Chapter 795 Catharsis
He Luohui lamented: "We are all warriors of the Qing Dynasty. We didn't expect to fall into this field. I knew that we should have faced off with the cavalry of the 'Red Banner Army' outside Pyongyang today. Death on a horse is better than death." Much stronger here."

A Pashkuba Yala said: "Master, don't be discouraged, we can't wait to die here, the slaves don't believe that the 'Red Banner Army' can persist in searching the mountains, as long as we persist until they give up hope of living."

A Ba Ya Lazhang Jing sniffed his nose and said: "That's true, maybe the 'Red Banner Army' will retreat in three days, and the servant estimated that after searching such a large area, the number of troops mobilized must exceed [-].

How many Qing warriors are still alive today, 200, 100 or 50?Are they worthy of using so many troops?It will definitely be withdrawn in a few days. "

Duoduo suddenly laughed miserably, and he said frankly: "This king knows why the 'Red Banner Army' persevered."

He Luohui said: "Prince Yu, you don't need to tell me, the servants all know about it. The servants never think that you are dragging everyone down."

Duoduo said: "The fact is that this king has dragged you down. If the 'Red Banner Army' found my body, they must have withdrawn their troops early. How could it be possible to use tens of thousands of troops just to deal with hundreds or even dozens of soldiers?" A surviving Qing warrior."

Bashkuba Yala said: "Master, you are just guessing. It may not be the case. Besides, we lost you, master. Is it necessary to go back alive?"

Suddenly Duoduo burst into tears, not sure if he was moved by the guards around him, or he wanted to vent.

After crying, Duduo seemed to feel a lot better, and he said to everyone around him: "There is an old saying in the Han people, the strong wind knows the strong grass, and the toughness knows the honest minister.

Only today did the king fully understand the meaning of this sentence. The king vowed that if he could return to Liaodong alive, he would share wealth with each of you from now on, regardless of whether he was a brother or a brother. "

Several Ba Yala said in unison: "The servants will be desperate to protect the prince, and even if they cannot escape successfully, they will never leave and fight for life and death together!"

Duoduo corrected: "Brother! We are brothers who share weal and woe. From now on, we are not allowed to call ourselves slaves in front of this king."

The three Ba ​​Yala who had good physical strength stood up at this moment, and said, "Prince Yu, let's go find some prey. When the pursuers fall asleep in the middle of the night, we can take the risk of lighting a fire and eating some cooked food again."

The food has long been gone. Duoduo and others have been eating wild fruits, bird eggs, and prey for dozens of days, and they have basically never eaten a full stomach.

A few days ago, they went all out, lighting a fire in the middle of the night to roast a few big fish they had caught, and transferred early the next morning, apparently without being spotted by the pursuers.

In the past two days, they have taken the risk of lighting a fire in the second half of the night to eat a bite of cooked food, otherwise it doesn't matter whether they are caught by the pursuers, just diarrhea will kill them.

Ge Liuben is undoubtedly the most powerful military dog. He has led Gu Jixiang and Ge Daben to find at least a hundred Jiannu.

Now Ge Liuben, together with Gu Jixiang, Ge Daben and more than 200 non-commissioned officers from the guard battalion, have been camping in the mountains for three days.

Ge Daben felt that Ge Liuben seemed to have noticed Dodo's whereabouts.

After Jiannu abandoned his horse and fled into the forest, all the horses were seized not long after, and after dozens of captives identified Doduo's mount among them.

Dodo's saddle has become the source of smell for all military dogs, and Ge Daben believes that Ge Liuben has remembered Dodo's smell.

Because Ge Liuben walked resolutely when leading the team, he found three slaves on the way and came to bite Gu Jixiang's trouser legs, he refused to waste time with Ge Daben and Gu Jixiang, and still walked ahead to lead the way.

There are more than a dozen military dogs in the team, and they all seem to serve Ge Liuben, and even when eating meat, they wait for Ge Liuben to eat before eating.

Near noon, Ge Liuben found three traces of fire under a cliff in a small mountain depression. Ge Daben turned over the ashes and tried the ground with his hands, and found that there was still residual heat.

It is obvious that Jiannu will not leave for too long. This place should be the camp where Jiannu spent the night yesterday. Looking at the size of the fire and the traces on the ground, Ge Daben judges that Jiannu should be between 30 and [-] years old. Among people, Duoduo is very likely to be among them.

Getting closer and closer to Big Yutou, the soldiers of the Guards Battalion were inexplicably excited, and everyone didn't feel bitter, happy to follow Ge Liuben to play stalking and chasing.

Jiannu, whose whereabouts were discovered by military dogs, could not escape. The next morning, Gu Jixiang used binoculars to see the figures of twenty or thirty Jiannu, and the net of siege and interception was opened again.

The dog that doesn't bark is the most powerful. After noon, when Ge Liuben approached Duduo's hiding place with a dozen military dogs, not only did he not bark, but he crawled in the grass and waited for Ge Daben and Gu Jixiang behind him. Catch up with your subordinates.

At this time, the weak Doduo was leaning against a big tree to rest, and seven or eight of his personal guards ran away, and it is unknown whether they were captured or beaten to death.

The rest of the 19 people have long lost their energy, and everyone has a runny nose. Half of them have had diarrhea for five or six days, and it is estimated that they will collapse from exhaustion in at most three days.

He Luohui was also having diarrhea and couldn't run anymore. Realizing that time was running out, he lamented: "The 'Red Banner Army' is so ruthless that they have searched the mountains for more than a month, and there is no sign of retreating.

Master, you can take the other brothers to go later, the servant can't hold it anymore, he has been having stomach troubles for the past few days, and almost pulled out his intestines. "

At this time, only a "grunt" sound was heard, and a stench spread from He Luohui's crotch. It turned out that the boy pulled his pants before he had time.

Duoduo cried and said, "Good brother, would you like me to help you?"

He Luohui said: "Master, I don't want to die stinking all over, can you take me to the side of the mountain stream, let me take off my clothes and wash them well before going on the road?"

Duoduo agreed: "Okay, I will serve you once today, and I will definitely clean you up."

At this moment, Gu Jixiang, who had completed the outflanking, shouted: "Kneel down and surrender to avoid death."

A swift-responsive Bashkuba Yala brandished a knife and prepared to resist. Gu Jixiang raised his hand and shot the enemy in the chest.

Several Jiannu who had been limp on the ground, including He Luohui, suddenly jumped up and launched a flashback attack, shouting: "Master, go, the slaves are holding back the Ming army."

He did not encounter a fierce battle, and the short guns in the hands of the non-commissioned officers played a big role in the hand-to-hand combat. Jiannu who tried to desperately tried to get close was often shot dead at close range.

(End of this chapter)

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