Chapter 861
Pedaling the bicycle vigorously to accelerate, Kun Xing, whose cheeks were flushed with excitement, was very happy after catching up with her father, she said:

"Father, the 'King of Han River' should be the number one loyal minister and general of my Ming Dynasty, right? He is not only loyal to Father, he is also very good to his sons and brothers and sisters!"

Tong Yan Wuji, Chongzhen couldn't laugh or cry, he could only perfunctoryly say: "'Hanjiang County King' has made great contributions to the country, and he is indeed a rare talent."

"Yeah, yeah! 'King of the Han River' is amazing. He invented such a good thing as a bicycle. My son is riding a bicycle, and the court ladies can't catch up.

It is difficult to learn to ride a horse, and it is easy to fall. Learning to ride a bicycle is very fast, and it is very safe. If my Ming's infantry all ride bicycles, they can chase after the Tartars and Dongnu's cavalry. "

Emperor Chongzhen was capable of literature and martial arts, could ride a bad horse, and draw a strong bow, so he didn't know how difficult it was to practice riding.

Today he got the bicycle and fiddled with it for a quarter of an hour, and he could basically master it. Of course, he was amazed at the benefits of the bicycle.

Chongzhen praised: "Kunxing is very insightful! Indeed, if a large number of bicycles are equipped with troops, it can indeed improve mobility, but it may not be realistic to ride bicycles against cavalry."

"I have already written to ask the 'King of Han River' how to fight on a bicycle, but I haven't received a reply yet. Is it okay if I get a reply and show it to my father? My father can also refer to the method of the 'Red Banner Army' to train Beijing." camp."

Chongzhen could only smile wryly in his heart, he was not stupid, he knew how expensive a bicycle made of steel should be, and now that Daming couldn't even afford relief food, how could he have spare money to buy bicycles to equip the Beijing camp.

"Don't mess around, and don't bother 'King of the Han River' by writing letters in the future. You are a royal princess, and he is a foreign minister after all. Besides, he has to complete the five-year Ping Liao, and he is busy."

"Father, the 'King of the Hanjiang River' replied every time. He is like a teacher who solves puzzles. I have learned a lot of knowledge under his teaching. I don't think he is annoying!"

What else did Chongzhen want to say, but he couldn't say it too bluntly, he couldn't tell his beloved daughter that Huang Han might plan to plot against Daming Jiangshan and become a traitor.

Seeing that his father was silent, and seemed to dislike his correspondence with the "King of the Han River", Kun Xing explained:

"Father, the 'King of the Han River' wrote letters to his ministers to encourage his sons to study hard and strive for both civil and military skills. He also reminded his sons not to stay up all night reviewing memorials, but to persuade his father to take care of his body."

In history, Kun Xing had a weak personality and a miserable fate. Huang Han sincerely wanted to change her fate, and he had been influencing her since she was a child, trying to make her childhood full of sunshine as much as possible.

Taking time out every month to read and reply to Kunxing's letters has long been on the agenda of the secretariat, and I will never forget it.

Of course, the Dongchang secret agents would peek at the contents of Huang Han's letters, so Chongzhen also knew that Huang Han's letters conveyed positive energy.

He thought about it, and thought that it was not a bad thing for his daughter to maintain correspondence with Huang Han. When something really happened, there would be another channel for communication and negotiation.

Chongzhen finally decided not to get entangled in this matter, but to wait and see.

He was extremely tired during this period, mainly because the vassal kings from all over the country were ready to move, accusing the court of ignoring King Qin and King Rui being imprisoned in an endless stream.

Many officials in the places where the vassal kings were located submitted memorials. They all said that it had become common practice for vassal kings and county kings to leave their fiefs without authorization, and the local authorities were powerless to stop them, and they requested the court to severely punish them.

Difficulties at home and abroad, Chongzhen's head is as big as a fight, and today's Ming Dynasty is in jeopardy, and Huang Han is the only one who relies on it.

