Chapter 844 Ryukyu Kingdom
It should be a blessing to the Indians that the North American continent was invaded by the Han in advance. The Huang Han will not and does not need to adopt a genocidal policy.

As long as the Indians choose to submit to the "Red Banner Army", they can stay alive. After three generations of Sinicization of these people, the Indians who are also of the yellow race should be able to integrate into the Han nationality.

This is not self-talk. Most of the ethnic groups that disappeared in history, such as the Xiongnu, Jurchen, Xianbei, Jiehu, Di, Wuhuan, etc., have integrated into the Han nationality. The barbarism of these ethnic groups is no less than that of North America. Indians.

Chinese, Chinese characters, yellow skin, the brilliant Chinese civilization will take root in North America until it is deeply rooted and leafy, and the Indians can get the opportunity to receive education and become the Han people of the "Great Han Empire".

The first goal of the long-distance fleet is to occupy the Hawaiian Islands and establish a supply base and dock on Honolulu Island.

In this era, the United States has not yet appeared, and the Kingdom of Hawaii with Honolulu or Honolulu as its capital does not exist.

The entire Hawaiian Islands should be considered unclaimed land.Soon there will be a great Han civilization there, and it will be a matter of course for it to become the land of the Han people.

The voyage across the Pacific Ocean is too long, first consider taking the Hawaiian Islands, and then consider finding Midway Island.

Because Midway Island is too small, only a few square kilometers, and it is a deserted place in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, it is not easy to be found, so this time I did not consider looking for this island during the long voyage.

As the number of immigrants continues to increase, the occupied areas continue to expand, and more and more resources are obtained, the fleet across the Pacific Ocean will develop to several or even dozens of trips a year.

It is very important to find and build a large dock on Midway Island and establish it as a supply base. It is also necessary to station a navy for emergency rescue here.

Huang Han did not stipulate when the fleet would return, nor was he too worried about the failure of this long voyage.

Two hundred years ago, Magellan was able to lead several ships with a displacement of less than 200 tons, lead hundreds of people to complete the circumnavigation, and named the Pacific Ocean.

Today's nautical level has improved too much, with fairly accurate nautical charts, and the technology of building ships has advanced by leaps and bounds.

The 36 warships, merchant ships, and supply ships are all new ships that have been launched for less than three years, with a total displacement of up to [-] tons. When encountering a storm, all sails are lowered and the wheels and paddles are used to sail against the wind. The possibility of being blown over is relatively small.

For the sake of safety, each ship is equipped with lifeboats, and there are two sentinel ships on the warships that can be equipped with two three-pound guns.

The equipped wooden sealed buoys are sufficient to meet the escape needs of all crew members, and everyone has life jackets made of old vines soaked in tung oil.

It's just that the return date is uncertain, but Huang Han believes that the fleet will definitely bring back a lot of collected rubber and cinchona bark when it returns.

By the end of next year, a small amount of natural rubber tires will definitely be able to replace part of the cowhide and canvas tires. Next, we will intensify efforts to develop pneumatic inner tubes, and the new wheel revolution will be in the ascendant.

Huang Han assigned tasks to Yang Dayou, a senior general of the Longwu Navy. He was one of the second batch of [-] children from Jiulitai Village who joined the team. He had been with Huang Han for more than eight years. For five years.

Yang Dayou is going to lead a battalion of marines with more than a dozen warships to the Ryukyu Kingdom, a foreign vassal state of the Ming Dynasty.

At this time, the Satsuma clan of the Japanese kingdom had invaded the Ryukyu Kingdom, and the Ryukyu king had been reduced to the puppet regime of the Satsuma clan.

Huang Han formed a separatist regime in the Wa Kingdom due to the rebellion of the Christian army, which caused the Wa Kingdom to expel the Satsuma Fan, and then stationed troops in Ryukyu to force this foreign clan to become the Ming Dynasty.

