Chapter 800 Why are you fighting?
Seeing Qin Liangyu being so stubborn, Gu Zhun became impatient.

If he obeys the order and stays with the "Red Banner Army", and Qin Liangyu leads white soldiers to chase the bandits in northern Sichuan, wouldn't the General Zhenglu's promise to do his best to protect Qin Liangyu's safety become out of reach?
Originally, the general who recruited captives was not optimistic about the white-armed soldiers coming out of Sichuan, worrying that Qin Liangyu and the others would suffer double blows from bandits and slaves, losing their troops and losing their generals.

If Gu Zhun's [-] "Red Banner Army" soldiers and guards followed, they might be able to save the day. Wouldn't the division of troops weaken the overall strength?

Gu Zhun flatly refused, "No, our army is not only facing millions of hungry people, but also countless bandits and bandits.

With a radius of hundreds of miles, the mountains are high and the forests are dense. I don’t know how many enemies I face. Without the participation of white soldiers, even if there is food for the work of resettling and helping the hungry people, it will eventually be impossible to complete due to insufficient manpower.

The white pole soldiers must stay and advance and retreat together with the 'Red Banner Army'.This is not only the proposition of the last general, but also the order of the general who conquered the captives. "

Ma Xianglin, Qin Yiming and other generals could hear that Gu Zhun was thinking about the white soldiers, and also believed that staying in Chengdu to calm the people and raise troops could increase their strength.

Qin Liangyu's anger surged again, she had already given in and gave up commanding the five thousand "Red Banner Army", but Gu Zhun not only refused to give up an inch, but even brought out the general who conquered her to suppress her.

It had been a long time since the Ming Dynasty had any civil and military generals with the seal of a general. Qin Liangyu, the commander-in-chief with the seal of a general, is not comparable to a general, and he should really obey his orders.

It's just that this is not Liaodong, and it's not under the jurisdiction of General Zhenglu. Why should he interfere in the affairs of Central Sichuan thousands of miles away?
She said: "I am fully in charge of suppressing the bandits in Sichuan. I am afraid that the general's military order will not be able to control the white soldiers. Tomorrow the white soldiers will go north to chase the main force of the bandits. General Gu's troops please do what you want."

Gu Zhun clasped his fists and asked: "Why do we soldiers fight? To protect the country and the people! The last general firmly disagrees with General Qin's immediate northward march. You are responsible for the millions of starving people. If these people have not been resettled, you Can't go anywhere."

Qin Liangyu asked back: "It's a joke, how much food can I have in my hand, how can I have the ability to resettle millions of hungry people? Of course the 'Red Banner Army' who has money and food to stay and resettle the hungry people, I can only fight to the death with the bandits to repay the emperor's favor. "

Gu Zhun ignored him and said: "General Qin can't just walk away, the last general's troops are not enough to stabilize such a large territory, if a large number of hungry people starve to death due to poor relief, and they gang up and rob houses to harm more places, General Qin will not be able to refuse to blame.

In the end, it will be played that the general who participated in the Qin Dynasty was so overjoyed that millions of hungry people ignored him, just to get the beheading power to make a splash. "

After all, Qin Liangyu is a military commander, with little flirtatiousness, and there is a gap between Gu Zhun's level of debating. She feels that Gu Zhun is messing around, but she can't say any words that can kill, so she points at Gu Zhun angrily, "You, you..." Without saying a word, he walked away.

Zhang Fengyi winked at Ma Xianglin, and chased her mother-in-law out.

Ma Xianglin knew that Gu Zhun had no malicious intentions, seeing how determined he was to keep the white soldiers behind, he did not hesitate to confront his mother tit for tat, and admired him in his heart.

Seeing his mother walking away, he asked in a low voice: "General Gu, why does the General Zhenglu refuse to go out for nothing? Can he foresee that the battle there will not be easy?"

Gu Zhun said: "That's true, the white-armed soldiers have to expand their army again to defend Sichuan, how can they have the spare energy to go to Shaanxi to fight fiercely?
What's more, the situation there is quite serious now. The number of bandits alone is conservatively estimated to be between 20, and the number of Manchurian cavalry should be [-] to [-].

Filling in [-] white-armed soldiers and an additional [-] Sichuan troops will not help the matter at all, and will damage you loyal ministers and generals of Ming Dynasty in vain. "

Qin Yiming was not convinced, and asked: "How can you see it? Even if the rogues have 20 troops, what's the problem? I can count as ten of my white soldiers."

Gu Zhun said: "First of all, we didn't defeat the rogues, but they took the initiative to retreat northward, and their troops were not damaged. The number of old battalion cavalry that can be assembled by a dozen big leaders should not be less than [-] to [-]. With such strength, it is absolutely possible Form a raid.

The white-armed soldiers are in a hurry to chase you. If you are not allowed, the bandits will set up an ambush to deal with you just like Cao Wenzhao's commander-in-chief. The vast majority of the white-armed soldiers are infantry, limited by their mobility. Doubt.

The terrain in northern Sichuan is complicated, and there are so many places where you can set up an ambush. How could this officer stand by and watch the white soldiers suffer?
At this time, if you are not in a hurry to go north to pursue the pursuit, you can respond to all changes with the same.Besides, it is impossible for us to be negative while staying in the Chengdu area. Facing millions of hungry people and tens of thousands of robbers, there are many things to be busy every day. "

Qin Gongming had studied in the "Red Banner Army" for more than a year, and he knew that there were no generals under Huang Han's command who made a name for themselves. After listening to Gu Zhun's analysis, he felt that it made sense.

The rogues always have to be eliminated, but they can't be too hasty. Only when the white soldiers have an overwhelming advantage can they give a thunderous blow.

Now it is the last word to restore the areas destroyed by the bandits in time.

He took the lead in expressing his support for Gu Zhun, saying: "General Gu has great foresight and unique insights, we should accept the faithful advice, there is really no need to rush north now.

If you let the aunt's temperament, even if the white-armed soldiers defeat the bandits, it is impossible to form a massacre, at most they will be defeated, so what if they chase out of Sichuan?
Thousands of miles away there were looted again by the rogues who were walking ahead. How can we guarantee our military rations?
How easy is it to travel thousands of miles to transport grain?How many troops and civilians will be used for this, and how much food will they have to eat?

The areas we pass through are all seriously short of food. What should we do when we meet the elders in Chuanzhong who are facing starvation?
If we are willing to help the victims, we will have nothing to eat, and if we refuse to help, thousands of elders will starve to death. Why are we white soldiers fighting?

This does not count the bandits, bandits, and local rogues in the passing areas. If they do not get food, they will also face the fate of starving to death.

When I saw the troops transporting the military rations, everyone was desperately trying to grab the rations, and they would face a bloody battle all the way to transport the rations. In the end, how many white-armed soldiers could survive, and how much food could they transport to Shaanxi?
In case our main force pursues all the way to Shaanxi and encounters slavery, with the fortitude of white soldiers rather than surrender, this time it is really easy to go out of Sichuan and difficult to return to Sichuan! "

Ma Xianglin said disapprovingly: "Loyal ministers are not afraid of death, if they are afraid of death and are not loyal, the worst is to die for the country! Fighting for the country always thinks about how to protect oneself, isn't it inferior?"

These words were provocative, and many white-armed generals held their heads high, their faces full of pride that they would not hesitate to fight and die for their country.

(End of this chapter)

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