Chapter 848
Originally, many ministers in the court were quite critical of Xu Mingyang's appointment, but they did not strongly object because it was recommended by the powerful Zheng Guochang and Liu Zhilun.

I didn't expect that anyone who was the "King of the Han River" would be easy to make contributions. As soon as Xu Mingyang took office, the situation in Jiangbei, which was already precarious, was immediately reversed.

Such obvious examples made many flexible-minded civilian and military generals make a decision.

They began to write letters to the same year, friends, disciples and old officials who went to work in the "Hanjiang Province", basically expressing their willingness to work for the "Hanjiang County King".

Xu Mingyang has made meritorious service. It is impossible for him to be promoted again after he was promoted just now.

At the same time, the inland river detachment of the "Longwu Navy" to ensure the safety of the canal was formally established. The imperial establishment that Xu Mingyang won was the Hongze Lake Water Camp, which was equivalent to a garrison camp, with about 2000 people.

It doesn't matter how much money the imperial court issued. The Inland River Detachment was not only active in Gaoyou Lake, Hongze Lake, Luoma Lake, Weishan Lake, and Dushan Lake, but also extended to Jining and Yangzhou.

It is the task of the inland "Red Banner Army" to completely wipe out the bandits and ensure long-term stability along the Grand Canal between the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. It is the focus of Xu Mingyang and all civil officials to make sure that tens of millions of farmers along the line have their land.

It is easy to irrigate here, and it is a fertile land of Ming Dynasty. Increase investment in water conservancy facilities, and it should be able to guarantee the harvest in drought and flood. After the "Red Banner Army" gets involved, it will definitely not become a barren land for thousands of miles.

The captured tens of thousands of rogues plus their families numbered more than 30. Except for beheading hundreds of heinous leaders, the rest were all sentenced to labor reform for three to ten years.

These people will be sent to Chifengwei in batches to work as miners. Next, [-] young adults with good performance will be selected among the miners. Next year, these people will take their families to the "Hanwei City" on the other side of the ocean to become pioneers.

Refugees and starving people are coerced into rogues, living a life of fear and fear. There is no future if they are hungry and full, and they don't know which day the whole family will die.

Many people got the opportunity to reform through labor, get a full stomach, and sleep soundly after finishing their work. Everyone feels that life is much better, and most of them do not object to reform through labor.

There are not many young and middle-aged people who know that good behavior will lead to freedom, wages, family reunion, and hard work for performance.

It would be best to use the reform-through-labor prisoners who have been bandits, have seen the light of swords and blood, and have worked as miners and understand teamwork to colonize the Americas.

These people are not easy to bully and dare to kill people. If they are attacked by barbarians, they will definitely be able to organize effective resistance.

All in all, the colonists cannot be too cowardly, or even too kind.

Due to the intervention of Shen Ming, Yan Yingyuan, and Li Guozhu, the civil strife broke out in the Wa Kingdom became more and more out of control.

In ancient times, the power of war was very important. The country of Wa was an island country, and there was uncertainty in the assembly of the army.

The "Red Banner Army" organized warships to transport the Christian army to complete the assembly, and a fleet composed of nine warships including the Western Yi deck warship Udwater and Venlo bombarded the Japanese fleet transporting the shogunate army.

Just this action made the shogunate army at an absolute disadvantage three times in a row, and was beaten to the ground by the Christian army led by Amakusa Tokisada. The Christian army captured a large amount of weapons and food, and their morale was even stronger.

So far, the Japanese general Tokugawa Iemitsu did not know that it was Daming who was playing tricks, because the nine warships were all of the Western Yi ship type that the Japanese were familiar with.

Not only the flags of the Crusaders but also the flags of Spain, the Netherlands, and England were hoisted on the warships. Most of the sailors on the deck were blond and blue-eyed Westerners.

The spread of Catholicism originated from Westerners, and it was Westerners who attacked the shogunate army, and it was also Westerners who initiated the rebellion of the Christian army.

Tokugawa Iemitsu hated the Westerners deeply. He decided to retaliate and issued an order to close the country. At the same time, the massacre of all Westerners on the land of Wa was in progress.

Shen Ming and the others used the captured Galen ship-shaped Xiyi warships, and used blond captives as sailors to attack the shogunate army and received miraculous effects.

Second Lieutenant Marcellus has served for the Longwu Navy for five or six years. He has settled down in "Tiger's Cave City" and has a wife and a pair of children.

He is now the first mate of the Udwater, and he has obtained a general rank equivalent to that of the "Red Banner Army". Every year, he gets at least 500 taels of silver for color, thirty stones of polished rice and half of wheat.

With this income, Marcel Laus's family of less than ten people lived in prosperity.

He is also a Catholic, of course he sympathizes with the Japanese believers who were massacred by the shogunate army, and he was absolutely proactive when attacking the shogunate army.

Most of the Xiyi prisoners of war used to attack the shogunate fleet were believers, and they all had the consciousness of fighting against the enemy. In addition, they kept discovering that the believers who were doing business and preaching in the Japanese country were brutally slaughtered, and their retaliatory attacks were even more vicious.

Some devout believers even volunteered to pick up matchlock guns and join the ranks of the Japanese Christian army.

One ebbs and another, the shogunate army is not only not as good as in history in the 11th year of Chongzhen and the 15th year of the Wa Kingdom in March, and the army was led by Amakusa Tokisada to complete the separatist regime.

The Christian army has grown to 5000, half of whom are young and middle-aged, and 10,000 people have matchlock guns. They actually control Amakusa, and Amakusa has occupied half of Kagoshima.

In order to obtain the good weapons of Ming Dynasty, both the Christian army and the shogunate army mined a large amount of copper, gold, and silver, because they had to use these hard currencies to buy expensive matchlock guns.

The war in Japan was lively, and of course Shen Ming and the others would not just sit back and watch. The "Red Banner Army" led the sheep to take Tsushima Island, Goto Islands, Hirado Island, and Iki Island.

Send all the aborigines on these islands to Chifengwei to work as miners. When they can become free people, they need to see if they have been thoroughly Sinicized.

Yan Yingyuan, Chen Mingyu, and Feng Houdun participated in Tuotu Gonggong and were promoted to one level again. Due to the addition of new territories, "Hanjiang Province" established another prefecture, which governed Wudao County, Hirado County, and Tsushima County on Jeju Island. The total land area is more than [-] square kilometers.

Yan Yingyuan served as a part-time garrison for the magistrate of Jeju Prefecture. He had one thousand general soldiers and two thousand household guards under his command.

Because Zhang Pu has clearly recognized the reality, it is also possible that he saw the vitality of the "Hanjiang Province", and he was very acquainted during this period and did not engage in connection.

He was recognized for his down-to-earth work, was promoted and appointed, and became a sixth-rank Tongzhi to directly manage Tsushima Island and Iki Island.

(End of this chapter)

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