Chapter 750 Han River Province

Most of North Korea was stabilized, and the spring plowing came to an end. The eunuch Zheng Zhihui, Zhang Fengyi, and Liang Tingdong rushed to the capital to face the saint.

Due to increased investment, the road from Jingshi to Tianjinwei is completely a concrete road, and all the rivers passing by the road do not need to be ferried, and all bridges have been erected.

Originally, the bridge technology of the Han nationality was world-leading. With Huang Han paying silver to buy, collecting the ancestral unique skills of great craftsmen to form characters, and promoting the technology to the construction workers of the entire "Red Banner Army" system, the effect is great.

Huang Han will not use his power to force great craftsmen to give up ancestral secret books, but people always have weaknesses, and there are very few people who are not for fame and fortune.

For example, Qiwei inquired into the house of a great craftsman named He Mingchun who had collected many blueprints of famous stone arch bridges.

It seems that there are even the maintenance drawings of Zhaozhou Bridge. It can be confirmed that the drawings for the renovation of the Xiaoshang Bridge during the Zhengde period are in the He family, but no matter how Qiwei asks for a price, this great craftsman refuses to produce the drawings.

After reporting to Huang Han, Huang Han wrote a letter to Wang Zheng, explaining what happened.

Since he came to the "Red Banner Army" system to engage in scientific research, teaching and education, scientist Wang Zheng has been rejuvenated and enthusiastic about his work.

After hearing the good news, the old man set off the next day.

Wang Zheng was famous, and He Mingchun was like a thunderbolt. Seeing that everyone came to visit, how could he dare to be negligent, and knowing that Wang Zheng could guarantee that he and his two sons would be nine-rank officials, how could he be shameless?
Seven days later, He Mingchun and his family followed Wang Zheng to Tiger Cave City and lived in the talent building.

In Huang Han's hand, he has the "King of the South Xu and the North" who is the leader of the Ming Dynasty's scientific circles. With these two respected old men and scholar-bureaucrats, there will be no conditions that cannot be negotiated.

The "Red Banner Army" system has cement, reinforced concrete, talents, and a research and development team. In the past six or seven years, it has continuously accumulated experience, and the bridging technology of the new generation of construction workers is becoming more and more perfect.

The span of the bridge is getting bigger and bigger. The research team headed by He Mingchun and his two sons already have a grand idea of ​​building a bridge over the Yellow River.

Nowadays, it is a kind of enjoyment for Zheng Zhihui, Zhang Fengyi, etc. to travel between Beijing Normal University and Tianjin Wei, and they can also see the new look of the capital along the way.

They were traveling in a high-end four-wheeled carriage produced by the Huang family. The shock-absorbing effect was excellent. Since a briquette stove was installed outside the rear of the carriage to boil water to heat the internal radiators, even though the outside was bitingly cold, the interior of the carriage was as warm as ever. spring.

They came to the capital again to invite the officers and soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" to ask for credit and rewards, and they also tried to persuade civil and military officials and the emperor to give the title of general and county king early.

Another thing is also very important. General Zhenglu took most of North Korea and brought it into the territory of Ming Dynasty. There will be a political envoy division here, which is also called North Korea is out of date.

Huang Han's proposal was called "Hanjiang Province", and he nominated many officials to serve as Hanjiang's proclaimed political envoy, left and right political envoys, left and right political envoys, etc. , Zhizhou, Zhixian.

The No. 1 election, who was nominated as the left and right political envoys equivalent to high-ranking officials, is more funny, but it is Wen Tiren, the chief assistant of the dynasty.

The second candidate was Chen Qiyu, the former governor of the five provinces, the third candidate was Lu Xiangsheng who had already gone to Yunnan to take up his post, and the fourth candidate was Yang Yipeng, the former household secretary governor of the Ministry of Water Transport and governor of Fengyang who was almost killed by Chongzhen.

Xu Mingyang, Zhang Guowei, Zhu Dadian, Yan Shengdou, Li Shisheng, Wang Benli, Zhang Wenkui, Ni Keda, Zhang Youjun, He Bing, and other loyal officials Huang Han has heard of are all on the "Hanjiang Province" selection list, and they all recommend promotion. level calls.

The imperial court will definitely not fully satisfy the wishes of the general who conquered the captives. It would be nice if the officials who called the roll could give one-third.

But there is a foreshadowing here. The promotion of these people by the imperial court is of great benefit to the country and the people.

Many of them have been favored by the "Red Banner Army" before, and they were promoted again because of the conquest of the generals. Of course, they should repay their kindness.

If the imperial court does not let people go, and does not explain to these people or even ignores them, resentment may be buried, and the desire to show their strengths under the rule of the general will be even stronger.

In the final analysis, Emperor Chongzhen was too honest to be an emperor, and Huang Han's moves were too tricky. Often no matter how Chongzhen resolved it, the "Red Banner Army" would be the beneficiary.

There are also a few people who are inexplicably on the list of officials selected by Huang Han. One person was nominated as the first magistrate of Hancheng Prefecture.

There are also Yan Yingyuan from Tongzhou in Northern Zhili, Feng Houdun from Jintan in Southern Zhili, and Chen Mingyu from Shangyu in Zhejiang. These three were respectively appointed as Tongzhi, Tuiguan and Zhizhou of Seoul by Huang Han's proposal.

Huang Han remembers Yan Yingyuan's Jue Ming poem, "On the 10th day, allegiance will be sent to represent the people of the seventeen dynasties of the Taizu. [-] people are united in righteousness, and they will stay in the Ming Dynasty for three hundred miles."

I am grateful to this hero who knows what he can't do.

People who are familiar with the history of the late Ming Dynasty will not admire Shi Kefa, the national hero who was extolled to the sky, but pursue the Jiangyin Anti-Qing Sangong.

Shi Kefa has millions of soldiers and civilians in his hands, a big city with abundant money and food, Yangzhou, a strong city, and the halo of a supervisor, a scholar of the Jianji Temple, and a minister of the Ministry of War.

It's a pity that this famous anti-Qing general and national hero guarding Yangzhou in the late Ming Dynasty didn't even last for a long time. The final result was the "Ten Days of Yangzhou" massacre, and 80 Han people were killed.

After Huang Han conquered the world, national heroes like Shi Kefa must keep him in the capital as an official.

He was given an official position equivalent to the Urban Management Bureau, in charge of environmental sanitation and city appearance, and in charge of the old lady with little feet wearing red cuffs.

This is the way to make the best use of people's talents, and using such a person as a big official in the frontier is definitely going to be cheated to death by him, and there is no place to complain about grievances.

Because he did not surrender to the enemy, he belonged to the kind of high-spirited and upright person who "talks with his heart in peacetime, and repays the king with his death!".

And people like Yan Yingyuan, Feng Houdun, and Chen Mingyu will definitely give them the military and political power to station in overseas colonies. With them stationed in new territories, they will definitely be able to stabilize one side.

The Jiangyin Anti-Qing Sangongs are now unknown. Huang Han arranged for the flag guards to investigate and found out about their current situation. Now they are all commoners, and only Feng Houdun has the reputation of a scholar.

Huang Han recommended dozens of local officials, and Huang Han didn't even care whether Wen Tiren and Chen Qiyu could get what they wanted.

Only Song Yingxing, Yan Yingyuan and others were determined to win. For this reason, Huang Han sent a banner guard to communicate with the old man, and also wrote a letter to Liu Zhilun.

The Great General Conquering Captives made great contributions to taking most of the original territory of North Korea and bringing it into the territory of Ming Dynasty. Even though the officials he recommended were completely incomprehensible, they had to be seriously considered.

(End of this chapter)

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