Weighing the pros and cons, Chongzhen had no choice but to suppress the anger in his chest and save the impeachment of the vassal and county kings. Not only could he not turn against Huang Han, but he was still thinking about how to mobilize the "Red Banner Army" to dispatch troops to Shaanxi to suppress the bandits.

A few days ago, there was another report from the Shaanxi army. Shangzhou was conquered by Gao Yigong, the leader under Gao Yingxiang's command. After seven days of hard work, only less than 2000 people from the general officer Mou Wenshou's troops managed to break through.

The rogues assembled more than [-] troops in the west of Shangzhou, and assumed a posture of bypassing Tongguan and going straight to Yunyang from the Shangluo mountain area. Three copies of the urgent official documents issued by the governor of Yunyang Miao Xuntu have appeared on the Longshu case.

The troops led by Gao Yingxiang personally surrounded the town of Yulin for a while, but fortunately You Shiwei, Wu Zimian, Hou Shilu, Mengruhu and other generals held the city to the death.

The offensive and defensive battle lasted for three full days, with tens of thousands of casualties on both sides. The rogues found about [-] "Red Banner Army" had left Biantouguan and moved towards Yulin before retreating.

Chongzhen is too anxious and often suffers from insomnia recently. His mood is complicated and he has been in conflict.

On the one hand, he hoped that the "Red Banner Army" would be victorious and complete the Ping-Liao as soon as possible so that they could recover Shaanxi. On the other hand, he hoped that the damage to Huang Han's strength would not threaten the Daming Jiangshan Sheji.

It was reported that Zhang Fengyi, Sun Yuanhua, etc. represented the "King of the Hanjiang River" in Beijing to present prisoners and boasted to arrange an interview on the spot. He really wanted to know whether the "Red Banner Army" could send some troops into Shaanxi to suppress the bandits.

The atmosphere of the court meeting on the eighth day of September was very lively. It was the rewarding group of the "Red Banner Army" who presented the results of the battle.

Battle must be won, attack must be conquered has become synonymous with the "Red Banner Army".

Even though Chongzhen was worried in his heart that Huang Han was planning to do something wrong, he still had to make superficial articles, and discussing the reward for the "Jinzhou Great Victory" was essential.

Liang Tingdong, who was determined to follow Huang Han, was the first to fire the cannon. He said:

"Your Majesty, the 'King of the Hanjiang River' blocked the reinforcements sent by Dongnu to Shaanxi in the spring, and captured Jinzhou City and the surrounding piers and fortresses for hundreds of miles, captured 15 puppet Manchu Qing soldiers and civilians, and beheaded thousands , making Dong Nu forced to take a defensive position.

The "King of the Hanjiang River" deserves generous rewards for its brilliant military exploits. The veteran proposed that the imperial court give the title of "King of Han" to boost the morale of the army! "

Zhang Fengyi, who had a tacit understanding for a long time, said: "The old minister seconded the proposal. At this time, adding an official to the 'Hanjiang County King' will encourage the 'Red Banner Army' to fight the enemy bravely. I believe that the day of Ping Liao is not far away."

Chongzhen thought that this would happen, so he didn't refuse, but looked at the first assistant Liu Yuliang.

Knowing that the emperor was going to let him take the blame, Liu Yuliang didn't do anything, who made him the chief assistant, so he could only say:
"The 'King of the Han River' deserved to be rewarded for his outstanding achievements, but the veteran thinks it is inappropriate to give the feudal king a title at this time.

Because there will be a war between Ping and Liao, and the 'King of the Hanjiang River' will still make contributions. If he is already the vassal king of the Ming Dynasty, wouldn't there be no seal after Ping Liao? "

In history, there are many powerful ministers with high achievements and no seals. They will not end well. Wu Qi, Bai Qi, Han Xin, etc. are all outstanding people. Which one is not outstanding in military exploits? family.

Shoufu's utterance of the four words "There is nothing to seal" is too easy to trigger associations, and the lethality is not small!

(End of this chapter)

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