Chapter 802
Qin Gongming is the lieutenant general, the Qin family and Shi Yin, the governor of the Qin family, is a military aristocrat of the Ming Dynasty, who likes to be straightforward when doing things and speaking.

Seeing that Ma Xianghe was digressing, he said impatiently: "General Ma, don't go around the bush, just say what you have to say, General Gu Zhun is also one of our own."

Ma Xianghe said: "The last general means that the general Zhenglu is trustworthy. My white soldiers should follow his lead. If General Zhengxi insists on going his own way, we will resolutely not implement it. The law does not blame the public. If it really develops like that, Zhengxi General Xi can only choose to compromise."

Yo!This is debatable!Qin Gongming, Qin Yiming, Qin Zuoming, etc. did not dare to second, and looked at their cousin Ma Xianglin together.

Ma Xianglin really couldn't do it when he openly gathered a crowd to resist his mother's military order, he looked embarrassed.

Ma Xianglin's appearance fell into Gu Zhun's eyes, he smiled, and said: "General Ma is a filial son, how can we force him to do unfilial things, I have a plan, and I will definitely not embarrass everyone, everyone pay attention. "

After Gu Zhun whispered to the main generals of the white soldiers, they all came up with clever ideas.

The next day, Qin Liangyu, who was so loyal and patriotic to the point of fanaticism, insisted on going his own way, disregarding Gu Zhun's advice and ordered to move out. After walking three miles north, the white soldiers were blocked by hungry people all over the mountains and plains.

A group of old men tremblingly came to Qin Liangyu's horse and knelt down, scaring Qin Liangyu to get off the horse and go to help, but these elders refused to get up.

An old patriarch who seemed to have a reputation said in a hoarse voice: "General Qin, you can't leave us! Every family's food has been robbed by bandits, and countless homes have been burned.

Seeing that the weather is getting colder and colder, millions of people will die of hunger and cold!If you don't care, why are those young and middle-aged people in the clan willing to starve to death?Nine times out of ten they will turn from thieves to rogues. "

This is Gu Zhun's strategy. He issued a notice overnight to force the common people to keep their soldiers in vain.

At this time, the bandits had just retreated, and it was a time when people were panicking. The people in the four towns and villages around Chengdu were indeed like frightened birds.

Clan elders, village chiefs, etc. were slightly bewitched by the people who went to contact them, and when they learned that the army was about to move out, they immediately realized that a catastrophe was imminent, and called on the villagers to keep Qin Liangyu and her troops behind.

This trick really worked, Qin Liangyu couldn't drive the people to insist on going on the road, so he could only comfort the elders in Sichuan.

She discussed with the elders who took the lead: "Fathers and fellow villagers, I have been ordered to kill the enemy for the country and pursue and wipe out the rogues. I am not abandoning everyone. If the villagers block the way of the army, the rogues will escape and miss the opportunity to fight."

Several old men cried: "General Qin, the white-armed soldiers and the 'Red Banner Army' are our reliance, the hope of our fathers and folks to survive, with you by our side, we feel at ease even if we suffer from hunger.

If you leave, we will not be able to restrain the young people in the clan just by relying on the township agreement and clan rules.

Those young people who were originally honest and responsible may take risks for a bite to eat. If the young people in the clan turn into murderous and arsonist rebels, even if we die, we bad old men will have no face to enter the ancestral hall! "

At this time, more common people gathered, and tens of thousands knelt down in black. They said in unison: "General Qin, please stay! The elders in Sichuan need your help."

Who can still go with this posture?Being tricked, Qin Liangyu could only choose to give in. She was thinking in her mind whether she could break out of the camp overnight and go north to escape the siege of the common people.

She said: "Folks, please hurry up, I promise that you will not leave for the time being."

Cheers broke out among the hungry people, and then the "Red Banner Army" propaganda team announced loudly:
"General Zhenglu and General Zhengxi solemnly promise not to starve to death a single elder in Sichuan. From today on, we will serve porridge twice a day. Put chopsticks in the porridge pot to ensure that it will not fall over."

"Caomin thank you General Zhenglu for your kindness, thank you General Qin..."

"Wan victorious is the general who conquests captives! The general who conquers the west is victorious! The red flag army is victorious! The white soldiers are victorious!..."

I don't know who took the lead in cheering, maybe it was a trick arranged by the publicity team, or maybe it was a feeling from a hungry person, and the slogan suddenly rang out.

At this time, dozens of educated youths from the "Red Banner Army" took the lead in singing a discipline song: "Red Banner soldiers must keep in mind that they will not plunder the common people if they starve to death..." Immediately tens of thousands of people sang loudly.

Countless hungry people whose homes were devastated and starved of food were moved to tears. They wiped their tears and sang along...

Huang Han's rescue of the Sichuan people is not just lip service, but a lot of money and food. I believe that it will not take long for the General Conqueror to take root in the hearts of every Sichuan citizen.

People's support is very important. In the Ming Dynasty, Sichuan was also a populous province, and there were so many people in Sichuan, there were probably 2000 to [-] million people. It was necessary to ensure that the water and soil in this area were sufficient to support the people in this area, and it was necessary to immigrate some of them to the "Han River Province".

Don't worry about the white soldiers leaving quietly, because there are differences among them. It seems that Qin Liangyu is the only one who insists on pursuing the bandits as soon as possible. The generals under his command think that it is more meaningful to settle in Sichuan.

Once Qin Liangyu gave the order to move out, ordinary people who received the notice would definitely come to block the road. Qin Liangyu couldn't do the evil deed of whipping the ordinary people to make way, so he was destined to be unable to just walk away.

Gu Zhun had talked to Ma Lanhua many times, and he made it clear that it was the general's order to not allow the white soldiers to leave Sichuan, and every soldier of the "Red Banner Army" in Sichuan had to find ways to complete this task.

Ma Lanhua has a special status. First of all, she is the son of the Ma family and should be loyal to the head of the family. She is also a general of the "Red Banner Army" and more loyal to the general who conquered the captives.

Millions of elders in Sichuan need the protection of the army, and to ensure the safety of Qin Liangyu and the white soldiers, both public and private Ma Lanhua must go all out.

She stated to Gu Zhun that if she had to, she could even use the female soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" to temporarily put General Zhengxi under house arrest, and make the old Patriarch feel wronged, which would be better than bringing [-] to [-] Sichuan troops to Shaanxi to die.

Zhang Fengyi's attitude of supporting Huang Han was stronger than that of her husband Ma Xianglin. She absolutely supported the Sichuan people guarding the Sichuan.

Moreover, the shadow of Houjiazhuang has always been lingering in Zhang Fengyi's heart. Every time she thinks of the twelve hundred brothers and sisters she lost there, she feels as if a knife is piercing her heart.

In fact, Zhang Fengyi hated the irresponsible imperial court. The white-armed soldiers were about to be annihilated in a deadly battle. Zuo Liangyu refused to save him.

It was still in the north of the Yellow River, which was only two or three hundred miles away from the capital, and went out of Sichuan to fight in Shaanxi. The sky was high and the emperor was far away.

(End of this chapter)

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