Chapter 80
The on-site speeches of the "Red Banner Army" soldiers are too convincing, not only human witnesses, but also many bloody heads as physical evidence.

Before the story was finished, the old and young people in Fengrun County were aroused with passion, because the soldiers and civilians here also hated those Jiannu and Tartars.

Although Fengrun County was not lost, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians died in the two offensive and defensive battles. Many villages were destroyed by slaves outside the city.

Although most of the people in the city saved their lives, almost every household had relatives living outside the city, so there were so many victims.

The soldiers and civilians in Fengrun County were outraged when they saw the heads of the Jin army chopped down by the "Red Banner Army". Victory", "Ming army mighty" and other cheers resounded through the sky.

Since it is necessary to establish a heroic image, of course you can't just talk about it, Song Pengfei and Hanzi led dozens of people to capture and display them in public.

Several sets of white armor and dozens of fresh real slave heads with grinning teeth and dripping blood feasted the eyes of the onlookers. Everyone raised their thumbs and shouted: "'Red Banner Army' are all real men."

Soon the story of the "Red Banner Army" beheading many slaves and Tartars spread throughout Fengrun County.

Of course the servants who followed Gao Youmou knew about it, they went back to the post house and dragged the young master along with the onlookers to see clearly the heads that could exonerate the Gao family.

There is no place to find if you break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it!Seeing what he wanted, Gao Youmou laughed.

He was worried that his face was not enough, so he personally went to the county government to ask the county magistrate for help.

Guo Bichang was old Gaodi's protégé, so of course Mr. Gao would not refuse such a trivial entrustment, and the two of them visited Huang Han not long after.

A scholar-bureaucrat and a scholar came together to visit a Jiujiu warrior, but Huang Han was puzzled because he didn't know these two people at all.

Guo Bichang was also not interested in sitting down with the martial artist Rao Gai, and after a few words of pleasantries, he went straight to the topic.

He told Huang Han that Mr. Huang, who was sitting as a master, had something to trouble Mr. Huang, and he was just accompanying him.

Mr. Gao was actually a real person, he had no negotiation skills at all, he was very eager, and immediately asked Huang Han to give up the military merits of a 8000th-level real slave, and the Gao family was willing to offer [-] taels of Wenyin.

This is the Chinese way of doing things. It is obvious that they are paying money to buy heads, but they don’t directly talk about business at all.

Mr. Gao is also really anxious. If the old man of the Gao family is taken into Zhao Prison by Tiqi to be punished, if he wants to get him out, tens of thousands of taels of silver may not be enough to fill the bottomless pit of officialdom. Even a family fortune of several 10 taels of silver will be lost overnight.

If the head reward is only counted in silver, the first-level true slave armor is only worth 40 taels, and the price given by the Gao family is already close to 300 taels of silver for the first-level.

In fact, Huang Han has already accepted this price in his heart, and he has gained too much. He is already a thriving star in Daming, and there is no difference between the [-]th level and the [-]th level. The third level, and the imperial court's willingness to promote it to another level already belongs to special affairs and special affairs.

But it was clear that Gao's family was very anxious, and they were rushing to buy exotic goods to live in. If Huang Han didn't sit down and raise prices, wouldn't it be a waste of studying market economics.

Huang Han pretended to be incredulous: "These gains were all obtained in the bloody battle of Paoze. How can I give up the credit of my brothers for some things? Mr. Gao, forgive me for not daring to follow orders."

Gao Youmou did not expect that the military reward several times higher than that of the imperial court would be rejected on the spot, and he was speechless for a while.

The magistrate of the county often deals with Jiu Jiu Wu Fu, and understands that there are no people who do not love money.

Because military officers have to support their families to be able to be powerful, how can they deal with the expenses of their families if they don’t want to find money?

Without servants to follow them into the battlefield, the generals might not have been killed by the enemy, but might have died from ordinary battalion soldiers who hated them and looked for opportunities to play tricks behind their backs.

Seeing the embarrassing atmosphere, he smoothed things over and said, "It is understandable for Mr. Huang to be sympathetic to the gains from the bloody battle, but Mr. Huang should also be considerate if he can give more dignity to the dead and disabled soldiers. If he can get pension money and support money, the more the better. If Master Huang thinks there is anything else that needs to be done for meritorious service, feel free to bring it up."

This is the advantage of exclusive trading, there is no price comparison, the head reward of the imperial court can not only be counted in silver, how much is it worth to be promoted to a level or two for civil servants and generals?Who can figure out the muddled accounts here?
Huang Han just laughed, and the young master of the Gao family, who was determined to win, was dumbfounded. Now that the county magistrate opened his mouth to smooth things over, it was obvious that he was going to increase the price.

Huang Han put on a show and sighed: "Oh! Although silver is good, it can't be eaten as food. The brothers under the command always think that they will have something for the rest of their lives, so they can feel at ease fighting with Jiannu and Tartar!"

Guo Bichang was really capable and he could hear Huang Han's implication immediately. He said: "Shengdou Xiaomin should feel at ease in his heart because he has more than ten or twenty acres of land in his hands. This is not difficult to do." After he finished speaking, he looked at Gao with piercing eyes Conspiracy.

Mr. Xiucai immediately understood, and said, "Your Majesty Huang, you don't want money and you can ask for land! The Gao family will give you all the land in Wulitai Zhuangzi. Can you see how many heads of real slaves you can share with the Gao family?"

Huang Han looked at the black line on the forehead of this talented man, he was indecisive and drank his tea without answering the question.

Guo Bichang laughed and said, "Young Master Gao, you must first explain how many acres there are in Wulitai Zhuangzi, how much is in the lower field, how much is in the middle field, and how much is in the upper field. Otherwise, how will Mr. Huang know how much to share with you?"

Gao Zhimou thought that Huang Han was still unwilling to accommodate, and he felt a little uncomfortable. He heard the reminder from the magistrate, and then he suddenly realized.

He hurriedly said: "The Gao family has more than [-] mu of farmland in Wulitai, less than [-] mu of middle farmland, and no one mu of upper farmland. The total amount of land should exceed [-] mu. It's not that the Gao family's farmland is not good. As for why Most of them are Xia Tian, ​​Master Huang should know it well."

Huang Han knows a thing or two about the dirty things in the fields. Under normal circumstances, the private fields of Shengdou Xiaomin are mostly in the upper fields, while the scholar-bureaucrats' homes are in Susukida and Shimoda.

Because the land taxes of the Ming Dynasty are divided into grades, the taxes that need to be paid for the imperial grain in Shangtian are quite different from those in Xiatian.Since the Ming Dynasty raised scholars, it is only natural that ordinary people should bear such stupid things as paying taxes.

In order to evade taxes, scholar-bureaucrats did everything they could to conceal their actual property and use the best to make up for the worst, which was the most common and common means of tax evasion.

(End of this chapter)

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