Chapter 804
As the name suggests, the regimental training commander is just the leader of the militia. The food and salary under his command are provided by the local government. The number of troops depends on the financial resources of the local government. It is really rare to see people with combat effectiveness.

However, if the regiments are trained and armed in the hands of the "Red Banner Army", and some grassroots military attaches are equipped and appointed, a Type B "Red Banner Army" regular barracks may be born in a year or so.

With the current strength of Tongguan, with the cooperation of the flag guards, even if the rogues and slaves join forces to attack, the only way to break through the pass is to run out of food in Tongguan, and the possibility of forcibly breaking the city is basically ruled out.

Moreover, the longer Tongguan faces being attacked, the more difficult it will be for the enemy to attack. Of course, the "Red Banner Army" has developed, and it is not certain who will fight who in the end!

Gao Yingxiang, who did not fight fiercely with the "Red Banner Army" and white soldiers in Sichuan, retreated calmly. They were also frightened by frequent hunger. Cannibalism was a last resort. They were actually unwilling and wanted to be able to eat whole grains.

After looting a small and a half of the affluent places in Sichuan, they not only obtained a large amount of gold and silver treasures, but also obtained more than 200 million shi of grain. Having grain in hand means that more Qin people can be taken in to join the army.

Too many minions and entangled refugees led large animals and pushed wheelbarrows full of grain to the north for transshipment. They had already made several trips back and forth.

The rogues are so willing to take trouble because they want to bring back more results of looting Sichuan to Shaanxi.

After Gao Yingxiang, Ma Shouying, Li Zicheng, Yao Tiandong, etc. formed a [-] elite team led by the old battalion cavalry, they set up an ambush at a place called Mawangmiao under Dabao Mountain, [-] miles south of Jiangyou County.

The old thieves did not gain their reputation in vain. They learned how to fight in constant wars. They knew that in order to ensure that the looted food and supplies were transported to Shaanxi, they had to hit the chasing Ming army hard.

They believed that [-] elite soldiers had been gathered to set up an ambush. Even if white soldiers chased them, they would lose their soldiers and generals when they were waiting for work.

But they waited and waited, the rogues waited for half a month without any movement, and came back to report that the Ming army has not yet reached Mianyang, God knows when they will enter the ambush circle.

Unexpectedly, the white soldiers who had been marching forward bravely would sit and watch the rogues who plundered the Chengdu Mansion retreat calmly.

With enough time, the rogues actually transported most of the food they robbed. It is foreseeable that if they can keep the food from being taken away by the Ming army, they will not have to worry about being hungry for a long time.

At the end of November, when the bandits came to Hanzhong again, it was completely different. Hong Chengchou's main force had already set out, and now he was stationed in Xi'an and Xianyang to confront the Manchu and Mongolian cavalry.

In fact, the actual confrontation is not very accurate. It should rely on the two big cities to stick to it, hoping that Jiannu will retreat after a few days of robbery like before.

The Manchu and Mongolian cavalry did not attack the city. Of course, they still adopted the usual trick of picking weak persimmons. They had to break through some clan armed stockades in search of food, otherwise they would also face the risk of starvation.

Since Hanzhong City was abandoned by the "Red Banner Army", it began to take a sharp turn for the worse. First, too many soldiers, civilians, and officials followed the evacuated Sifang Bank guards and Sifang Express Escorts to embark on a long migration road.

Then it was discovered that the main force of the Ming army led by Hong Chengchou had withdrawn. The residents of Hanzhong City who had a little insight felt that the end was approaching, and there were not many people who fled with their families.

In the city of Hanzhong, there was Zhu Changhao, the king of Rui, who devoted himself to Buddha and did not care about worldly affairs.

Of course, Hong Chengchou would not put the vassal king in danger. When he withdrew the army, he specially arranged for three thousand Ming troops to move for King Rui.

The reason is very good. I took King Rui to live in the Prince Qin's mansion in Xi'an for a while, and made plans when the situation in Shaanxi was stable.

It is the ancestral system that the vassal king cannot leave the fief for no reason, but Hong Chengchou, a court official, went up to the court to temporarily evacuate Hanzhong in order to ensure the safety of King Rui, and Chongzhen of course allowed it.

When Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng, Ma Shouying and others surrounded Hanzhong City again to prepare for a strong attack, they found that the four gates were wide open. The few remaining troops in this city had fled. Take the initiative to open the city gate and resign yourself to fate.

In fact, Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng, etc. are more cruel than Zhang Xianzhong.

They haven't even killed Xiang Wang Zhu Yiming, Guiyang Wang Zhu Changfa and other Ming princes captured from Xiangyang City until now.

The rogues now have money and food, and they are not considered extremely vicious. After they got the Hanzhong City with all their beards and tails, they did not kill or set fire, and even recruited young and middle-aged people to eat food and serve as soldiers in their team.

The vast majority of those who stayed in Hanzhong City and hid in the mountains were extremely poor. They had nothing, so they didn't have to worry about losing anything.

Why is there such an idiom as "extremely vicious"?Poverty represents extremes, and it also reminds those in power not to polarize too much, causing poverty to change into evil.

The rogues gave food, and the impoverished Hanzhong people didn't care about right or wrong. More than [-] young and middle-aged people took up arms and joined the army of killing officials and rebelling.

After staying in Hanzhong City for three days, I didn't find a large group of Ming troops coming to attack, but I found too many guerrilla troops who were scattered in the mountains and forests by Hong Chengchou came to join.

These people were also very hungry, and after finding the main force, they were happy to accept the reorganization of Generalissimo Gao Yingxiang.

Soon Gao Yingxiang knew that things were going smoothly during this period of time, and it was completely taking advantage of the establishment of slaves to invade Daming. Now the main force of the Ming army in Shaanxi went to defend the defense lines of Xi'an and Xianyang.

Gao Yingxiang lived in Prince Rui's mansion grandly, and discussed important matters with the leaders in the meeting hall.

The two deputy marshals and eighteen generals proclaimed by Gao Yingxiang, the civil and military marshal of Fengtian Advocacy, are now only the deputy marshal Zhang Xianzhong and the seven generals, and the rest are on his side.

Gao Yingxiang said: "This time, recruiting all the brothers is to discuss the big event of recommending slaves to fight in Shaanxi.

As we all know, the last time our team encountered Jiannu, they didn't beat us to death.

Our idea is very simple. The old master Nurhaci who died of Jiannu was originally a general of Daming, and later became a king of Ming Dynasty and became a traitor of Ming Dynasty. The enemy of Jiannu is Daming.

The purpose of us killing officials and rebelling is also to establish ourselves as kings. We are also rebels, and we are no different from Jiannu, so Jiannu did not regard us as enemies. "

Li Zicheng said: "The Generalissimo is right, we and Jiannu are rebels against the Ming Dynasty, and one is in the east and the other is in the west, there is no hatred between us.

Jiannu and us only encountered each other occasionally. They didn't kill us because they showed goodwill.

We also need to know the good and the bad in the future, and when we find that the army of slaves is walking around, don't conflict with them to waste our strength in vain. "

(End of this chapter)

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