The Satsuma domain participated in the civil war between the shogunate army and the Christian army. The garrison in Ryukyu was less than [-] people. It would be wiped out soon after being attacked by a battalion of "Red Banner Army" marines.

The reason why Huang Han chose this time to win the permanent occupation of the Ryukyu Kingdom was not only to take advantage of the good opportunity of the civil strife in Japan.

It is also because the establishment of a large supply base in Ryukyu is far away from the supply base in Hawaii, which can reduce the supply tonnage carried by the long-distance fleet, which is more conducive to improving the efficiency of long-distance voyages.

After the Kingdom of Ryukyu became the kingdom of Ming Dynasty, the king of Ryukyu had to give up his military power like the king of Ming Dynasty and become a rich man in a down-to-earth manner, otherwise, the end would be bad.

Ryukyu and the Ming Empire are in a vassal relationship. Every generation of Ryukyu kings needs to accept the canonization from the Ming Dynasty. Even their king's surname "尙" was bestowed by the Ming Emperor.

Shangfeng, the eighth king of the second Shang Dynasty of the Ryukyu Kingdom, is the current king. This monarch has done nothing. He has always been grateful for the kindness of the emperor of Ming Dynasty, and once sent envoys to ask Daming for canonization.

This master is still soft-boned, as he was brought back to Japan by the captives of the Satsuma clan and imprisoned in Japan for several months.

The country is small, the country is poor, the people are weak, and the food cannot be self-sufficient. King Shangfeng is not a man of great talent and strategy, and I am afraid that he would not dare to do rebellion and seek independence.

All the Ryukyu people in history have integrated into the Japanese country. Now it is impossible. As long as there is time, the "Red Banner Army" will develop education throughout the Ryukyu Islands. I believe that within 30 years, the Ryukyu people who write Chinese characters and speak Chinese will be indistinguishable from the Han people. each other.

Yang Dayou was the first local official in Ryukyu to integrate the military and the government. As for whether the military rule will be implemented after a few years, it depends on the situation.

Huang Han is a traveler. In his eyes, there are no deserted islands. All islands are very important. Just kidding, although the islands are insignificant, the exclusive economic zone is [-] nautical miles away.

Yang Dayou not only wanted to govern the Ryukyu Islands and Sinicize the Ryukyu people, but also to completely occupy the Miyako Islands and recover "Yonaguni Island" and the Yaeyama Islands.

The infection of malaria made the Han people fear the tropical jungle, and Huang Han will be able to get Cinchona Cream next year at the latest, and this infectious disease will be eradicated.

The "Red Banner Army", who is not afraid of malaria affecting its combat effectiveness, will set out to seize the entire island of Taiwan next year, and then try to seize the country of Dai Viet.

While the offensive and defensive battles outside Jinzhou were in full swing, another accident occurred in the Central Plains.

The discipline of Zuo Liangyu's men and horses was corrupt. Most of the team were bandits, bandits, and rogues.

The generals Zuoma Shixiu and Du Yingjin who were originally subordinate to the "thief general" Zuo Liangyu were the leaders of the rogues. After surrendering to the "thief general", they were not dead.

Xuchang is a strategically important place. Zuo Liangyu has been stationed here for four years, and his official residence and family members are all here. Only the eldest son Zuo Menggeng has been serving in the army with Zuo Liangyu.

The news of the annihilation of the Ming army who rescued Xi'an spread to Xuzhou. It was learned that Gao Yingxiang, the leader of the alliance, now has the whole of Shaanxi and the title of King Qin of the Qing Dynasty. Too many former rogues were excited.

The [-]-strong Ming army was short of food and pay, and the rogues who surrendered were of course raised by their little mothers, and they couldn't even get food and pay.

Zuo Liangyu didn't come back for a long time, and it's unknown if he might die in Shaanxi. Ma Shixiu, Du Yingjin and others had evil intentions.

(End of this chapter)

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