Chapter 834 Embarrassment
Fan Wencheng analyzed the situation to the Manchu and Mongolian generals and a dozen traitorous generals, explained the pros and cons of taking Lintao for development, and received support.

Zuo Liangyu didn't know that he was in an embarrassing situation. Shaanxi was basically taken by Gao Yingxiang. Without a common goal, the Qing army and the rogues would gradually become separated from each other, and it was very possible to develop into a war.

Attacking westward away from Xi'an and seizing the cities and territories that are still in Daming's hands can indeed ease the conflict, of course he agrees.

Moreover, the prospect described by Fan Wencheng seemed to be good, Zuo Liangyu was concerned.

Surrendering to become a slave and becoming a traitor is an expedient measure. Zuo Liangyu is not a person who is willing to be subordinate to others, he has ideals.

If he wants to build a territory in the Northwest, why can't he, Zuo Liangyu, follow the path of Li Yuanhao, the lord of Xixia.

Didn't Li Yuanhao surrender to Song and Liao successively back then, and later he soared into the sky to establish a tripartite confrontation between Xixia, Song and Liao.

The future is unknown, everything depends on human effort, Zuo Liangyu will not be content with the status quo, he will fight hard.

Most of his men and horses are old troops who have followed for two or three years, and he will force many Ming troops to surrender when he goes west to attack, and many Ming people will be arrested.

The rogue army with horses, villagers, and Gao Yingxiang separated the contact with the Ming army. As long as it develops in three or two years, it should not be too difficult to establish a separatist force.

Although the Manchurian cavalry and Zuo Liangyu's tribe had their own ulterior motives, at least they had reached a consensus at the moment. In order to accomplish the first goal, it was the right time to seize the prefectural capital and county of Lintao Prefecture.

Ever since, Azig led 10 Manchurian cavalry and [-] horses from Zuo Liangyu's tribe to the west, taking all the food and grass.

Jierhalang stayed in camp outside Shaanxi, waiting for Fan Wencheng, who went to Xi'an to negotiate with Gao Yingxiang, to return to the camp.

Although Gao Yingxiang is the nominal Qin King of the Qing Dynasty, there is no doubt that the two county kings, Azige and Jierhalang, are the masters. It is impossible for them to send troops to the west to attack, and they don't bother to ask Gao Yingxiang for instructions in advance.

Fan Wencheng came to Xi'an Prince Qin's Mansion to find Gao Yingxiang to inform the whereabouts of half of the Qing army and Zuo Liangyu's troops, and also had another purpose, to provide food and grass for the remaining [-] Manchurian cavalry.

This area is now Gao Yingxiang's world, Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong, Luo Rucai, Ma Shouying, etc. are discussing with King Qin whether to send someone to negotiate with the Qing army and ask to take over the troops gathered by Zuo Liangyu.

Unexpectedly, Zuo Liangyu's troops marched westward, and half of the Mongolian cavalry accompanied them.It didn't take long to report that Fan Wencheng had entered the city.

Although the attack on Xi'an distributed a lot of gold and silver treasures to the Qing army, the rogues got more than double. It's very simple.

What's more, the city, mansion, government office, armor, weapons, guns, artillery, etc. that he got were all accepted by Gao Yingxiang with a smile. Gao Yingxiang, who got such a big deal and could accommodate others, could not turn his face against the Qing army in a short time. Fan Wencheng.

The dispatch of 10 horses was too much movement, so there was no need to hide it. After entering the table, Fan Wencheng went straight to the point and said: "My official congratulations to King Qin for taking Xi'an Xiongcheng. This place is full of royal aura. There are successively Zhou, Qin, Han, Sui, The Tang Dynasty built its capital here. The king of Qin can achieve great ambitions if he gets this place!"

Everyone loves to hear good things, and Gao Yingxiang is no exception. He said cheerfully, "Master Fan must have something to discuss when he comes here. This king likes to be straightforward, and Master Fan has something to say."

