Chapter 755
The content of the essay request is that it doesn't matter if you were originally a soldier, a farmer, or a business owner.

Compare what life was like before joining the "Red Banner Army" group, and what life is life now?
Too many hungry people rescued by the "Red Banner Army" were grateful, and too many scholars who were favored by the "Red Banner Army" wanted to express their gratitude to the general who conquered the captives on paper, and thousands of people contributed articles at one time.

There are two heavens of ice and fire, and on one side is the dark Ming Dynasty where hungry people are everywhere, bandits are rampant, and the government is extorting money.

On the other side, the people under the protection of the "Red Banner Army" got rid of hunger and are sweating hard for their own green brick houses...

The "Red Banner Army" system was described as heaven, and the Daming Shanshan, Henan, and even Zhongdu and Huguang were described as miserable.

The territory actually controlled by General Zhenglu makes too many hungry and cold people yearn for it.

Originally, the territory of the general who conquered the captives was not large, and too many areas were directly facing Jiannu. Now that they are about to completely take over the original Korean kingdom and manage it to become the "Han River Province" of the Ming Dynasty, too many ordinary people have decided to leave their homeland and join the "Red Banner Army".

Huang Han, who has a large territory, strong capital, and surplus food, is full of confidence and will not refuse anyone who comes, which leads to a very busy sea transportation.

Originally, Huang Han thought that Zheng Zhilong would choose to resist and refuse to follow the order, and he had already planned in his heart to simply force Zheng Zhilong to forget it. After taking North Korea, he would go to the South China Sea next spring to completely kill Zheng's pirate group and incorporate Liu Xiang group.

Unexpectedly, the information sent back by the banner guards operating in Fujian showed that Zheng Zhilong actually led the fleet to Liaohai.

They chose to give in. It seems that the fat sheep of the Zheng family can't be slaughtered.

Fortunately, Huang Han copied the wealth of Shanxi merchants, civil servants and military generals of Shanxi and Xuanda, and got more than 3000 million taels of cash in cash. He is relatively rich now.

This year, Huang Han's mentality is very good, not too vicious, if Zheng Zhilong behaves well, he can let the Zheng family go.

Huang Han can even assist Zheng Zhilong's group to seize the island of Wa Kingdom and become king on his own, and he can also consider helping Zheng Zhilong go to the Indochina Peninsula to seize a piece of land and stand on his own.

In his heart, Huang Han would not believe that the Zheng Zhilong Pirate Group, which used to employ tens of thousands of troops and earn millions of taels of silver every year, would sincerely surrender to him.

Obviously Zheng Zhilong took an expedient measure as a last resort, and their interests were violated next. Even if Zheng Zhilong did not rebel, the old generals of Shibazhi would continue to rebel.

Simply sending them away from Daming to establish a kingdom is Huang Han's expedient measure. It is best to persuade Zheng Zhilong to take over the island where Singapore is located.

After the slaves were exterminated, the rogue bandits were wiped out, and the Ming Dynasty was completely taken over, then they would free up their hands and slowly colonize the Indochina Peninsula.

At that time, there was no need to give Zheng Zhilong too much preferential treatment, choose to return to the motherland for a warm welcome, choose to be an enemy of the motherland and let him perish!
The flag guard reported that Zheng Zhilong's fleet had left Fujian and headed north. The number of warships was as many as [-], and the crew was only about [-]. The transport capacity must not be wasted. Huang Han sent a clipper to send orders to Zheng Zhilong.

Instead of asking him to complete the combat mission, he was ordered to go to Nantong Prefecture to transport [-] immigrants to the "Hanjiang Province" when he passed the Yangtze River Estuary.

Insufficient transportation capacity is a real situation. Long-distance sea-going transportation, such as a rushing boat, can carry six to 700 people, men, women, children, and children.

Fortunately, the hungry people who are used to wandering with hungry stomachs don't mind suffering and suffering at all under the premise that they can get [-]% full, so it's nothing to squeeze on the boat.

After several years of transporting hungry people, the "Red Banner Army" system has formed a routine, performing collective labor while waiting for transshipment in Nantong Prefecture.

To make it quite easy to have job opportunities in Nantong Prefecture, the key is the need for money and food.

Now that Huang Han is rich and powerful, he is not short of money and has a lot of food. He builds seawalls and river embankments, and organizes people to build stacked fields along the Lixia River.

Duotian is actually the hardworking and intelligent property of the Han people.

The Lixia River area is a wetland, low-lying and densely covered with swamps. The Han people rowed boats to dig silt in the swamp to fill up another swamp nearby. After paying labor, the original two swamps were completely changed.

The elevated swamps have turned into fertile fields of a few acres or even a few fractions of land, and the deep-dug swamps have turned into rivers and lakes.

It is relatively easy to irrigate the stacked fields. Farmers can meet the irrigation needs by rowing small boats and standing on the boat with long-handled water ladles to scoop water to irrigate the fields.

Because the duotian can quickly drain water into the river surrounding the field when it rains heavily, and can directly scoop water for irrigation when there is a drought, often the duotian can achieve guaranteed harvest in drought and flood.

Because the soil of Duotian is taken from silt, the land is fertile, and the rice yield is nearly [-]% higher than the average yield per mu of good fields in the south of the Yangtze River.

The Lixiahe area is a wetland. In history, there has never been a year of severe drought where the ground is dry and cracked. The main prevention is waterlogging.

The "Red Banner Army" with capital, leadership and organizational capabilities brought a lot of labor to Nantong Prefecture to wait for transshipment.

During this period, these people were organized to work in the Lixia River area not far from Taizhou through the Tongyang Canal, which was built in the Wenjing period of the Western Han Dynasty, by inland flat-bottomed boats. A fifty-ton galleon.

Under the leadership of the staff who graduated from the water conservancy construction class, they built sluices to adjust the water levels of the upper and lower rivers, and built reservoirs to store and release floods, so that Duotian District can cope with the severe flood disaster that occurs once in 30 years.

The hungry people who were transported worked in the Lixiahe area for [-] days. The laborers would be paid two silver dollars for one stone of miscellaneous grains under the condition of three meals a ration. At the same time, medical workers can also check whether there are patients with infectious diseases .

Of course, it is impossible to allow patients with infectious diseases to travel on sea ships that come to pick up immigrants, and isolation and treatment are essential.

In the past two or three years, we have spared no effort in building water conservancy projects in the Lixia River area, digging silt to build stacked fields, and now 10,000+ mu of high-yield fertile fields capable of double cropping have been born from a piece of Zeguo.

There are already nearly 10,000 households in the "Red Banner Army" system who have stayed here to cultivate. The food produced not only can provide these families with food and clothing, but the half that the "Red Banner Army" gets is also [-]+ shi.

Because there are many water thieves active in the reed marshes in Yancheng, the Yangtze River Detachment organized several large-scale sieges during the slack season, and now the Lixia River area is relatively safe.

Of course, this is only limited to the villagers of the "Red Flag Army" system, because Yu Quanzuo did not wipe out all the water thieves in Yancheng, and recruited a group of water thieves, the leader is Gu Mazi.

The "Red Banner Army" has worked hard and spent a lot of manpower and material resources to build up the duotian, and no one is allowed to touch it.

To deal with water thieves and robbers, there is the Yangtze River Detachment. When dealing with the government, landlords, and squires, of course it is Gu Mazi's water thieves.

(End of this chapter)

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