Chapter 856 is imminent
The Shaanxi rogues are doomed to fail. Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng, and Zhang Xianzhong are all scumbags that have been proven by history, so there is nothing to worry about.

With the current strength of the "Red Banner Army", if you really make up your mind to fight with the bandits, all these thieves will be killed one by one.

The knowledge that is nearly 400 years ahead is why Huang Han refuses to do the stupid thing of making wedding dresses for others. Loyalty to the nation and the country is possible. Loyalty to one family and one family name is a joke in the world.

Could it be that Huang Han worked so hard, and the "Red Banner Army" shed blood and sweat, in the end, it was for the royal family, bureaucratic groups, landlords and riches of the Ming Dynasty to better annex the land and live a life of luxury and lust?

At this time, Huang Han's vision is more long-term, and the ultimate goal is to become the top decision maker of hundreds of millions of Han people and take the lead in carrying out the industrial revolution.

There is an imminent problem at present, that is, to solve the rubber plantation land before the introduction of rubber trees.

Obviously, there is no place suitable for planting rubber trees in the territory of the "Red Banner Army" system, and only subtropical and tropical areas can be planted on a large scale.

Huang Han convened a meeting of senior officials at the battalion level in Jinzhou, in addition to notifying the battalion leaders of the "Red Banner Army" stationed within [-] miles of Jinzhou.

Sun Chuanting, Zheng Xiaowen, Gao Youmou, Chen Qiyu, Wu Xiang, Zhang Fengyi, Liang Tingdong, Yang Yipeng, Sun Yuanhua, Jin Sheng and others were all invited.

Liu Zaiqi, Jiang Xin, and Ruan Dacheng, who were not able to make it to the original, also got the qualifications to participate in the meeting. They were very excited when they came to the venue and found that they could participate in such a high-level meeting.

In a corner of the conference room sat a senior general who was very out of touch nowadays. He only had one arm, but there were not many civilian and military generals who were afraid of him.

After working as a spy for a long time, he has developed a habit of not trusting people easily. Huang Sifang likes to sit in the dark and observe everyone.

Different from previous meetings, Huang Han first gave a science popularization to the less than one hundred senior civil servants and generals who attended the meeting.

For this reason, Huang Han made preparations early and drew the principle and structure diagram of the pneumatic tire.

He first talked about the various benefits of rubber tires, and then told everyone that it is expected that next year, the fleet sailing across the ocean will be able to bring back rubber tree seeds and some transplanted mature trees.

The senior generals were not illiterate, and they had all studied new learning for seven or eight years. Sun Chuanting, Chen Qiyu, Zhang Fengyi, etc. were actually the masters of this era, and their Sinology knowledge was a few blocks away from Huang Han.

Of course they could understand Huang Han's lectures in simple terms, and the upper echelons of the "Red Banner Army" system knew the mission and purpose of the expedition fleet, and they also talked about the magical rubber tree in private.

It is not a lie that stones from other mountains can be used to make jade. It is unexpected that rubber tree sap can make such a magical thing. No wonder the main family traveled across the ocean to expand soil in South America.

After half an hour of science popularization, it was time for free discussion. Huang Han stated that everyone can ask questions or discuss with each other. After half an hour, he will concentrate on answering.

Sun Chuanting, who always speaks straightforwardly, was the first to speak, and he said: "My lord, I understand what you said about the benefits of rubber, and I also know that the raw material of this thing comes from rubber trees.

Our "Red Banner Army" system has a large territory, with dry land, paddy fields, and mountainous lands, all of which can be transplanted on a large scale. "

Chen Qiyu said with a smile: "My lord, be safe and don't be impatient, I think the prince must have other intentions in calling everyone to a meeting instead of talking about the military situation and talking about rubber.

Rubber tires are so good that they not only increase the load and firmness of the wheels, but also can withstand exposure to sunlight and water.

It is imperative to plant rubber trees on a large scale. If you can introduce them casually, how can you use a meeting to decide? "

Zhang Fengyi interjected: "Master Sun is good at planning and employing soldiers like a god, I admire him, but he is lackluster in human relations.

The prince just said that rubber tires will drive the wheel revolution, and even the industrial revolution. This shows how important this thing is. If the planting can be done easily, is there any need to call everyone to a meeting? "

Song Pengfei, Wang Zhanpeng, and Huang Nongsheng had the most active discussion because their battalion directly under them had already obtained bicycles, and they were the first batch of battalions equipped with bicycles.

They have been training mounted infantry all this time, and they have also learned to ride bicycles.

Tires wrapped in cowhide and canvas with cork are vulnerable parts, and they have to be replaced in about a month or two, which undoubtedly increases the cost of time-consuming and laborious work.

They learned that the service life of rubber tires can last up to one year or even several years, and that after using pneumatic tires, the bicycle will be at least [-]% lighter, and they are full of expectations.

Song Pengfei said: "My lords, our troops are already using bicycles, which are really good. With bicycle equipment, it is not a lie for infantrymen to travel three hundred miles a day. The energy consumed is similar to marching sixty miles on foot.

What troubles us now is that the service life of the outer tire of the wheel is too short, and it cannot be soaked in water or exposed to the sun for a long time. If we have rubber tires, bicycle infantry should be even more powerful. "

Wang Zhanpeng said: "Using a bicycle is much more cost-effective than using a war horse, and it is easy to train, and it is not difficult to learn how to repair a bicycle. Nowadays, many soldiers can skillfully change tires and perform maintenance.

It's only natural that bicycles are so convenient, but if you have rubber tires, the quality of bicycles can be improved to a higher level, which is simply icing on the cake. "

Song Pengfei said: "The vehicle factory has already produced twenty tricycles, and now they are being tested in our department. As long as the carriage can be used, they can be used on any road section. A tricycle can be pedaled by one person, and the load is [-] catties. question.

A carriage must be equipped with at least one coachman, and he has to pass the driving skills and learn to pedal a tricycle, and he can be on the road in three days.If a large number of tricycles are used to transport supplies, not only can the efficiency be improved, but also a lot of cost can be saved.

Such good things have higher civilian value. If farmers who go to the city early in the morning to sell vegetables and fruits own a tricycle, they can not only transport three times more goods than carrying a load, but also save more than half of the time when entering the city. double? "


Seven to eight thousand bicycles have been produced, and now the number of factory shipments is increasing every month. By the end of August, there will be another [-] bicycles that will be equipped with the Jingshi Everbright City guards, so that they can participate in patrols on bicycles and improve efficiency.

I believe that the well-dressed red-shirt guards of the city that never sleeps patrolling the streets on bicycles will attract too much attention. When the bicycles are sold on the market in the future, they will definitely be sought after by dignitaries.

This is actually a marketing strategy. Let the people in the capital see the bicycles first, and let them know that such good things are all for military use, and they cannot be bought with money.

After a year, a small number of bicycles will be put on the market, which will definitely cause panic buying.

(End of this chapter)

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