Chapter 819
Chu Chu was too busy to go to Seoul to spend the New Year with Huang Han.

Because last autumn, Jinling Everbright City opened grandly, attracting rich families from Nanzhili to flock to it. As a result, the construction team and decoration team jointly funded by Zheng Xiu'e and Qin Yuyi under the name of Chu Chu received countless orders.

Splendid Jiangnan was the most affluent place in the Ming Dynasty. The textile industry was unprecedentedly prosperous, and the sea trade was extremely developed. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, capitalism sprouted here, with hundreds of thousands of industrial workers.

The flush toilets, nickel white copper pipes, galvanized pipes, faucets, valves and other products produced by the factories in Huxue City, Shanhaiguan, and Tianjin Wei are all out of stock, and the orders have been queued until the end of the year.

Huang Han himself will benefit a lot from the big sales of new products, because the products he designed with Goldfinger not only earn high profits by investing in production himself, but also have to pay for imitation merchants. The patent protection period of the "Red Flag Army" system It is 15 years.

For example, flush toilets, which merchants dare not pay the patent fee to boast that they are original, Huang Han may fine them out of their fortunes, and Huang Han will not bully others, nor let others bully them.

The dignitaries, chaebols, and landlords in Nanjing all took running water and bathrooms as fashion in their homes, and they really fell in love with this kind of life.

This is the same reason that urban people feel extremely uncomfortable when they occasionally go to the extremely underdeveloped rural areas and need to squat to defecate.

It is easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but it is even more difficult to go from luxury to frugality. Xungui, who is used to flush toilets, naturally cannot stand the smelly latrine or the traditional toilet that often splashes manure.

The new year has come, and 8000 students who have completed the half-year internship period will become full-time soldiers.

Huang Han still strengthened the navy, taking the path of youth and knowledge, and four thousand educated young people entered the Longwu navy to serve.

The Guards Battalion received a thousand youths, and the rest were sent to serve in each battalion.

900 were promoted from the young officers and corps leaders who had served in the Guards Battalion for two years, and at least they were given the position of small banner officers.

They will have 300 people, led by Yang Xiaochui and Shen Youlue, to set off for Sichuan by boat on the tenth day of the first lunar month.

Since the steel production in the system doubled every year, the production of self-produced guns and miniguns could already meet the equipment needs.

Three hundred young officers escorted [-] self-propelled muskets, [-] miniguns, and [-] one-pounder Francois machine guns.

With these equipments, another [-] officers were recruited into the Guards Army trained by Gu Zhun for three months of intensive training, and two "Red Banner Army" Type B regular battalions were formed.

Next summer, there will be three battalions of "Red Banner Army" headed by Gu Zhun, supplemented by Yang Xiaochui and Shen Youlue in northern Sichuan, with a total of [-] soldiers.

Although it is a B-type battalion, its combat effectiveness in the mountainous area will not be too bad, because they only have one cavalry with less than a thousand cavalry.

I believe that Sichuan has stronger white-armed soldiers than in history, and there are three more battalions of "Red Banner Army" soldiers, Weisuo Army, and Xiangyong, which are more than enough to defend the soil.

Before leaving, Huang Han confessed his truth to Shen Youlue and Yang Xiaochui, two disciples who were the acting camp masters who were former guards.

In the winter, in addition to no less than 2 "Red Banner Army" soldiers in North Chengdu, it is necessary to train [-] guards with a total of [-] soldiers who are strong enough to guard the soil. Less than [-].

Not only did Gu Zhun send officers to the academy to transport equipment, but Zhao Kun, Gu Rushan, Pei Yuanwu, and Yu Quanzuo also received [-] officers and [-] self-generated blunderbusses and miniguns respectively, and also gave them the opportunity to expand the two second-type battalions. prepared by.

He Yongqing, Lei Mingchun, Lin Shunwen, Wang Yu, Huang Xinsheng, Huang Xinfu, etc. acted as battalion commanders respectively. When the word agent was removed, it depended on whether they had the ability to command three to four thousand troops.

The Guards Battalion has 720 troops. There are no artillery and heavy soldiers. At least they are infantry who can gallop on horseback. More than half of them have cavalry skills.

Gu Kui, the battalion leader, Yan Congyou, the deputy battalion officer, Gu Jixiang, the governor of the township, Ge Daben, the [-]th chief, Huang Ang, the second thousand chief apprentice, Mao Chengdou, Shi Xian, and other seven disciples were acting as the chief guards respectively. duty.

Contrary to the vigor and vitality of the "Red Banner Army" system, Liaodong can be described as gloomy and lifeless everywhere. Of course, this is the result of the fact that the soldiers and civilians of the Qing Dynasty obtained accurate information and knew that the [-] Qing troops stationed in North Korea were annihilated in ashes.

The most reliable sources of information are of course those who experienced it personally—the five hundred Tartars and slaves who were released.

The Tartars and Jiannu who were released were not stupid. They got a self-defense weapon and a smooth knife. Each of them received [-] cooking cakes and five canned sea fish as dry food. They left the warship and set foot on the land of Liaodong in a small boat. After that, they dared not disturb anyone.

It's their choice to go back to their homes. These people are senior soldiers who are quite familiar with the terrain and the rules of the patrol team. They walk across the mountains and walks at night, and most of them get home safely.

One hundred Jian slaves all came from Xiangbaiqi. Niulu where they live is in a miserable state, because more than half of the males go out to fight, which leads to a shortage of labor force, and most families are saving money on food and clothing.

Due to being assimilated by the Han people, Jiannu now also knows how to celebrate the New Year, but the festive atmosphere is not very grand. A hundred families unexpectedly saw the return of the head of the family at the beginning of the first month, and many of them wept with joy.

These people are all soldiers who built slaves, and they originally had positions in Niulu. Moreover, many Niulu Ezhen have lost their lives in North Korea, and now no one in Niulu knows about it.

Seeing the vests and armors that came back from North Korea, Tong Niulu's family would of course come to ask why their relatives have not returned for so long?

As a result, one can imagine that two or three thousand Niulu families belonging to Xiangbai Banner cried loudly, and this New Year's Eve was miserable.

Within a few days, Gebush Xianchao Haying began to surround these Niulu with white flags, with only one purpose - to hunt down the spies released by the "Red Banner Army".

The Jiannu who were released all thought of this result. Some returned home with the idea of ​​earning money if they could see their wives and children. They didn't think about resisting. They were completely resigned to fate. Of course they were captured.

Some people went home and saw their wives and children, and took bows and arrows, carrying food, and bedding, and hid in the deep mountains and old forests. They wanted to wait for the limelight to pass before returning home quietly.

The fate of the [-] Tartars released was similar, half of them were arrested by Gebush Xianchaoha.

After half of the people found their clansmen, they told the patriarchs and chiefs what happened in North Korea, and told all the clansmen that the "Red Banner Army" was too powerful, and it was hard to compete with slaves, and that it was only a matter of time before the country was destroyed.

And it is asserted that the Mongols must never follow the Jurchens to slaughter the Han people, otherwise they will be doomed, and it is best to leave Liaodong, a place where wars are about to rage.

(End of this chapter)

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