Fan Wencheng said calmly: "Most of Shaanxi has been captured by the King of Qin, and the number of troops has doubled again. Now we will face a big problem, the food is not enough to support the autumn harvest.

Therefore, without waiting or relying, our Qing army dispatched 10 horses to the west to collect food.

The official thought that the iron should be struck while the iron is hot, and that the rebel army should continue to cooperate with the Qing army who stayed outside Xi'an to attack the north. It would be best if they could fight all the way to the Ming border wall and take down many fortresses at the border.

The sentinel horses of the Qing army sent back scouting reports that there were still no less than [-] troops guarding the borders of Daming in Yansui Town, Guyuan Town, and Ningxia Town, and now more than half of them are in the Fuzhou area, three or four hundred miles north of Xi'an. Those troops are wiped out, and there will be no worries in North Shaanxi! "

At this time, it is time to unite with the Qing army to deal with the Ming army, and it is not time to turn around.

Although Gao Yingxiang was dissatisfied with the Qing army's direct command of Zuo Liangyu's troops, he still kept his face calm.

He said: "The Qing army and the rebel army came to the same goal by different routes. The rebel army originally broke out from northern Sichuan and took Hanzhong directly, and in early April they fought all the way to [-] miles outside Tongguan.

There are white pole soldiers and a part of the "Red Banner Army" stationed in northern Sichuan. They are on the defensive and should be difficult to shake.

Tongguan has troops from the Beijing camp of the Ming Dynasty and many "Red Banner Army" guarding it strictly. Our army has dispatched thousands of people to try to sneak into Guancheng, but so far no one has returned.

It can be seen that Tongguan's defense is impeccable, and it is impossible to cooperate with the inside and outside.

This means that the south and east of Shaanxi cannot be attacked for the time being.

Going west and north to attack the city and expand the territory is exactly what the king wants. Tomorrow, the rebel army will dispatch 10 horses to join the Northern Expedition of the Qing Army. "

Tongguan was firmly controlled by the Ming Dynasty. In order to prevent the Ming army and the "Red Banner Army" from suddenly breaking out, Gao Yingxiang ran a line of defense in the west of Tongguan.

Relying on Huayin County, a north-south trench was excavated in the west of the city to lead directly to the Yellow River. Gao Yingxiang's confidant, the big boss Huanglong, was stationed here.

Obviously, Gao Yingxiang's arrangement is to take a defensive position in the south and east of Shaanxi. Li Guo and Huang Long, who are impeccable in loyalty, each lead 15 vagrants and vagrants. .

The Tongguan garrison did not think of going out to kill the enemy on their own. Apart from operating a line of defense ten miles west of Tongguan to establish a buffer zone, they basically stopped attacking westward.

The current "Red Banner Army" in the Central Plains has no shortage of people and equipment, but time. As long as there is six months of intensive training, the incorporated Ming army will be completely transformed and integrated into the "Red Banner Army" as a collective.

When the rogues were busy farming, so did Henan, Zhongdu, Beizhili, and Shanxi. It seemed that there was no problem for the time being, and it could be regarded as a calm period after the war. The two sides were preparing for the next climax.

The army led by Wu Wei, Wang Zhixin, Wu Zimian, You Shiwei, etc. has been wandering around the edge of the Guanzhong Plain near Kunzhou. They are afraid of the mobility of the Mongolian cavalry and are worried that they will be surrounded by a movement on the plain.

Fortunately, they followed the advice of the flag guards and did not rush to the vicinity of Xi'an, otherwise they would have gone and never returned.

The sentry horses sent by Wu Zimian, You Shilu, etc. did not take long to encounter the defeated Xiong Wencan's troops.

Knowing that the so-called 25 army was destroyed, the young men immediately fled to the north. They were very shrewd and divided half of their troops into Yan'an Mansion and half into Yulin City at the desert border.

(End of this chapter)

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