Chapter 771
After dispatching Chao Hal, Hong is making two-handed preparations, because the next few possibilities are nothing more than these.

One possibility is that Kong Youde withstood the offensive of the "Red Banner Army" and really dragged the war into a severe winter. Then Hong is planning to concentrate and use all the cavalry that can maneuver to go to Pyongyang to fight Huang Han to the death.

But this is too optimistic. To be honest, Hong Jie doesn't believe that Kong Youde can defend Pyongyang for more than three months. If he can hold on for a month, Chongde will be impressed.

Chongde has already made up his mind that as long as the generals guarding Pyongyang last for a month, even if they lose the city in the end, they will not be punished, let alone harm their family.

Another possibility is that Pyongyang will be lost within a few days, and the "Red Banner Army" will soon cross the Yalu River after taking all of North Korea, and it will not be far from Hetuala, the land of Longxing of the Jurchens.

Although the geographical location is not important, the political significance is extraordinary. At this point, the Qing army had to fight fiercely with the "Red Banner Army" in the mountains and forests east of Hetuala.

The best possibility is that because Jierharang and Azig fought hard, Daming was unable to parry, so he could only dispatch the "Red Banner Army" to march thousands of miles to rescue Shaanxi. It is estimated that one year will be gone. .

In an extra year, the Qing Congress sent out three to five hundred more heavy artillery pieces. At that time, they also learned from the Ming army to set up cannons on the city walls to defend the city.

The "Red Banner Army" attacking the city will face heavy artillery bombardment, and will also encounter a surprise attack by Manchurian cavalry when the queue is chaotic.

This is the good strategy that Hong Jie came up with to defeat the enemy. He has commanded and attacked the Ming army's city many times. Under normal circumstances, the Ming army can't defend it and is completely beaten. The main reason is that the Ming army's combat effectiveness is not good.

And Hong Jie is proud to believe that as long as the artillery fire of the Qing army can suppress the artillery of the "Red Banner Army", the Manchu and Mongolian cavalry will be able to break through the formation and kill the "Red Banner Army" blood.

No matter what the possibility is, Chongde needs cannons. Without cannons, they have to wait to be bombarded by the "Red Banner Army".

The problem is that there are only forty cannons that have been successfully cast so far, and only reached eighty in October. Then, due to the cold weather, it is impossible to continue casting cannons, and the only way to continue is to wait until next spring.

Hong Jie had personally witnessed the battle under Ningwu Pass, and he thought that if Shengjing was attacked by the "Red Banner Army", he could also organize a counterattack like that.

He knew that the easy-to-transport small artillery of the Ming army had a short range of only two hundred paces, while the Tianyou Fuwei General's cannon could shoot seven or eight miles away, with an effective range of three or four miles.

Dozens of cannons were deployed at the top of Shengjing City to bombard the Ming army for three rounds, and then [-] to [-] cavalry launched a group charge. No matter how powerful the enemy was, they would be torn to pieces by the surging cavalry iron flow.

The key is that there is not enough time and too few heavy guns. Hong is extremely anxious. He is eager to survive this year and persist until next autumn.

At that time, there will be [-] newly-cast Tianyou Cheering Generals running, plus the original [-] to [-] artillery pieces of various calibers, which will be enough to deal with the attack of the "Red Banner Army".

In order to complete the plan of relying on Jiancheng to conduct artillery battles and cavalry battles with the "Red Banner Army", the Qing Dynasty not only mobilized the whole people to make steel, but also used a lot of labor to strengthen the city walls of Shengjing and build forts.

The shortage of labor force directly leads to the lack of field management. The current wheat fields are growing badly. It is foreseeable that the grain production will be reduced by at least [-]-[-]%, and the days of slavery next year will be difficult.

It is known that Kong Youde's troops have no war horses, so there is no need to worry about them escaping. Due to the lack of troops, Huang Han did not arrange a four-sided siege at all. inside.

More than a dozen fixed posts were arranged to monitor the movement in Pyongyang city around the clock. Once the defenders in the city were found to come out to warn in time, the cavalry would rush to kill them in time.

Doduo's 3000 troops are staring at thirty miles east of Pyongyang, facing the enemy from the front and rear, making all the "Red Banner Army" soldiers uncomfortable.

Therefore, Huang Han decided to suspend the attack on Kong Youde's tribe who couldn't escape, and went to the east to challenge Duoduo's tribe, just to see if that kid had the courage to fight.

The personal guard battalion and five thousand total cavalry of more than [-] plus eight thousand total infantry and four total artillery pushed the one-pound Fran cannon towards the Doduo camp.

Huang Ang, Shi Xian, Xu Erlu, Mao Chengdou and other eight personal guards were also in the battle sequence. Huang Han specially arranged for them to participate in the operation so that they could get a chance to exercise.

Over the years, several groups of guards around the Patriarch have been sent out and the sky is rising, while Gu Kui and Yan Congyou have stayed with the Patriarch. Now they have boarded the last train to be promoted to officers, and Gu Kui has even been assigned to the Guard Battalion Qian Zong.

Of course they know that the guards around the Patriarch are the key training targets, and they will do everything possible to ensure their safety when a battle occurs.

Gu Jixiang, the general manager of the personal guard camp, knew that the general manager Ge Daben knew that the next task was to follow and chase the Duoduo tribe. They even carried two military dogs, Ge Liuben and Ge Erben, on their backs.

Nowadays, there is a trend of guarding and training dogs for nutrition. Of course, they are not pet dogs, but bulldogs and working dogs.

There were two or three hundred young men from the guard camp carrying military dogs on the road. The benefits of bringing military dogs were self-evident. Sometimes releasing more than a dozen military dogs was more effective when judging whether there was an enemy ambush in a complex terrain.

Knowing that a net has been set up to surround and wipe out Duoduo's troops, he also foresees that Jiannu will not wait to die. At that time, the unknown number of people who will flee into the deep mountains and old forests will bring hundreds of military dogs to participate in the search.

During long-distance horseback riding, the military dogs stay obediently in special backpacks. They have a deep relationship with their masters, and they stick out their tongues from time to time to lick the sweat on the master's face.

It is rare for young men not to love dogs, and the dog king Ge Daben personally participated in the training. The hundreds of military dogs in the guard camp are all human, and they have brought too much happiness to the young men.

When Huang Yi left the guard camp to serve in the Longwu Navy, he deliberately brought Ge Erben's descendants Ge Shiqi and Ge Shijiu. In fact, he liked Ge Liuben the most, but he knew that his brother liked it too, so of course he wouldn't take it with him. Ge Liuben went to his post.

Huang Han led the Kaesong front army to deliberately slow down the advancing speed in order to allow the Yalu River front army more time to deploy, and when they pressed Doduo to the east to withdraw from the Pyongyang defense line, they did not put on a fight to the death.

Doduo was puzzled, because the "Red Banner Army" did not launch an attack when they reached the city of Pyongyang, but began to organize people to cut wheat.

In the past few days, Duoduo couldn't bear it several times, and he planned to take the cavalry to take the initiative to charge, but He Luohui dissuaded him in time.

He Luohui is a staunch supporter of Dorgon, and he was sent to Pyongyang by Chongde because he was too close to the two brothers Dorgon and Duoduo.

(End of this chapter)

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