The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 730 The First Battle of Pingliao

Chapter 730

It feels good to be without the natural enemy Sun Chuanting. Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng, and Laohui led the troops through the Heishui Valley in Zhouzhi County without any ambushes from the Ming army, and they walked without any surprises.

Gao Yingxiang did not forget Jin Minghu, one of the eighteen generals he appointed.

Send people to the Taihang Mountains to look for the "Winged Tigers" who are armed with strong soldiers and horses, and ask them to come down the mountain and join forces with the "Fengtian Advocating Civil and Military Marshal" to conspire with each other.

Zhao Shisan, Jin Minghu, etc. are living a good life now, because the "Red Banner Army" actually controls more than half of Shanxi, and the Taihang Mountain where they stationed troops is actually located in the middle of the sphere of influence of the general who conquered the captives and the imperial court.

Since Babai was told the truth about the bandits who won the trust of Zhao Shisan and Jin Minghu because of their heroic battles against the Qing army, and accepted them as the "Red Banner Army", everyone enjoyed the treatment of regular soldiers.

This Biao bandit is armed with more than a thousand "Red Banner Army" soldiers and banner guards. The big and small leaders are all "Red Banner Army". The total strength exceeds [-] and the total population is close to [-].

Thinking that he has the possibility of becoming a Ming general, the leaders of the "Winged Tiger" have a new look. During this period, they have spared no effort to strengthen the training of their troops, and their discipline and combat effectiveness have been greatly improved.

Those who are poor are ordinary people in Shengdou, and the old bandits among the rogues and bandits cannot be poor. They have accumulated a lot of good things, but the gold and silver treasures in their hands are difficult to use to buy food and supplies.

Jin Minghu is completely different from Zhao Shisan and others. Not only can they get military pay and food supplies, but they can also use their accumulated gold and silver to buy food from the nearby "Red Flag Grain Bank".

Due to the particularity of the "Winged Tiger" department, the seizure and return to the public does not belong to the headquarters of the "Red Banner Army", but to the "Winged Tiger" collective, which will be distributed after discussion by Zhao Shisan, Jin Minghu, Qi Yuguo and other generals .

Therefore, the financial autonomy of the "winged tiger" department is much greater than that of the "Red Banner Army" main barracks. They have money and can buy daily necessities and some consumer goods from the commercial banks and food banks of the "Red Banner Army" system.

Now generals such as Zhao Shisan and Jin Minghu can often drink the general's triumphant series of baijiu.

The family members of this young man also worked in the mountains, earning some income from farming, hunting, and collecting rare medicinal materials.

No matter how often they go out to the mountains to rob landlords and local tyrants, and continue to hunt bandits and bandits for extra money, the life of the "winged tiger" department is of course prosperous.

They formed an armed separatist regime in the mountainous area bordering Henan and North Zhili in Shanxi.

Banner guards have infiltrated more than a dozen counties and prefectures in the region, and most of the counties and prefects have reached a tacit understanding with the "Winged Tiger".

Because there is a group of bandits with strong soldiers and horses in the mountains, who have a great reputation, and once beat the Qing army to throw away their helmets and armor.

Therefore, no other bandits are willing to come here to stroke the tiger's beard, and no army dares to enter the mountains to suppress them. The nearby mountain cities are less likely to be affected by the flames of war.

The layout of the interior is to go to Xianqi, try to keep some places from being harmed by bandits. For Huang Han, the current priority is not to kill bandits, but to complete the five-year plan to level Liao.

Everything is ready, the first battle of Ping-Liao is about to start, the target of the attack is Seoul, North Korea, and the landing point is Ganghwa Island.

Liang Tingdong, Zhang Fengyi, Zheng Xiaowen, Yang Yipeng, Kong Wenshi and other civil officials all knew that this battle was destined to be recorded in the annals of history, and they all asked to serve in the army.

After getting the approval of General Zhenglu, they rushed to Tianjin Wei with a few servants and light cars to go to sea.

Today's Tianjin Wei is unprecedentedly prosperous, with a constant flow of merchant ships, cargo ships, and warships on the sea, and more than [-] carriages for passenger transport on land enter and exit the station within an hour.

There are not only more than a dozen departures a day for the Beijing Normal University, but also regular departures for Yongping Prefecture, Huxue City, Santunying, Zunhua, Baoding, etc., and even Jinan Prefecture.

Since the river was just opened, the north-south water transportation resumed, and the inland river wharf, which had been deserted for a winter, was also busy. Groups of trackers chanted chant and leaned forward to move forward. A large amount of grain transported from Jiangnan and Huguang was distributed here. load.

The territory of Tianjin Wei has been under the "Red Banner Army" for nearly a year and a half. Yang Hanwei and Zheng Xuewu led two battalions to garrison here. Now the original Ming army has been completely remodeled. Became the guard.

This time Zheng Xuewu Battalion will lead the three thousand guards to participate in the Korean War, while Yang Hanwei's battalion and the three thousand guards will stay behind.

The territory occupied by the "Red Banner Army" is unique, and the biggest feature is that there are no beggars and vagrants.

There was no human rights in the Ming Dynasty, and the guards would arrest beggars and send them to brick kilns to support themselves when they found beggars.

Under the circumstances that everyone can get jobs enough to make ends meet, healthy people begging along the streets cannot be tolerated, and forced labor is a must.

There are no beggars, everyone is self-sufficient, old ladies with small feet participate in the management of urban sanitation, and a large number of public toilets and water supply and drainage systems have been built. The prosperous and clean Tianjin Wei has attracted many officials and businessmen to settle here.

Because Huang Han attaches great importance to medical care and health, he has been training medical teams to open hospitals. Now dozens of modern hospitals have been opened in Gyeonggi and even the entire Daming Prefecture. Blood transfusion and infusion treatments are gradually recognized by the public.

The direct result is that the people who should have died in history did not die because of relatively scientific treatment, and it is very possible for them to live for decades after they escaped the catastrophe.

The most typical example is Xu Guangqi. Now he practices Tai Chi for half an hour every day, teaches and educates people in the morning, and guides graduate students to do scientific research in the afternoon. He feels that the more he lives, the younger he is.

Wu Youxing, Li Zhonghua, Li Zhongzi, Shen Langzhong, Ma Yuanyi, Jiang Shiji, Ye Zifan, You Cheng and other official medical scientists received financial and human support from the "Red Banner Army", and everyone was in high spirits.

When they go to work in a certain place, a new hospital will be opened in a certain place, and they also sit in the hall for consultation.

Scientific medical treatment and strengthened health control have reduced the number of deaths of pregnant women due to dystocia and two deaths by more than [-]%, which has greatly reduced the infant mortality rate.

In order to prevent ordinary people from risking pregnant women to give birth at home in order to save money, regulations have been made in the system that all military members can enjoy the benefits of going to the hospital for free to give birth.

It is not the military and civilians in the system. The medical services provided by the hospital are not cheap, and more than [-]% of them are enjoyed by high-ranking officials and nobles, because ordinary people cannot afford them.

The hospitals of the "Red Flag Army" system are called "Renyixin", and the brand of Chinese patent medicine produced is also "Renyixin".

How can the "Renyixin" hospital under the "Red Banner Army" be set up to serve the rich?Wouldn't it ruin the good reputation of military and civilian fish and water?
(End of this chapter)

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