The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 776 Straight to Pyongyang City

Chapter 776 Straight to Pyongyang City

The advantage of our army is obvious, Sun Yuanhua is unreasonable, and the gunner continues to adjust the coordinates according to the data corrected by the observer.

Artillery commanders such as Fulang Yalanda, Fang Sigu, Cheng Luyong, Shi Changchun, etc. were on the front line to direct the shelling nearby.

Cheng Luyong, who already has the rank of the third rank, is actually appointed as the chief artillery officer, and the chief artillery officer is under his direct command.

At this time, he personally controlled a [-]-pound field gun and fired ten shells one after another, each of which fell on the head of Pyongyang City. A heavy artillery of the Qing army was completely destroyed by him.

Just as the field artillery fired ten rounds of shells and stopped firing to dissipate heat, General Zhenglu's Chinese military order flag was waved, and a sharp attack whistle sounded.

The 3000-meter gunmen jumped out of hidden trenches and headed straight for the city of Pyongyang. Their task was to beat the Pyongyang defenders at a distance of [-] steps so that they could not show up.

Zhang Geng, the chief of the hundred musketeers, has 30 mini gunners under his command, and they are all running forward at this time.

Zhang Geng would have been punished for torturing Geng Zhongming to death with a dozen comrades from Denglai. He didn't regret it, even if he was beheaded by the general Zhenglu.

Unexpectedly, after returning from the capital, no town governor came to talk to him at all, and the matter seemed to be left alone.

Now Zhang Geng is only thinking about attacking Pyongyang and capturing the traitor Kong Youde. Before entering the trench to hide, he saw Kong Youde's banner with the binoculars provided, and even vaguely saw the slave general who was suspected of Kong Youde pointing at the top of the city.

Although Zhang Geng was Zhang Keda's youngest son, he had never met Kong Youde at all, so he didn't recognize that big traitor.

When Zhang Keda served as the commander-in-chief of Denglai under Sun Yuanhua, Zhang Geng was not in Dengzhou in his hometown in Nanzhili, so he survived.

Seeing that the time for blood revenge is approaching, Zhang Geng tried his best to capture Kong Youde, the chief culprit of the disaster in Denglai, so of course he ran with all his might.

In his hand he carried a minigun, which he had loaded himself and carefully checked the flint, and he carried a spare on his back.

Zhang Geng understood that quickly approaching to the effective range and killing the gunners at the top of the city in time, so that the Qing army could not fire the guns, was the best way to protect the lives of himself and Paoze.

He is very confident. It is not that ignorant people are meaningless at all, but that years of hard training have made him infinitely confident.

Zhang Geng took good care of his weapons and believed in the two Miniguns he owned. He believed that as long as he got close to [-] paces, he could kill the leading Qing gunner on the spot just by relying on the feel of his hand without aiming.

What kind of people bring what kind of soldiers, Zhang Geng, the 30-mini shooter of Baizong, was originally selected as a person with shooting talent, and he worked hard under his devil-style training. Everyone can do it blindfolded Complete the loading and achieve a good result of more than eight rings by virtue of the feel.

In fact, when the Minigun was born in the world, there were hundreds of gunmen lightly attacking the positions of the smooth-bore guns.

The reason why Huang Han arranged for the gunfire first and then arranged for the Mini gunners to attack was because he cherished Pao Ze's life.

The most confident shooting distance of the Mini gunners is within two hundred paces, and when they approach this area, they will face the attack of the city head cloth fire artillery.

Not only the ten heavy artillery with an effective range of four miles, but almost all the artillery can play a role when the Mini gunner approaches. .

Since Kong Youde discovered that the "Red Banner Army" concentrated its forces to attack the South Gate, he concentrated as much as possible small cannons that could be fired without a solid fort, including many Franco cannons between one pound and three pounds.

The total number of artillery on the south wall of Pyongyang has exceeded one hundred, and this is not counting the thirty-odd guns used as anti-war artillery.

The 3000-mile gunmen approached with artillery fire, and it was completely uncontrollable how many people would fall down on the way.

When destroying most of the cannons at the top of the city, letting the Mini gunners approach quickly will reduce too many sacrifices.

Now it is found that the artillery battle effect is better than expected, and the killing effect of [-] shells falling on the top of the city is not covered.

Not only were gunners killed and injured everywhere, but Pyongyang's anti-fire artillery was also bombed out.

In the process of approaching, the 3000-meter gunners had only a dozen or so sparse shells that entered the team that was not in formation and kept running in a loose formation.

Due to the earthy ground, the landing point of the shells was so soft that they could not hit directly and basically could not cause damage. Only three unlucky Mini shooters died on the spot, and seven of them fell to the ground with their legs broken.

The seven young soldiers were very tough, one of them was the chief banner officer, they clenched their teeth tightly and remained silent, with beads of sweat dripping from their foreheads.

Predicting that casualties were inevitable, the medics followed the Mini gunners and charged, and found that some soldiers had fallen and treated the wounds in time. The stretcher team formed by the Guards Army would carry the soldiers to the field hospital for surgery after a while.

Zhang Geng and others, the fastest 200-meter gunner approached within [-] steps of the city wall. With sharp eyesight and quick hands, he raised his hand and shot directly at a Qing army who was trying to fire the Fran cannon. The minigun blasted a Qing soldier again.

The other gunmen who approached were unambiguous, with an accuracy rate of more than [-]%, and the few stubborn resisters were headshot one after another.

More and more Mini gunmen approached the city wall, and two 3000 Mini bombs were fired, and there was no longer any target on the top of the city. It was very simple, and the Qing soldiers who were not killed were scared to the ground without exception.

At this time, the artillery in the rear position rumbled again. It was after a short cooling, the eighty field artillery of the "Red Banner Army" roared again.

Immediately afterwards, there was a uniform shout. It was the guards and soldiers carrying swords and shields who were carrying ladders and preparing to attack the city, rushing straight to the city of Pyongyang.

Kong Youde has long since disappeared from the south gate, he is not stupid, he thought that the artillery battle could last for a few days without losing the wind, but who knows that it took less than half an hour for the battle to be judged, he has already lost the ten gates that were deployed at the south gate Heavy artillery.

There are more than ten heavy artillery in Pyongyang. Why did Kong Youde not mobilize all the heavy artillery to participate in the artillery battle when he discovered that the South Gate was the main attack direction of the "Red Banner Army"?

There is a reason for that. First of all, the heavy artillery that can fire ten catties can reach four to five thousand catties. How difficult it was to transport in ancient times without cranes.

Moreover, heavy artillery needs a solid fort, otherwise the city wall may be collapsed by the recoil. A fort for ten heavy artillery was built at the south gate of the city. Carrying guns, bowl-mouth guns, and tiger squat guns to make up the number.

Kong Youde has fought for a long time, and he knows the whole leopard at a glance. He persisted in commanding the artillery battle until there was no heavy artillery to command, and then he sighed.

He didn't run away because he was afraid of death, he knew that he was going to die, but he didn't want to be smashed to pieces by shells at the top of the city, but hurriedly ran to King Xingyuan of Gongshun without leaving a word of explanation.

(End of this chapter)

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