarded by Denglai was led by Yang Jian.

Lushunkou and Dongjiang Town Islands need two battalions of regular soldiers to be stationed. The main generals are Lu Kaijun and Huang Nongsheng, who were promoted to battalion officers by the real commander-in-chief because of their meritorious service in Shanxi.

The troops facing the Qing army on the front line of Jinzhou were the four main battalions of Wang Zhanpeng, Huang Feng and so on.

Subtracting the 24 battalions stationed, Huang Han will dispatch 6 main battalions of the "Red Banner Army", including [-] navy and marine corps, with a total of [-] troops for the landing battle, not including the personal guard battalion.

The camp leaders are Song Pengfei, Yang Guoen, Huang Long, Mao Chenglu, Gao Zhongyi, Zheng Xuewei, Liu Sihai, Yang Gu, Wang Gensheng, Liu Fenyong, Shang Keyi, Li Weiluan, Zheng Xuewu, Peng Huaiyi, and An Xiaole.

Shen Ming, Pi Xiaohu, Zeng Tongxiang, and Yu Fei's fourth battalion of marines did not participate in the landing battle. Their mission was to use the coastline, rivers, and lakes of the Korean peninsula to lead their troops to attack and harass the Qing army, blow up and demolish the pontoon bridges, and attack the enemy's supply lines.

The Guards Army has 45 thousand generals participating in the battle, with a total number of 50. There are already [-] immigrants waiting in Phi Island, Shenmi Island, Lushunkou, and Qingniwakou.

Among the first batch of immigrants, [-] young and middle-aged men were given money and food as military labor to land in North Korea first. These people have all been trained for more than a year, have certain military qualities, and have some combat effectiveness.

After defeating the main force of the Qing army, a [-] General Guard Army led [-] soldiers to participate in the dragnet search of dense forests and hills, and wiped out the remnants of the enemy.

These military labors will be the backbone of the defense in the future. When the conquered territory has no resistance, they will immediately bring 40 small families to reunite and cultivate.

In order to encourage immigration, Huang Han promised that each household that first immigrated could first select [-] acres of land for reclamation. If the labor force was not enough, they could borrow silver dollars from the "Sifang Bank" to buy Goryeo and Tartar captives as serfs for ten years.

In principle, there is no slavery in the "Red Banner Army" system, but the people who have been reformed through labor are actually no different from slaves. They are also forced to work without being paid for their work.

Most of the prisoners who were not executed would be freed after ten years of reform through labor, and those who refused to submit to reeducation through labor would have their period of reform extended.

The Han people who had obtained the right to use serfs for ten years were not allowed to beat, scold or mistreat serfs without reason, and they were required to give serfs basic living conditions, and those who violated the regulations would be deprived of the right to use serfs.

In order to prevent the masters who use serfs from distorting the facts in order to occupy cheap labor for a longer period of time, after the serfs accused of resisting and passive labor reform were found out, the labor reform period was extended and they were re-selected masters.

Song Pengfei, Sun Chuanting, Sun Yuanhua, Huang Long and other civil and military generals who had observed the Qing army's positions many times knew that once the fighting started, they would face a battle for trenches.

For this reason, they specially increased the training subjects of the cold weapon sword and shield hand and the Mini gunman to fight together.

The content of the exercise during this period of hard work of [-] young and middle-aged men was to use engineer shovels to dig soil, pack bags and fill trenches, and use prefabricated planks under the command of the engineers to quickly build access roads on the trenches that could withstand the passage of a one-pound Fron machine gun.

Everyone knows that Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming, etc., the big traitors stationed in North Korea, spent two years digging ravines around several major cities there.

(End of this chapter)

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